Chapter 14

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"I told you not to go out in the rain! It was pouring badly!"
"But you were craving macarons."
"I could have gotten them in another day! You got a fever! You're not gonna go to work in this state."
"I can't skip work."
"If you don't rest you'll get worse. I'm gonna go buy some medicine. Stay in bed I swear."
Rayna leaves the apartment. Rody has high fever from running yesterday in the rain, he can barely move. Burning and coughing, sneezing and blowing his nose. He hates being sick. The only thing he can do is watch TV.
"Maybe I should take a nap." he hasn't rested in a while since working at the bistro, he might as well sleep for a bit

The smell of delicious soup wakes the sick ginger guy. A cold hand caresses his hot forehead. Rody expects to see Rayna, back from errands with a hot soup for him and medicine. Instead...
"Vince?!" it's his boss and boyfriend
"Shh. Don't talk too much."
"Why are you here? You should be at the bistro!"
"I closed for today. My cooks got sick."
Rody looks at the soup in front of him.
"You made this didn't you."
"Who else? I'm the chef."
"Wait how did you find where I live?" Vince stays quiet "Stalker"
"I'm no stalker but a worried guy who wants to take care of his sick lover."
"You'll also get sick."
"I never get sick."
"Is he human?" Rody gets into a sitting position and starts eating the soup
Warm and flavorful, he eats more of it with a small smile.
"It really tastes like Heaven!" realizing what he said, Rody looks at Vince who has a smirk on his face "I mean it just tastes good."
"You can't take back what you said~"
"Yes I can"
"No you can't"
"Stop teasing me!" pouting like a child once again
"Even sick he is so cute." "Just eat up. I have medicine to give you after."
"Did you steal them from Rayna?"
"No. She gave them to me. She looked like she had an emergency to run to."
"Ok fine, I'll take your word for it." he rubs his neck, feeling his hickeys "You got sharp teeth or something?!"
"Just normal teeth"
"I forbid you from biting me again."
Vince just chuckles "Sure sure"
Rody finishes the soup then gets on a laying down position
"I'm gonna watch a movie. You can go ahead and leave."
"Are you kicking me out mon coeur?" he inches closer "Not a chance"
"No kissing until I'm better! Go home Vince I'm serious."
"I'm not going to."
"You're so stubborn!"
"So are you"
"I can't with you Vince. You're like a... sly black fox"
"Black fox?"
"Your hair is black."
"Oh yeah? You know foxes can bite?"
"Vince, no! No more!" he hides under his blanket
"I'm joking. I'll get you the medicine." he leaves the room for a minute then comes back with water and pills
Rody swallows them, hating the bitter taste from them.

In a few days Rody is all better. Movie night with Rayna is what he needed.
"You're the best cousin."
"I'm your only cousin."
"I know."
Doorbell rings. She opens the door.
"Happy birthday Ray!" Vicky hugs her, Vince is holding the cake
"I told you I didn't want any cake!"
Rayna grabs plates and glasses.
"Of course I didn't forget about puppy here." she pets Rody
Vince lights the candles. On the cake it says 'Happy birthday Rody and Rayna' and there are hearts around since it's Valentine's Day too.
"Make a wish!"
The twins hold each other's hand and blow the candles.

"Happy birthday and happy Valentine's Day Rody!" Manon kisses his cheek
Rody couldn't be happier spending his birthday with the girl he loves the most and would risk anything for her.

