Chapter 11

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"You can't even bother to hurry when your life depends on it." Vince says as he goes towards his tied waiter "How disappointing."
Monday after work. Vince proposed a little game. If Rody falls asleep on the job, he will find himself tied inside the freezer. Rody tried to stay awake, but as soon as the last customers left and he cleaned up the remaining table, he sat down and fell asleep, exhausted to get a broom to sweep the floor.
Waking up in the freezer, trying to get out of the ropes, Vince coming in with a knife, giving him 15 seconds to run. A deadly game. Rody is giggling as he is brought back inside his crazy boss' apartment.
"What's this? Your life is in danger yet you're laughing?"
"Because I know you won't hurt me or you would have done so long ago."
Vince cannot hurt him. He adores him too much to even kill him.
"You're in for a white night Lamoree."
"Please don't hurt me~" Rody says in a pleading voice but giggles more
Vince feels like smirking from Rody's adorable giggles.
The ginger is back on the bed, untied but hands tied on back with his tie. He is set on Vincent's lap, his back facing the chef.
"What to do with you?" that low, deep voice gives Rody shivers
The pale hands start caressing Rody's body under the uniform.
"Mmf~" his nipples got touched, now craving for attention
"How sensible are you, mon coeur~?" he starts to tease the nipples, earning soft moans from Rody
Vince kisses the hickeys he gave Rody all those times. They haven't healed. A spot was missed on the back of Rody's neck. He sinks his teeth into that spot, sucking the skin, making a new fresh hickey on his lover. Rody feels ticklish when he is touched like that yet he is craving for more. Manon's kisses felt magical tho he never saw himself do this with her.
"Where is your mind wandering off to Rody? Hope you're not thinking about her again." Vincent's hand is in Rody's pants, caressing his cock under boxer material
"N-No c-chef I wasn't thinking of her."
"Call me by my name. I'm your lover, aren't I?"
"Vincent" he says it innocently
"That works too" they share a kiss
Rody feels a bulge under his entrance. He moves his hips impatient, earning a groan from Vince.
"Someone is needy"
"Needy for you my chef." Vince works on lowering their work pants
His cock rubs between Rody's cheeks, teasing him. Rody is sweating, trying not to moan or beg for it.
"Cat got your tongue? Tell me what do you want me to do mon coeur, or else I won't move." he shakes his head "Do it. We can do this all night." Rody has no choice but to beg
"Please shove it inside. I want it to rub me so good and make me a mess. I'm gonna be a good boy, I promise."
"That's more like it~" in one move, he shoves all of his cock in his entrance
Rody gasps from the impact. He didn't recover from the weekend fully, but it still feels amazing. He loves when his inner walls are rubbed, his spot being hit multiple times, the seeds warming him as they are spilled deep inside.
"Why does it feel so good? My mind is so foggy. He is so deep inside me I can't think straight. Ohhh mmm~" you could see hearts in his green eyes
Vince reaches to Rody's aching cock to rub it, increasing the pleasure.
"You're still so tight, yet you're closing in on me. Perharps you're enjoying it so much you won't let me pull out? It will be difficult for me to move."
Rody whines, his walls relaxing at last and letting Vincent thrust. Turning his head, he kisses Vince. The kiss is soft and gentle, then it turns deeply, their tongues dancing with each other.
A knot forms in Vince's stomach. His thrusts get faster, aiming to release in.
"V-Vince wait I-I'm close to-!"
"Don't hold in darling. Come for me~" Rody cums on himself, Vince releases his seeds deep into him
Both panting and being sweaty, Vince pulls out and unties Rody's wrists. He changes into comfy clothes, then gives Rody a change of clothes. Rody takes a sniff of the clothes, enjoying the smell before changing.
"Do I smell?"
"You smell like black licorice." he hugs himself wearing his clothes
Vince sniffs himself "Black licorice?"
*Knock knock*
"I'll go check" Vince goes to the living room, opening the door.
Surprise surprise, it's Vicky and Rayna at the door.
"What are you doing here ladies?"
"Getting my cousin back. I didn't come back in Paris to visit him just for you to always snatch him."
"I guess Rody wants to stay more with me more than you." he wins a slap on the face
"That's for slapping him back then!"
"You slapped Rody?" Vicky is shocked
"It wasn't intentional"
"Rayna?" Rody heard the commotion
"Rody!" she runs towards him to hug him tight
"We came here because we got some exciting news."
"What news?" Rody is curious
"An old acquaintance of mine who is a film major, is directing a movie. He is looking for background characters."
"So you're saying...?" Vince says
"He wants me in it and look for others to fill in."
"A movie?! And us in it? I wanna try!" Rody is excited
"I freaked out too." Rayna giggles
"Do I have to come?"
"He said and I quote: It would be nice if you could bring your cousin. It'd be an honor to have Vince Charbonneau in my own movie"
"Please Vince! I want you to come too! It could be fun!" he can't say no to his sweet waiter
"Fine. When do we have to go?"
"In the coming weekend. We just have to dress up nicely."
"If that's all, leave. It's late and we got work tomorrow."
"Wait a minute! I'm taking Rody!"
"No you don't. He is staying over."
"You're an asshole"
"Very mature"
"Ray it's fine" he rubs her shoulder

The girls eventually left.
"Did she slap you?"
"Classic Ray" he sips on his tea
"Why do you want to participate in a movie you don't know about?"
"I think it would be a fun experience."
"Do you play any instrument?"
"I play the guitar, tho it's been quite a while since I did."
"How come I never knew about that?"
"You never asked" he giggles, finishing his white tea
"What other talents do you have?"
"I have none"
"That's impossible"
"I got none. Just small hobbies. You're one with talent. You're a great cook. I love your cooking, it's delicious."
Vince blushes
"I'll cook for you too soon. Just need to get past the phase of burning stuff."
"Do simple dishes which don't require much effort."
Rody thinks of a few dishes: cold cuts with cheese, salad, fruit salad, grilled cheese, s'mores, eggs with bacon and toast, mac and cheese
"Wait... you can't even taste" he sulks, realizing Vince cannot taste food
"I might consider that surgery."
"Are you sure?"
"Better try than not trying and asking 'what if'."
"Okay!" he yawns
"Let's get ready for bed." he takes his hand and go to the bathroom
They brush their teeth then go to the bedroom. Rody gets comfy as Vincent cuddles him from behind. Rody turns around, wrapping his arms to cuddle him back. Their lips meet again for a good night kiss.
"Wanna know a fact?"
"When I met you at the bistro for the first time... I thought you were really handome"
"What can I say? I am attracted to tall, handsome men."
"And I fit in as your type?"
"Definitely" he gets a kiss on his head
"I'm glad to hear that." Rody giggles
Fatigue takes over, they fall asleep as they share warmth and love towards each other.

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