Genderbend AU

272 5 0

Rody - Ronda
Vince - Vivian
Rayna - Raymond
Vicky - Viktor
Manon - Manuel

Lunch rush time, Ronda is serving the customers with her usual bright smile and joyful green eyes. The bistro was not as popular until she got hired as a waitress. Some men return just to see her. They got no chance to talk to her because Raymond is glaring daggers.
"Ray can you take over for a minute? I need to go to the restroom."
"Sure" Ronda rushes to the bathroom
She is sweating and hardly breathing. Her entrance is itching, begging for it to be rubbed and played with.
"Why now?" she gets on the toilet, her hand going in her pants and panties
She starts with circling and pinching her clit, holding her mouth closed not to let out any sound. She then inserts two fingers, softly rubbing her itching walls, going as deeply as she can. Her insides are getting warmer, her itch is replaced with pleasure, her mind goes foggy. If only she had longer fingers to go even deeper, to reach those special nerves for a higher level of pleasure.
"This'll have to do for now..." she curls her fingers, scissors them until feeling her fingers coated with her juice.
It took 10-15 minutes. She washes her hands and hurries back to serve more customers for the day.
"Lamoree, come to my office after you are done."
"Yes chef! Thanks cousin!"
"No problem" he pats her

"Did something happen chef?"
"What happened during lunch rush?"
"Oh. I had an upset stomach so I went to the bathroom. I'm all better now."
"An upset stomach? Did you eat?"
"I did. I didn't eat anything bad. I'll go clean up."
"Hold on a minute."
"Yes chef?"
"I'll need you later at my apartment."
"For what?"
"I'm holding a small party and I need you to serve the guests."
"Excuse me?! I already worked today! Heck no!"
"I'll pay you extra if you come."
Ronda frown remains but sighs. Extra money sounds like a fair deal.

Ronda serves the guests, not thinking of starting a conversation. She is very tired and annoyed at her boss. Earlier she was bothered down there, it could start again if she doesn't hurry home.
She puts down the last plate and goes to the bathroom.
"Gh!" the itch returned "Not now! Not here!" she washes her face "Hold it in until you get home."
*Door slam*
Ronda turns head head to see Vivian.
"I'll be out in a second Viv." she grabs a towel to dry her face and goes to the door to exit
"Go to my bedroom for a bit."
"We need to talk."
"Can't we do that in the living room?"
"No" she has that cold tone again
"Jeez okay"

