Chapter 13

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The group went to London for a few days because Vince got appointed for his surgery. His taste buds may have healed over the years, but lost their function. The surgeon will do the best he can to recover his sense of taste.
Vince is on the operation table with a hospital gown on and hair net.
"Alright mr. Charbonneau, I'll put this mask on you and give you anesthesia. You will fall asleep in 1-2 minutes. It'll be a quick surgery. After the surgery, you might vomit the anesthesia later."
"It's better to eliminate it rather than get sick later."
The surgeon puts the mask on Vince. It smells like medicine with a hint of mint. His consciousness is starting to fade. He could only think about Rody cooking him food and tasting it. He is doing this for himself and Rody. If he knew right now how panicked Rody is over the surgery.

"Rody if you keep pacing left and right you're gonna make me dizzy too."
"What if something happens to him?"
"Vince is strong. A surgery is nothing compared to getting his buds burned." nobody wants taste buds burned
"How long would be the surgery?"
"A few hours. Trust the doctor, he is a professional."

The surgery is done with success.
"Mr. Charbonneau will wake up soon. He'll need to eat light meals like soup for the next few days."
"Thank you doctor, truly." Vicky pays him 1k euros
"No no no, keep the money. It was my pleasure helping him."

Vince hears voices, he still feels tired from the anesthesia.
"Is he waking up?" Rayna asks
Slowly opening his eyes, he sees the 3 people who have been waiting for his awakening.
"The surgery was a success cousin."
Vince's eyes set on Rody.
"Don't talk! You just woke up!"
His throat hurts. Did they put a tube?
"They had to put a tube in your throat for you to get enough oxygen."
He wants to kiss Rody.
"Do you need anything? Water?"
Before Vince could say another word he gets hit with nausea. He grabs the trash can and pukes his guts out.
"That's the anesthesia"

He got some water to stay hydraded.
"How are you feeling Vince?"
"Tired. I don't know if the surgery did anything."
"Let's hope. If you actually recovered your sense of taste, you'd enjoy food again!"
"And you'll cook for me right?"
"Well I wouldn't be as good as you."
Vince hugs Rody by the waist.
"Wait not now! Someone might see!"
"I don't care. I want you close to me."
"Viiiiince!" he is whining embarrassed
"Mon coeur, I'm not letting go, even if you beg." Rody sighs defeated
"For someone who is cold 24/7, you're really touchy."
"That only goes for you."
The door opens
"I got you a sandwich cousin."
"Oi! Hands off Rody!"
Rayna and Vince glare at each other
"Will you two stop? Here puppy, I got a sandwich for you too."
"You're like a puppy." Rody gets red in the face "Doctor said tomorrow you'll get discharged."
"I want to return as soon as possible."
"It's just for one night. We'll stay at a hotel nearby." Vicky serves them the sandwiches: lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, mayo between 2 toasted bread slices
Rody is drooling by how good it looks. He takes his first bite. BLT with mayo is very delicious. Vince doesn't know wether to try it or not. Rody uses the plastic fork and knife to cut it.
"Want me to feed you chef?"
"Funny" Vince eats a piece, expecting to taste nothing like usual
Yet it is not the case. The freshness of lettuce and tomatoes, the saltyness of the bacon, the softness of the mayo. It is full of flavor.
"...I can taste"
"Wait what?"
"I can taste!"
"It worked?!"
They're all shocked that he can taste.
"After so many years you can taste! It was so difficult for you to go through that pain."
Rody gives Vince a big smooch on his head. Rayna's jaw dropped.
"That's it? That's my reward?"
"What, I just gave you a kiss because I was happy for you!"
"If you're that happy come here." he's grabbed by the shirt, their lips meet
"OI! I'll kill you!" Rayna attacks Vince
"Ray knock it off!" Vicky grabs her

Time goes by quickly and they're back in Paris. As promised, Rody cooks him creamy carbonara.
"Vince can you not look at me?"
"You give me goosebumps."
"Do I?" he steps closer to Rody "You're the first person besides my mother to cook for me."
"Didn't Vicky cook for you?"
"Never did" he kisses his cheek "We're not close like you and miss Lamoree."
"Please stop fighting with Rayna. You are both important to me."
"She is hot tempered, but alright. She will be my in-law."
"...What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna propose to you."
"HUH?" Vince proposing to Rody?
"M-M-Marriage? Aren't you going too fast?"
"Were you planning to marry Manon then?"
"I mean, I wanted to when we were a couple. Now not anymore."
"Good. If I see her with you again I'm gonna kill her."
"What's with you and Rayna wishing her death??"
"Do we need to remind you that she-"
"Broke my heart? Cheated on me? Yes I know! She went for you, someone a lot richer and living better than me. I still wonder why you chose me."
"Oh mon coeur... if you could let go of the suffering..." Rody finishes making the carbonara, serving it on 2 plates
"Actually, I want dessert first."
"I don't have dessert."
"I see one right in front of me."
"Why am I even surprised...?" "Try my pasta before you ruin me in the bed."
Vince's smirk doesn't disappear. Rody puts the plates on the table. Vince can taste the flavor and creamyness.
"You're a decent cook."
"I try"
"Sooo a little bird told me you lived in a miserable apartment." Rody freezes
"Who said that?"
"I got my ways. Is that why you'd look like a mess every time you clocked in? What's worse: broken bathroom?"
"Are you a stalker?"
"It's called having connections."
"My life outside work is none of your business chef." Vince's eyes darken
"At the bistro, I'm your boss. At home, I'm your boyfriend. I can be rough on you Rody." goosebumps again "He's so adorable when he is scared."
"Screw you"
"Screw me?"
"I'm not scared of you."

Got fucked once again.
"...I hate you"
"No you don't"
"My butt hurts thanks to you!"
"You were screaming my name."
"Please shut up before I die further of embarassment."
"Aww but Rody it's just us. You can be honest with me."
Rody hides under the blanket again.
"I'll give you a day off."
"Yeah right"
"I'm being serious" they cuddle under the blanket
"Want another bite on you?"
"My neck has no more space for that."
They fall asleep warmed up.

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