Chapter 17

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Vince is driving. They are gonna dine with Rody's parents.
"You remember my mom right? She'd invite you over for cookies."
"I remember. A lovely lady."
Silence again
"I've been dreaming about you."
"Hm? What about?"
"You saving me. I was falling. I saw an angel with black wings, flying to save me. It was you."
"Black wings... was I a dark angel?"
"Or a fallen one. Manon was in it too. She stabbed me and saw me fall."
Vince's grip to the wheel tightens.
"Are you kidding me? Is she that of a... even in his dreams?"
"Thank you for saving me."
"It's my duty to protect you." he holds Rody's hand "Both in reality and your dreams." he kisses his hand
"What a charmer. Customers love you for it."
"My love is only for you."
Rody needs a fan from all the blood in his face.
"Do you think your parents will be ok with our relationship?"
"I hope so. I'm nervous. How are your taste buds?"
"They recovered. I still can't eat strong flavored food."
"We could get a salad maybe?"
"We'll see. By the way, how friendly is your dad? I haven't seen him much."
"Very friendly. He has an open mind."
"Really. Ok, might as well ask for their approval."
"Approval for what?"
"For your hand in marriage."
"VINCE! It's too soon!"
"I'm not a patient man."
"Doooon't! I'm not ready!"
"At least let me propose. I do not want anyone to snatch you away."
"You're impossible"
"I don't change my mind easily. I don't change it much at all."
"You're a closed book."
"And you are an open book. Opposites attract."
"Someone give me some ice for my red face. I feel hot." "Wait, do you know all restaurant owners?"
"Only a few from a few meetings. Just a professional relationship."
"He told me many times he doesn't care what others think about us two. I gotta stop stressing over it."

"That's the place"
"We are not rich to go fancy like you."
"It's not that. I like this place."
They go inside. Rody spots his mom.
"Mom!" they hug it out
"My baby is more taller than last time I saw him."
"Oh mom. Oh I came with my boss."
Rody's mom recognizes him.
"Is that little Vince?"
"I'm not so little anymore. It's good to see you once again ma'am." he kisses her hand
"I was worried sick after you moved. I am relieved to see you're well."
"Well, fate brought us back together."
Rody's dad came back from the men's bathroom. He hugs Rody then shakes hands with Vince. They sit down.
"When I met with your mom last time she was very pale. She blamed herself for what happened to you."
"If you're talking about my taste buds, I recently had a surgery in UK and I'm now better. I still gotta wait until I can eat strong flavored food."
"There should be some light options of food." she looks at the menu
"My boy, how are you and Manon?"
"Um, we broke up dad."
His parents stare at him.
"She cheated on Rody to go after me. I rejected her immediately."
"What? She never tried to please you. She never gave you gifts like you did. At least miss Rayna cares about you."
"Vince I'm gonna murder you. Right in front of my parents?" Rody got an itch to strangle Vince
"Rayna is in town?'
"Yes but she will go back soon."
"If that girl didn't appreciate you, she is not for you. You deserve better." his dad says "Is Vince your type?"
"D-D-D-D" Rody is beet red faced "Dad! Shush! You want others to hear?"
"What? I heard from magazines he is a bistro owner."
"A bistro owner? Little Vince did grow up! I'm so proud of you!"
Vince gives her a sweet smile, but not one he gives to the customers.
"My dear, marry this guy. You deserve each other."
"Actually, that's one thing I wanted to talk to you about today, mr. and mrs. Lamoree. I want to ask permission for your son's hand in marriage."
If Rody was now a rock, he'd break in many pieces and remain in the floor.
"Oh my. But when did you meet?"
"Three months ago. I was looking for a waiter as my bistro was getting busy and nobody was to my liking. He was my last to interview. I knew in a sight he was the boy I was looking for."
"Three months is too short of a time to ask for a hand in marriage."
"I know. But I cannot help it. I want to put a ring on him at least."
Rody is exploding inside, covering his face with his hands.
"If my baby boy's happy with you and you treat him better than Manon, you have my permission."
"Mine too. Even boys have feelings to cry and whine."
"Dad. Please. Stop."
"Hello! What would you like to order? We have a speciality today."
"Saved by the bell. Sorta."
Each order their. Vince is not allowed to drink wine during recovery. During their dining, Vince would hold Rody's hand and squeeze it.
"Is he worried I might leave him. I did try to, but not anymore." he gives him a kiss on his cheek without any other person seeing him
Vince looks at him with a blush.
"It's just to ease your nerves."
"Mon coeur... every action you do gets my heart all excited."
"Vince dear, is a salad enough? You're pretty skinny."
"I ordered some soup too. They're less less condimented than other dishes." he can taste the freshness of salad, he missed tasting the food.
After the main, Rody gets dessert.
"Vince" Vincent turns his head "Boop" only to get cream on his nose
"Oh haha very mature Rody." he takes the cream off his nose, licking it after
Rody's parents are joyed that their son has found true happiness.

They depart. Rody's parents go home.
"I forgot how nice it is to dine with my parents. It's been a while."
"I haven't dined with my mother for a few years. I should call her over."
"What if your father catches on?"
"I have my ways."
"What if... he could kill me?"
"...He won't dare. Not on my watch. I'll kill him before he touches you."
"Ack! He has the glare!" "If we cuddle, will you calm down?"
"Yes" that was a quick answer
"So what do you think of my parents?"
"Cheerful, easy to talk to. You got your looks from your mother."
"Wait until you meet my aunt. They're twin sisters."
"Two of them?" Rody giggles
"Yep. Nobody could tell them apart."
"How will I be able to?"
"Their voice tones. You'll see."
Vince drives them to his apartment. It takes a few seconds to picks Rody and make out with him. He needed sweets and his waiter's lips were needed.
Rody doesn't know why but he likes it when Vince is dominant towards him.
"Are you satisfied now?"
"Now yes"
They cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day watching TV.

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