Swap AU

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Rody Lamoree, a chef expertized only in grilled food. Boiling or frying food would end up in a disaster. He is one of the sweetest guys in Paris, happy to see his customers enjoying his food. A few complained about the food which gets him into a bad mood, getting sad like a puppy. He hired the coldest guy from the culinary world, actually one of the cousins: Vincent Charbonneau
Rody remembers him as his childhood friend from long ago. Seeing him after so long got him joyed, also hit in heart with Cupid's arrow.
Vincent knows how to cook but due to his lack of taste, he couldn't be a chef so he went with the career of waiter. Rody lets Vince cook as he knows how to make boiled and fried food. Vincent remembers little of their childhood, a fuzzy memory in his head. Tho Rody tries to befriend him again, Vincent is not interested. Rody refuses to give up tho. He has contacted Vicky, Vincent's cousin months ago, asking him what's his type. Vicky straight told him he is gay, making Rody happy. Rayna is not sure he should at another relationship considering Manon left him, because Rody is too busy, which broke his soft heart. Rody doesn't care, he wants to try again with Vince.
Tried to compliment him: failed
Tried to cook for him: failed because Vince can't taste, which embarrassed Rody on a deep level
Tried to give him gifts: failed
Tried to make him smile: failed
Vince was a hard shell to break. Love is a waste of time for him. Nothing got to his cold heart. However, there was something he never expected to see.
Rody called Vince over to his place, he lives above the bistro. It sounded like an emergency. Vince took his car and drove to his place. The front door was open which is dangerous.
"Rody?" Vincent was at his place once before for a small gathering "Where is he?" he looks around
He hears strange sounds coming from the bedroom. Should he go in? Would it be rude without knocking?
"Guess I'll just go in." Vince opens the door, his eyes get big from shock
"Oh, Vince, you're here. So glad you're here~" Rody is half naked, two of his fingers deep into his entrance, leaking when he removes them "I waited so... so long for you~"
Rody, his boss, on his bed, pleasuring himself. And he called Vince over for what exactly?
"What... are you doing Lamoree?"
"I keep thinking about you. My mind's always filled with you~"
"Are you drunk?"
"Of course not. Come closer~"
"I'd rather not"
Rody frowns and pouts. He gets up to grab him and drag him to bed.
"Lamoree this is inappropiate. We are supposed to have only a professional relationship, nothing more."
"There you go again, acting all so cold with me. I don't appreciate it."
"You shouldn't be too friendly or else you'll be pushed around."
"I know what I'm doing. I want you to be more than just a waiter Vince."
"What do you mean?"
"I love you, that's what I mean."
"What? But we're both men."
"Cut the act. I know you're gay. I'm bi myself."
"Vicky I swear if it was you who spilled it I'm gonna murder you."
Rody grabs Vince's pants and tries to unzip them. Vince pins him.
"Control yourself Lamoree! You can't do this!" his heart throbs painfully as he sees Rody tearing up
"Am I that annoying to you...? Do I not deserve your love? Manon left me, I'm willing to try again because I love and trust you, yet you push me away. Am I not worth to be loved?"
Vince hates hearing Manon's name. It was her who'd chase after him, never leaving him alone, leaving him a lot of love letters and always calling him.
"Manon Manon Manon... if I hear that name ONE MORE TIME I swear!" now Rody's eyes are big because he didn't expect Vince to get mad "I'll show you Lamoree. You're gonna regret this."
Vince unzips his pants, slowly taking them off then his boxers, showing his long cock. Rody's sight is locked on it, unconsciously licking his lips.
"Since you prepared yourself so well, I might as well see if I can taste you." in one move, he inserts his tongue in Rody's entrance, surprising him
He can feel the meat walls closing and opening, getting warm and sticky. His boss' moans getting him harder. Rody pants and holds his pillow, craving for a higher level of pleasure.
"You're so good with your tongue my love~ keep going~"
Vince removes his tongue and adds 2 fingers, stretching him. They are long enough to reach a certain spot.