The guests left, Vivian cleaned up the table before going to the bedroom.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Vivian locks the bedroom door.
"What are you doing?"
"Upset stomach? You think I'd believe an old excuse?" she walks towards the bed and pins Ronda "Perhaps it was a little itch?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"An itch to be touched there."
"You're delusional" Vivian chuckles
"Then why are you shaking?"
"Please get off"
"I don't think I will Lamoree." she ties Ronda's hands above her head
She undresses her enough for her tits to come out and her pussy to be out in display. Ronda is beautiful in Vivian's dark eyes.
"Vivian let me go! This isn't funny!"
"Shush. You know what pisses me off? You kept talking about Manuel. Didn't he leave you? And you still want him? Are you that desperate for his love? It will never happen."
"Because he loves you and I hate how he wasn't honest with me!" she's close to cry
"Want to know what I did? I rejected him with insults. If he thinks women like you don't have their lives worked out for them, he can screw off."
"But Manuel is-"
"The sweetest guy you met? That is a big fat lie. I'm gonna make you forget about him." she leans to her ear "I can be a better boyfriend that he was."
"Don't deny it. You like girls too right? I only like girls." she softly grabs her breasts "You were itching earlier, thus why you took that bathroom break. I can help you with your itch."
"N-No I don't like girls! I'm straight!"
Vivian laughs again "Are you perhaps scared about what others will say? Oh sweet Ronda, everyone can screw off. Personal and business lives are to be separated, unless it's family business."
Ronda struggles to move to run away, to hide from Vivian and never return to the bistro. Why didn't she just leave as soon as the party ended?
"I am going to mark you, touch every single nerve you have until your body is all relaxed and mushy. You're going to love every second of this."
"I'm not gonna and you can't force me Vivian! You're crazy! I'm not gonna be your slut you bitch!" Ronda is furious yet panicked, she just yelled at Vivian, the woman who slapped her once for dropping the garbage, who grabbed a cook's face and put it above stove fire
Vivian looks at her with that glare, yet a grin creeps on her face.
"Gosh... I love how fierce you are." she gets out of the bed towards her closet, searching for something
She takes out a box which is full of sex toys. She grabs a blindfold, going back towards Ronda and ties her eyes.
"I'll start with these two. They seem a little needy." Vivian starts circling her two nipples, getting dark colored and growing, pinching them causes Ronda to let out a whimper "These beautiful breasts are perfect for a baby to drink from them." Ronda flinches
"W-What baby?"
"I'm saying in general. Tho a baby for us would be wonderful. Either adopt one or make one."
"We can't make one."
"Ever heard of ROPA method?" Ronda stays silent. She heard of that method from medical school, only few couples have done it
ROPA method is a treatment aimed at same-sex couples who wish to take an active part in their fertility treatment.
Ronda bites her bottom lip as Vivian is sucking on her nipples. Circling them with her tongue, softly biting them.
"That method only goes for females as males cannot get pregnant. I'd donate my eggs for you to carry the baby. As stressed as I am all the time, that only would cause death for the baby."
A biological baby with Vivian? With a maniac woman?
The pale woman caress her waitress' stomach. Ronda's panic level rises.
"Crap..." the itch again, it's worse now that her nipples were teased
"You're warm here Ronda." Vivian put her hand on her panties, then slowly takes them off, seeing the itchy lips
"Stomach ache my butt. Look how wet you're getting." without wasting time, Vivian inserts 2 fingers inside the wet lips, earning a gasp from Ronda
"No! Get your fingers out!" but her lips don't let her say those words
Her insides welcome the new fingers which rub them softly and deeply.
"So delicious~" Vivian mumbles, using her other 2 fingers to poke, circles and pinch her clit, the fingers inside move all the way in. Instead of going in and out, she scissors or curls them
"Ahh nngh~!" her moans are music to the chef's ears
"You just came Ronda? Goodness, you must have been really itchy today." in a swift move she removes her fingers and licks them, her juices being sticky, warm and sweet
"I can't taste food but I can taste this." "I hope you have high stamina, 'cause you're not getting out anytime soon." Vivian lifts the waitress' legs and puts them on her shoulders, the lips close to her mouth. One simple lick sends a shiver towards Ronda. Vivian moves her tongue inside, feeling the warmth from the walls.
"V-Vivian! Ahh~! Pull it out!"
"Sorry darling, I am not planning to do that." a smirk grows on her lips.
Vivian feels bothered. She got the itch. She hums before sliding a hand in her pants, in her panties, softly scratching her lips before adding them in, using her thumb to massage her own clit. A soft moan leaves her lips, causing her to vibrate on Ronda's lips, making her more of a mess. She concentrates on pleasuring Ronda and herself, doing a good job. Men have never interested her, nor the subject of love, until she came into her life. The ginger woman changer her daily life.
"Vivi- ahh~ Vivian~ that spot~" Vivian removes her tongue, sucking the juice off the lips
"Did I find your good spot?" with her free hand she adds two fingers again, going deep until she hits the g-spot "I see. What do you want me to do?"
"P-Please touch it. T-Tease my spot."
"Hmm~? I thought you wouldn't enjoy this. Did you change your mind Ron?" she moves her fingers hitting the spot again and again "Are you gonna be a good girl now?" Ronda nods shyly, a satisfied smile on Vivian's face "Good"
she removes her hand from her pants, untying Ronda's hands and blindfold.
"M-May I help you undress chef?"
"Sure" Ronda takes Vivian's clothes off and dropping them on the floor, more pale skin revealed to her. Vivian looks skinny yet healthy "Why don't you do the same? Pleasure me." Ronda shyly gets close to Vivian's nipples, sucking one at a time "Good girl~"
Their lips eventually meet. Soft, gentle at the start, deeper and rough later on with a saliva string connecting them. Ronda shyly looks down.
"Don't be shy mon coeur~" she moves her lips to reveal her entrance "Give it a taste~" the ginger lowers her head, a shaked huff before kissing her clit and starting her work past the lips "Hmm, you're good at this~" she brushes her fingers in the ginger hair
"She tastes sweet. More sweet than any cake I've eaten in my life." Ronda sucks and moves her tongue deep inside her boss' walls until she herself comes
"Good grief, you seemed to be hungry. Didn't he satisfy you?" she shakes her head "Tch. He didn't even take care of your needs. How pathetic of him." she takes Ronda in her arms "Don't waste your tears on someone like him." she pecks her nose "Understood?"
"Y-Yes chef"
"I will make you happier than he did. I will shower you with more love than he did. Trust my words." they stare at each other's eyes
"...Thank you..." they stay hugged for a while, Ronda feels safer in the arms of her boss who seems to care about her
"Let's take a shower." she takes Ronda to the bathroom "Would you like it to be quick or long?"
"Long please" Vivian fills the tube "Go in first. I'm gonna get a change for us to dress in." Vivian leaves for a bit
Ronda dips her feet in then sits "I'm a bit jealous how rich she is." Vivian got a change of clothes
"What's wrong darling?"
"Nothing chef"
"It doesn't look like nothing."
"Ok, I envy you 'cause you got a lot of money." she pouts
"That's it?" she laughs "Oh sweetheart, my joy is not money." she gets inside
"Then what is it?"
"You" she grabs her waist "We still got one more thing to do."
"W-What?" she brings their hips close "Ah~!" their entrance lips are rubbing on each other
"We might as well enjoy this don't you think mon coeur?"
"Viv- oh~" the more Ronda moves the stronger the friction is "Mmm~ it feels so~" Vivian licks her lips
"Keep moving~" under her command, Ronda rubs their entrances more and more until their itches are satisfied
They finish with releasing juices.
"Good girl~" they pant "I have to leave something on you." the chef sinks her teeth on Ronda's neck, leaving one big visible hickey
"Vivian, people will see it!"
"Not unless you cover it well." Ronda gets upset and bites Vivian back
"If you mark me, I mark you." Vivian stares at the ginger as she pouts. She laughs again.
"God you're so freaking adorable." she kisses her forehead "I'll cuddle you all night long." Ronda blushes
They finish the bath, brush their teeth and get comfy on the bed. Their long hairs messy on the pillows.
"What are we now?"
"Girlfriends obviously"
"Why me tho?"
"Many reasons. One being your kind, soft heart." Ronda's heart beats from the honest of Vivian's voice
The new formed couple fall asleep in each other's arms, resting for a brand new day at the bistro.

Vivian has her phone on her ear.
"Viktor will you please stop yelling?"
"Can you be more crazy than that?"
"I can but I won't right now. I'm going back to bed." she hangs up, going back to the bedroom
"Who was it?"
"Viktor. Calling me at 6am good grief."
"I don't wanna get up..."
"We still got some time to sleep. Come here." Ronda goes back in her arms
"You smell like black licorice."
"Do I? That's new." Ronda giggles
"I like licorice, the black one too."
"Good to know" "I should try making a dessert with that as decoration."
Ronda immediately fell asleep.
"My sweet ginger waitress." she closes her eyes, falling back to sleep

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