Chapter 4

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The next day, Rody is way more active to distract his mind from last night. It wasn't a dream. He was kissed by his boss, taken at his apartment, slept on his bed with him cuddling onto him.
"Omg omg omg I slept with my boss! I just slept with him but still!" he shakes his head instead of slapping himself to snap to reality
"Hey Rody!" Rody breaks into a smile
"Thank God you're here Ray."
"I want to talk to your boss."
"You know why"
"Fine" they go to the kitchen
Rody knocks on the door and opens it. Big mistake. Vince has his shirt open, his abdomen revealed. His pale skin is not covering bones, Vincent got some muscles too. He is not buff but he still got a nice body. You can think he's just skin and bones because due to lack of taste, he wouldn't eat. Rody got red in the face, his nose bleeding. He faints, Rayna catches him.
"Holy shit that's a built body."
"It's rude to stare."
"I'm into women so you don't impress me mr. Charbonneau." she closed the door before putting Rody on a chair
Vince closes his shirt "Why are you in my office?"
"We need to talk about boundaries."
"What do you mean?"
"You got two hands. Use them to cook, not to touch my cousin." he chuckles
"What can I say? He is too cute not to touch him."
"Even after you slapped him?" Vince looks at her "That's right. He told me. Everything." she glares at him "If you ever hurt him again, I'll hunt you. I'll chop you into pieces."
"I admit I was in the wrong. Slapping my waiter was not a good act."
"Or trying to burn your chef's face. All of us make mistakes from time to time you know? If we try to be perfect then we're not humans. Oh wait, are you?"
"Very funny" he says in a dull voice
Rody wakes up "Eh? Wha?"
"You ok Rod?" the two of them look at the ginger waiter
"I'm sorry chef! I didn't mean to stare at you!" he bows
"Here is a tissue." she helps him clean his bloody nose
"Your cousin here talked to me about boundaries. I suppose I gotta learn my manners."
"Rody I'll be around town for today. I will return to pick you up."
"Thanks Ray" she leaves the bistro "I'll get back to work sir."
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To serve customers?"
"We don't have customers right now." he looks at him up and down "Lift up your shirt."
"You heard me. Come on."
"You saw my abdomen. It is only fair I see yours too now." he is so shameless and bold
"N-No way! It's embarrassing! There is nothing for you to see chef." Rody isn't fond of his body, being all skinny and not good looking he says
However, Vince lifts his shirt himself, Rody squealing surprised. There's bit of a muscle, but looking healthy.
"Nothing for me to see? I see plenty~" he plants kisses on his belly up to his chest, making Rody blush harder.
"C-Chef w-what if someone enters?"
"I locked the door. We have some time to relax for a bit."
Vince hears Rody's heart. He puts his ear to hear it better.
"What a beautiful sound."
"M-May I... listen to your heart too...?" he didn't expect Rody to ask him that
He puts Rody's head to his chest. You might think Vince has no heart, from the way he acts and treats his cooks or looks dead. But he has a heart. Rody is mesmerized by the sound of his boss' heart beat. That proves he is a human. His heart is beating for him.
"Manon never said nice things to me. I mean she never insulted me but... now what am I doing?" he steps away from Vince "Chef, I don't think we will last. What will people think? They are not fond of those of who are same gender who date each other. Maybe I should quit for your safety. I can fin- MMPF!" Vince didn't want to hear anymore of it. He shuts him up with a kiss.
"What did I tell you? My personal life is my business. I am not gonna let you quit just for this." he places him on his desk once again "The more you push me away, the more I want you closer to me." unlike Manon, Vince is trying to keep the relationship going "Do you think I care about your background? I was told a lot that personality is what matters in a person. Isn't that right? Is that why you fell for that girl correct? Am I correct?" he is correct
"Y-Yes" he kisses the cheek he slapped
"You push me away because you don't see youself worthy for me?" he is once again correct
"I decide who is worthy for me or not. She wasn't worth. You are."
"No buts. Now let me ask you this. Am I worthy to you?"
"You deserve way more. I cannot give you anything worth your level."
"Worth my level? You think of me way too high Rody." "You think your love is not worth for me?"
"It's not"
"Who decides that?"
"I do. If I decide you and your love are worth for me, then it's settled. Should I go further?" he sneaks his hands on Rody's waist under the shirt
Rody puts his hands on Vince's to stop him from moving. As his eyes look at his black eyes, he cannot help but be attracted to them. Black can represent darkness. Green meeting black, both being colors of gemstones. Green can represent nature. Even in night could the nature be so beautiful.
"You deserve happiness Rody. Don't you dare say you're worthless. You are anything but that. To me, to my mom and aunt, you are a blessing." that's what Rayna told him before
"Am I... a blessing to you chef?"
"You're an angel sent from Heaven."
Vince is considered a sinner. He did a lot of bad things, yet he's willing to be better for Rody. Anyone can change.
Rody wraps his arms around his boss' neck, accepting his love and embrace. Vince softly caress Rody's skin as their lips are locked together.
"I'm sorry Rody. I don't think it will work between us."
"Why? Did I do something wrong? I can change! I got enough money for us to live in a bigger house!"
"It's not that. You need to work on yourself, take better care."
"But Manon-" 
"Please Rody. It's gonna be hurtful for us both."
The heartbreak was unimaginable
"Goodbye Rody..." 
"...Goodbye Manon..." 
That was before Rody got hired at the bistro. He thought it's because he was poor that Manon left him. That wasn't the case. She was just tired of him. At first she wanted to see how far he can go. As she got bored, she met Vince, a man opposite of Rody. Her type for a man seemed to be someone cold and not easy to win. Rayna never liked her and being right when she said about Manon changing guys whenever she would get bored, that her being kind was just an act. Vince being into men, his vision on Manon was neutral, but that changed when she talked about Rody. He had no idea it would be the same guy that'd be his waiter, the guy he'd be attracted to. It made his blood boil thinking such a nice guy was just a plaything for a fake girl. He wanted to kill her yet he just prisoned her in a secluded place. Now it's her choice if she wants to live or die.
And here Rody is, being kissed by his boss, the guy Manon left him for, the guy who is actually into him.
"Mmf!" Vince bit Rody on his sensible spot on the neck, leaving a hickey that could be seen if not covered properly. Their lower parts are rubbing against each other again, the friction leaving a pleasuring sensation. Rody tries not to moan at the feeling.
*Knock knock*
"Excuse me sir, some custumers came in. We need mr. Lamoree." one of the chefs said
Rody quickly covers his neck as Vince unlocks the door annoyed.
"Seems like I got work to do." Rody is somewhat thankful this is over
"You can take any leftover."
"Thank you chef!" Rody walks out fast
Vince smirks. He left his mark on him. Nobody will take Rody from him.

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