"This is just the start. Don't think I am gonna be gentle with you."
Rody giggles "Go ahead. I know you'll fill me with lots of love~"
Tongue, fingers, now the cock will go in. Adding the tip, going inch by inch, the tip can be seed poking a bit out of Rody's stomach.
"I'm not gonna let you walk boss." he says the last word with evilness
Rody is more muscular than Vince but feeling his long cock is a game change for him. Rody wraps his arms around Vince, kissing him straight up.
"You should give up on smocking. You smell nicer when you have the lemon cologne on you."
"Lamoree, complimenting me will not get you anywhere." he puts his legs on shoulders and thrusts hard, not even a drop of gentleness in his moves
Rody becomes a mess. His green eyes have hearts in them.
"Mon doux serveur, are you enjoying the buffet~?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm your unlimited buffet." he winks
"You talk too much." with a last thrust he goes so deep he spills his seed "This should be enough to fill you."
"Who says that?" he catches Vince in a bear hug "I got a lot of energy left. You are gonna stay with me for the whole night mon doux serveur~"
Vince bites him on the neck, thinking he would let go of him, only for Rody to chuckle instead
"Let me bite you too darling~" Rody is soft even in bed, biting Vincent's neck with so much carefulness
Vince growls and moves again, warm seeds remaining inside, working as a kind of lube, making the walls sticky.
"I feel so sticky, yet so warm. Oh... how good it feels~ I want more of this~" one or two giggles are mixed with moans
"You got a big appetite Lamoree."
"What can I say? I ate my veggies, but I want some meat now." he pins Vince on the bed, slowly pulling out, then he admires the delicious looking cock
"Don't mind if I have a taste." he gives no care it's stained with the seeds
Rody swallows it whole, almost about to choke. Vince's grunts are a bonus.
"Lamoree if you can't, don't force it."
Rody moves his heads as he enjoys his big "sausage". He wipes his mouth.
"Don't be so stiff Vince. Relax a bit." he slides it back inside "And enjoy this~" Vince shuts his eyes as he groans, his boss is on top of him to ride him
"I love you Vince~"
"I love you" Rody leans in for a kiss "I love you, to the moon and back." one more kiss "Please... don't abandon me, that's all I ask."
Abandoned by someone you loved is a cruel thing. Abandoned way too many times is out of the line.
"Rody, I'm not a great person. If you're that deep in love with me, there are a lot of consequences to face."
"Nothing I cannot get past by. You are so cold I get more attracted to you."
Vince chuckles "I'm your employee at the bistro, but here I can be an animal that bites."
"Oooo please do~" Vince moves Rody's hips to slam him down, earing a loud moan "That's the spot~" he hits it a lot of times "Ohhh Vince~"
"I can stop if you want."
"Not until I'm satisfied. Keep going~"
It takes a few rounds until Rody is on verge and gets tired. He lies down on the bed, cuddling Vince.
"Thank you... mon doux serveur~" he falls asleep in seconds
Vince looks at him with pity. Rody is a sweet man yet desperate for love. He wants someone to love him back and not abandon him like a dog.
"Manon, you're a bitch, leaving him as he is your toy. I'll take care of him." he pets the ginger hair of his boss

Rody wakes up with a yawn. He feels more tired than usual.
"Last night... what happened?" as the memories flood into his mind, his soft heart is beating loudly
The smell of eggs wakes him from his daydreaming. The spot next to him in bed is empty. He rushes to the kitchen to find Vince cooking him breakfast.
"Vincy~!" he hugs him from behind
"What's with that nickname?"
"Because I'm happy that you're here."
"What? I'm not one to abandon one in need. Sit down, I made breakfast."
Rody eats the food with a big smile on his face. Vince blushes at the sight.
"He is your boss. Nothing more."
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"My boyfriend"
"It's Rody. Don't be so formal with me. We've known each other since a long time ago."
"We were only kids."
"So? It still counts." Vince sighs
"I cannot with you." Rody giggles
"You'll learn to love me one day~"
"Yeah good luck winning my heart." he is not easy to win over

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