Chapter 2

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"Jesus Christ Rody! How did this get so much worse since last time I visited?? The bathroom wasn't leaking!"
"I didn't have money nor time to call someone to fix it!"
"That's bc you spent your money on that girl! When was the last time you paid the rent?"
"I have to pay it in a few days."
"Well screw that. Talk tomorrow with your landlord and end the contract."
They hurry to pack everything.
"You burned cereal? HOW?"
"Don't ask"
It's very late and buses are not around anymore. They find a taxi to get to her apartment. She gives him a tip.
"Remember this place? You used to be here all the time during college."
Same apartment, same furniture, still sparkling clean.
"Now you have a bed to sleep on!"
"The couch wasn't so bad."
"I saw springs coming out of it!"
"Alright point taken"
"Good thing it's a weekend. Unpack, I will go wash myself."
"Alright cousin"

The weekend passed in a bliss. The 2 had a lot to catch up on.
"Lamoree, come to my office after you are done with the tables."
"Yes chef!"
He throws the trash after he is done.
"Is something wrong?"
"Sit down" Vince poured wine in two glasses, offering one to Rody
"I don't really drink wine tho." "Did I... do something wrong?"
"Besides you always tripping, no. It's actually about that woman you were with a few days ago."
"A woman? My cousin?"
"She is... a lively woman"
"Right?! She is the best! Since we were kids we would always be inseparable. It was fun when people confused us as siblings when we're cousins. She is successful and I'm so proud of her."
Vince was already annoyed whenever Rody rambled about Manon, now he's rambling about Raina. He grabs Rody by the lips with his thumb and index.
"How can your mouth work non-stop yet you are quiet when we are in my office?" Rody just blinks at him "Calm down Rody" he lets go of his lips
"Don't you have a relative you love?"
"Not really" he also has a twin cousin but they haven't talked much
"You don't really like anyone?"
"Then why was Manon with you? Why was she smiling like that?"
"Are you glaring at me Rody?"
"Who me? Nah!" his flutters his green eyes innocently
"Rody, I'll never understand you."
"We're just different." he stares at his wine in the glass
Rody has been having nightmares, a lot of them since Manon disappeared. Red wine reminds him of blood, meat gets him sick, even knives got him on edge. He hasn't told Rayna yet, didn't want to worry her. Then again when he tries to hide something from her, it fails every time, they know each other like the back of their hands. They are two peas in a pot. Rody doesn't realize that Vince got closer. He inches closer to Rody, about for their lips to lock. He turns his head, seeing Vince about to kiss him.
"EEEP!" he runs out of the office, left his wine on Vince's desk.
Vince feels dumbfounded. He thought Rody would feel disgusted, but he ran red faced. He was so close to kiss him. He wanted to kiss him. Why? In those weeks since he has been working for him, Vince felt attracted towards him. Everyone Vince met were too boring, too self-centered or toxic. Rody wasn't like them. Those green eyes are like 2 precious gems, a beautiful nature. His ginger hair also looks fluffy to want to touch it. Rody is silly but has a golden heart. How could Manon leave him?
"She never deserved him." Manon took an interest in Vince because he is very successful, she is clingy unlike Rody. It annoyed him how she wouldn't leave him alone. He wasn't even interested in women. He actually likes men, the type who are sweet and soft, Rody for example. Vince would be the top.
"If only he could be mine..." he'll try to kiss him again after work.
Just imagining kissing those soft pinky lips makes Vince's heart beat. Would he taste sweet? He wants to taste him, to taste those beautiful lips.
But he couldn't. Every time he went to Rody he would run off from Vince or get busy serving or cleaning.

"Rayna you heard me loud and clear."
"What do you mean Vincent was close to kiss you?!"
"I was lost in my thoughts and when I realized, his face was close to mine."
"Is he gay?"
"Maybe. Could that be why he has not dated any woman."
"I swear to Jesus I'm taking you away with me if he tries something!"
"It was out of the blue. He is usually a cold person but seeing him do that? I mean there was this situation with a chef. He cooked the food wrong, Vince grabbed him by the head and put his face close to the stove fire."
"WHAT THE- he is a psychopath!"
"Maybe I should quit."
"You think?? Just get your last salary, or better yet, steal money from the his cash register."
"Already did that once."
"You serious?" she laughs "Bold of you cousin."
"If we had a camera to film him..."
"They're kinda expensive. Let's not go and ruin his big reputation or else he will go after us."
"Then should I still work for him?"
"Find some dirt on him just in case of anything. If things go down, we'll run straight to the police."
"Ok. So what are we having for a late night snack?"
"Cold cuts with bread"
"Yum" Rody likes cold cuts, simple yet natural and it pairs well with wine
"Water for us"
"Thank you"

Vince is looking out the window. The moon shining brightly above the sky.
"Rody" his mind only goes towards his one and only waiter "I want you to be mine. I want you all for myself. I would treat you much better than her. Manon should have never broke you like that."
Nobody knows this but Vincent paid a guy to kidnap Manon. She is not dead until he says so. He could always give the command for her death. If Manon is willing to leave Rody alone, she will live. She has to move far away, never to return to Paris ever again.
Vince calls Rody to check on him, but no answer "Could he be at...?" then he remembers his cousin. Rody could be at her house but he doesn't know her phone number "Well then. I'll just see him at work." he gets ready for bed.
He is planning to get closer to Rody, to open his heart so Vince could go in.

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