Chapter 8

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Vince is in his bistro office, reading a few reviews. For the first time he had a wet dream and he loved it. A smirk is plastered on his face. He dreamed of how he slammed into Rody until he filled him up deeply inside, kissing his pink lips that he finds delicious, biting his neck and shoulders to mark him. Rody's moans were music to his ears.
"That will happen soon. I just need to prepare him." his smirk grows wider "Just a little longer~"
A knock on the office door interrupts his thoughts.
"Come in"
He expected to be Rody or one of the cooks. A girl with tied black long hair, dark brown eyes and pale skin came into his office. She is dressed in a style Vince dresses outside of his work.
"Not one letter, not one call back, not another way to reach you and all you have to say is my name?"
"What brings you back in Paris?"
"To knock some senses into you. Your mom kept asking about you. My mom is also worried."
"I sent my mom a letter a while back. As you can see, I'm doing well."
"Have you been eating?"
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't be alive now."
"The main reason I came here in that I found a doctor in UK who could help you and give you surgery for free."
"Help me for free? With what?"
"To get your sense of taste back."
Vince gets up from his chair.
"That's impossible"
"Anything is possible Vincent."
Vicky Charbonneau, Vincent's cousin. Their fathers are brothers.
"How long do you plan to stay here?"
"In Paris? For as long as I want. I left my restaurant in the care of someone I trust."
"Tch. Unprofessional."
"Says the guy who'd burn his cooks."
"If you have nothing else to comment, get out of my office."
"Jackass" she slams the door
Vince and Vicky are not on bad terms but neither good. Just neutral. Vicky is a serious woman, but not cold. Unlike Vince, she has sympathy.
"Asshole. Why am I related to him?" it has been years since she was in Paris
She missed the croissants, macaroons, the places, its food. Moving to London to open her restaurant was a difficult path yet successful. Walking on a path towards nowhere is what she is doing right now, just walking where the legs bring her. A peculiar shop gets her to stop and look. It has a lot of flags in.
Vicky is mesmerized by the shop. The flags are very colorful. It's an LGBTQ+ shop. The community started in 1970 and it spread across the world. Not a lot of people are okay with it as they stick to the rule of "male and female marriage". Vicky however, has been attracted to women. Men don't really interest her much. After much talking with a trusted friend, she realized she is polysexual. She is attracted to other women no matter if they're cisgender, transgender, genderfluid, non-binary, but not attracted to males much. She finds soft, small guys cute.
"Do you have the polysexual flag?"
"We got all sorts of flags! Do you want a small flag? A mug? A badge?"
"A bracelet maybe?"
"Normal or knitted?"
"Knitted please"
The young boy goes in the back. If her parents found out, they will definitely disown her. The Charbonneaus were always cold, following tradition.
"Here you go! Would you like a pack?"
"A pack?"
"If you buy 4 you'll get a discount."
Vicky thinks about what other knitted bracelets to get
"I'm into women. Men think they're all that. The only man I'll ever love is my cousin."
Rayna is Vicky's employee and a good friend. What a coincidence.
"My friend is lesbian, my cousin is gay and my friend's cousin is bisexual."

She bought the 4 bracelets. She cannot believe she did it. Does she regret it?
"He better be grateful I bought him this or else." she stops in her tracks
What were the chances for her to see Rayna in the same country, same city, same town. Rayna needs for Vicky to accept her break before leaving.
"Rayna..." she only ever saw her in the restaurant's uniform, seeing her in a casual outfit makes her beautiful
"Say ahh Rody~" she brings a spoon to his mouth to feed him ice cream
Vicky is jealous that Rayna has a very good relationship with her family. She is a bright her, protective of her loved ones, not ashamed to defend anyone.

Vicky unpacked. She lives in one of a few rich buildings, apartment big for a family to live in.
"Should I go back to the bistro?"
Vicky decides to go back to the bistro for a quick bite. She gets there.
"Welcome!" it's the girl from before
"A table for 1." she is seated then gets the menu "What is this? Just 4 items?"
"That's how this bistro is."
"Get me an appetizer."
"Right away miss!"
She gets the after 15 minutes and eats it in 5 minutes.
"I'm going in the office."
"Um you aren't allowed miss."
"I'm related to the owner."
Vicky ignores the cooks looking at her as she enters the office. Her face says shock when she sees Vince all over his waiter as Rody is being "eaten" on his desk. Rody tried pushing him off only to fail and Vince being more glued to him. Vicky burns up.
"YOU SON OF-!" she grabs him by his white shirt and smacks him a lot
Rody is embarrassed but watches the woman hitting his boss.
"How dare you abuse him? Have you got no shame?"
"Knock it off! Stop smacking me!"
Vicky turns her head "Wait, aren't you Rody Lamoree?"
"I-I am but how do you know me?"
The door opens again. Rayna sees her cousin all messy. She looks at Vince.
"You..." fire in her eyes, then she sees Vicky, anger replaced by shock "WHY ARE YOU HERE??"
"I can explain!"

"I cannot believe you are actually his cousin. Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because being a Charbonneau is not something to be proud of. We are the children of Antoine and Alexander."
The Lamoree twins get all white from shock. The Charbonneau brothers are the coldest and hard to impress from the culinary world. Alexander, being the older brother took over the family business while Antoine, the younger brother joined him. Antoine is Vicky's dad, Alexander is Vince's dad.
Rayna faints, Rody gasped and caught her in time.
"Ray!" Vicky shakes her in panic
Rayna wakes up after a minute.
"You came here in Paris to tell Vincent about that doctor?"
"Yeah. He offered to do a free surgery on him to get his sense of taste back."
"Is it possible? We don't know how he lost his taste in the first place."
"My aunt burned my taste buds."
"My mom?!"
"No. My mom's sister who had mental issues. They never liked each other."
"Oh my god" Vicky has a hand on her face from the news
"That is disturbing and she should be in a mental hospital."
"She already is"
Rody hugs Vince out of comfort. He is surprised by the act.
"I'm fine mon coeur."
"What did you call him?!"
"Can't I call my boyfriend that?"
Vicky holds Ray as she is trying to get to Vince to choke him, again. Vincent grins evilly at her.
"Come on Ray I'll cook you something tasty." Rody takes Ray out of the office, leaving the Charbonneau cousins
"Here" she gives him a bracelet
"What's this?"
"A bracelet. I saw a shop who supports the community of people who are not straight." Vince puts it on his wrist
"Not bad"
"You better give that boy a raise."
"Oh I will. It'll be a surprise."

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