"Rody are you daydreaming again?"
He was daydreaming
"Rayna Lamoree, may I get the honor to take you on a date?"
Rody's mouth dropped. He looks at his cousin who is shocked.
"Haha nice joke Vicky. Just get a slice of cake."
"Oof rejected"
"I wasn't joking"
"Come on now aren't you supposed to find yourself a nice guy?"
"No" she said it in the same cold tone Vince uses "I want us to go on a quiet, nice romantic date." she grabbed her hands, surprising Rayna
"Vicky what-" in a few seconds Rayna and Vicky are out of the apartment
"Oh boy, Vicky is sure a lively woman isn't she." Rody laughs at his own joke
Suddenly, red silk gets on his arms. He looks at it confused. It's ribbon that is used on gifts.
"Whoa!" he is turned around with the silk, Vince being the one controlling it
He drags Rody closer with the silk.
"So, mon coeur, now that we're alone, in this lovely apartment, nothing will interrupt our time together. Since it is your birthday, I'll make sure this night will be more... special~"
"Um... it's okay, I'll just eat cake and go to bed. You can go home chef."
Vince ties him more with the silk.
"That's not gonna happen. Being born on Valentine's Day makes the birthday more special. You should enjoy it."
"It-It's ok. It's pretty late anyway. You should really go b-before it gets more d-dark." his stuttering isn't helping
"Rody... kicking me out won't work"
"I'm not kicking you out that's rude! I just d-don't want you to be exhausted. Sleep is i-important after all. EEK!"
Vincent picked him and drops him on his bed. He has a look in his eyes that he wants to devour him, to mark him all over, to have him so nobody would steal Rody from him. His eyes are full of lust.
"Vince?" just hearing his voice makes the chef go crazy
"Got you"
"EEP!" he got on top of him
"You said you like my voice didn't you. Why not listen to it while we're at it?" he takes off his black turtle neck shirt
He has no patience and undresses his waiter himself, keeping the ribbon.
"Vince..." his face painted with blush, a whisper escaping his lips, his green eyes filled with needyness "Make me yours... tonight and forever..." saying those words means no turning back
"Your wish is my command my love~" throwing the rest of his clothes on the floor, both being under the soft warm blanket, moonlight shining inside the dark room. They tied their wrists with the ribbon to prove their eternal love for each other. Their bodies so close to each other it gets hotter. Locking their lips to seal a kiss. Rody rubs Vincent's back with his free hand, ready for the upcoming impact.
"Ahh~ nngh~!" they did it before yet it still feels big to him
"Rest easy mon coeur. Deep breaths."
"How are you so big?" Vince chuckles
"I don't know. Genes I guess." as usual, he starts slowly
"K-Keep it slow... and gentle~ I want to savor this for long."
"That can be arranged. I've built high stamina over the past years. You look like you could keep up for long."
Their moans fill the room.
"Vince... what do you like about me?"
He stares into his green eyes.
"Should I list a few reasons or...?"
"J-Just a few reasons" he got red faced
"Your hair, your eyes, your voice. One thing I don't like is you trying to meet expectations, changing for others. I'm not happy with it. I want my Rody, my sweet, kind Rody..." he kisses his neck "Mon coeur, stop trying to be who you are not." he goes deeper "Otherwise... I might go on a killing spree."
"D-Don't say that. I promise to be me."
"Good" he moves again
"Ahh~ I want to ride you~"
"Go ahead" they change positions
"T-Thank you" Rody moves himself up and down, Vince watching smirking
"Getting tired already?"
"N-No way" Rody lays on Vince "Much better" he plants a kiss
"You're adorable when you try to be a tough guy. You're like a puppy. A little, cute puppy." Rody pouts again
"I'm not adorable"
"Then why are you pouting cutely?"
"Viiiiince!" the chef laughs
"Come here" Vincent wraps his arms around Rody
"Ah~ did you get bigger?"
"I don't know. Did I~?" his cock throbs inside the tight walls
Rody continues to bounce on the cock, feeling it so deep he can feel precum, about to burst out. And it did. Familiar sensation of stickyness and warmness covering his walls.
"Chef... I'm still hungry"
"Still hungry? Hm. What does my mon coeur wish to eat?"
"I want seconds" he turns around and puts his back on Vince
"Alright~" Vince uses his free hand to caress Rody's cock, helping him move on his cock more

"Vicky seriously, why did you have to bring me all the way to a bar?"
"It's Valentine's and your birthday. We might as well drink one glass."
"One glass? When you say one glass it becomes 5 or 6. You drink your stress away like how Vince smokes his stress away."
"I know it's a bad habit but this time I won't drink so much."
"I'll believe you if we leave while you are sober."
And Vicky kept her promise, almost. It only took her 3 glasses to leave tipsy.
"I'm not gonna drink with you again."
"Rayyyyy come on!"
"Nope. I'm taking you back."
"Rayna Lamoree!" she stops walking
"You call me by my full name only if I am in trouble."
"You are in trouble!"
"For what?"
"For not seeing that I love you! Fuck I have been trying to confess to you for so long yet you never looked at me! It pisses me off!"
Rayns remains there frozen.
"How can I ever look at someone who is mucu higher than me as more than a friend?"
"Oh for fuck sake with you and ranks! I don't care about status! What's with you and Rody seeing yourselves on a god damn low level?"
"Because we are low level! He jumped from job to job trying to make cash to please that god damn Vacher girl with no college degree! I also got no college degree because of an incident!"
"What incident?"
"I was sexually assaulted!"
"What?" Vicky got sober from the cold air and the truth hitting her
"I was in literature major. I wanted to be a middle school teacher, to teach a new generation about what it means to be a writer. Unfortunately for me, a guy who was obsessed with me never accepted me rejecting him. He was a jerk, saying women are only good as housewives, taking care of the house and children. I punched him and left. He continued to harrass me every day until I dropped out. Only Rody knows this. He literally found and beat him. I don't really believe in true love. Rody is innocent and I'd like him to remain that way, but of course that girl had to leave him for your cold cousin."
Vicky looks down shamefully. She has known Rayna for years yet she never knew about it.
"After me and Rody failed to have one decent degree, we signed up to where our moms went in their younger days: cooking school, which we both indeed enjoyed it"
"Don't say anything. Don't love me like that. You're a Charbonneau. You gotta get with someone of your status."
The sound of boots hit the concrete.
"Shut up" Vicky grabbed Rayna by her waist and kisses her, the taste of beer is still fresh "Shut. Up."
"Men are pathetic. Thinking they rule the world. You won't change my mind about you. I want to kiss you all over, to touch you, even ruin you in my bed like there's no tomorrow."
"What are you saying?!"
"Be my girlfriend Rayna Lamoree. I'll make you the happiest girl in Paris, if not the whole world."
A confession on her birthday. Rayna is sure having the surprise of her friend AND boss wanting nothing more than to be the love of her life.

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