Chapter 6

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In the next day...
All the cooks had to hold Rayna as she was about to choke Vince.
"I told you to keep your hands off my cousin! I'll butcher your hands!"
Rody enters panicked in the kitchen
"Ray calm down!" he is strong enough to hold her
Vince on the other hand is calm, arms crossed, having his dull look.
"Rayna I'll give you something on the house just please calm down!"
She looks at Rody
"Make me a cocktail."
"A cocktail?! We only serve wine!"
"Figure it out then." she leaves
"She only eats and drinks what I make. Guess she doesn't trust Vince at all."
"She is something, opposite of you."
"I can be angry too."
"You?" he scoffs "You're like a puppy."
"Even puppies bite sir."
The cooks laughs. Rody's face darkens and glares with his green eyes. He can actually be scary.
"Never saw him do that face." Vince is surprised
"Now excuse me I gotta go buy stuff to make a cocktail." he goes to the store close by to buy ingredients

For the next few days Rody has been ignoring Vince unless he gets an order to do this and that. When they're the last ones to leave, Rody avoids being touched. He doesn't know what to do. Rody wants to find Manon and talk to her, to make up with her, to have one more chance with her, but everyone has been telling him from the start it wouldn't last. Rayna doesn't want him to date Manon and Vince doesn't like hearing about Manon. Why did Vince kiss him and was being all touchy? Is he actually in love with Rody? Is it an act to get him to do something bad in the future? He doesn't want his heart broken again. Part of him feels wrong for making out with Vincent, but the other part of him loves those kisses. It was warm, gentle, delicate. The way Vince'a pale hands touched his tanned skin, when he bit him and left kisses all over his delicate body. Those black eyes looking at him lovely and lustful.
"Stop it! Stop! He is your boss! You are not on the same level as him!" he tears up "I should find a replacement. I have to quit and go to London with Rayna. It will be the best for both of us."

Rody secretely made posters to find a new waiter for Vince, no matter man or woman. They just have to show up at the bistro.
"Excuse me?" a short haired girl with a long dress came in the bistro
"Welcome! What can I get you?"
"I'm actually here for the job offer."
"Job offer? What job offer?" Vince has come from the kitchen
"Are you the bistro owner?"
"I saw this poster, saying that you are looking for a waiter." Vince grabs it
"I didn't hang any poster." he pauses, slowly looking at Rody, who is looking away "So that's how you're gonna play Lamoree? Alright." "Well I would need a second waiter as the bistro is getting more crowded these days. Follow me to my office miss."
Rody's frozen. He didn't think it could backfire on him.
An hour passes, the interview is done.
"I look forward to work with you sir!"
"Likewise miss. See you on Monday."
"Thank you too!" she smiles at Rody
"O-Oh no problem" she leaves happily
"Lamoree" Rody shivers from Vince's deadly tone "My office. Now."
"I'm screwed!"

"Looking to hire without telling me?" Rody is looking anywhere but at him "And without my permission?"
"What else was I supposed to do?"
"If you were having difficulty serving the customers, you should have went to me. Or... is it something else?"
Rody looks at him "If I were to suggest hiring a second waiter, you'd say you don't need another one."
"Do you think I'm stupid Rody?" Vince steps closer, Rody steps back "Do you think trying to find a replacement will get you out? Do you consider yourself that low to not believe that I could be your ideal partner?"
"Yes I'm that low! I can't even be in the same room as you!"
Rody's thoughts take over. His parents signed him to medical school. He quit after a year because it wasn't for him. Rayna took him to cooking classes but he barely passed. Switching jobs over the past 7 years is not an achievement to be proud of. He couldn't even keep Manon by his side. He barely sees his only relative who cares about him, he lost contact to his college friends, he doesn't see himself worthy of living.
His thoughts are interrupted by a pair of lips on his own. Vince took him in his arms. Rody pulls away.
"God dammit Vincent! You can't date a loser like me! I don't have any friends, I never graduated university, I barely passed cooking school! How can you, a famous bistro owner, think of even dating a nobody like me? No wonder Manon left me for you. You got what girls wish for: a successful life"
Vincent saw how people suffer over a lot of stuff... but witnessing it right in front of him? Rody doesn't think he is worth of being even Vince's friend.
"I'm not perfect Rody."
"What do you mean?"
"Nobody believed I could be a chief as I lost my sense of taste. I'm made fun of my appearance even today. When you stepped in my bistro for the first time, I knew you were something I'd never be: a guy people would like for his heart"
Rody doesn't notice that he is crying.
"That's why... in this short time... I fell in love with you. And I'm not going to change my mind. You have 2 choices: quit now and leave to go in London... or remain here and be my boyfriend. If you choose the second option, I will never let you go. I will lock you in my apartment so that you'll never escape from me. I'll kill anyone who dares to hurt you." his face got dark on the last part, his irises being smaller
"K-Kill? But if you kill you'll end up in Hell, Vince." he wipes Rody's tears
"I was always a sinner. I could change for you. Only for you."
Once again Rody is leaning on a wall, being pinned by Vince.
"So what's it gonna be, mon coeur?"
"What did you call me...?"
"Mon coeur" he moves a strand of his hair behind his ear
Either he leaves to UK, start a new life and get a new job, or stays in Paris, to work for Vince, who is obsessed with him. He doesn't know what to do.

"You ok Rody?" Rayna serves dinner
"Ray... how would you feel if I dated a murderer?"
"What kind of murderer?"
"What do you mean?"
"There are actually 3 kinds: one likes to kill for fun, one is an assassin, third is a killer who defends and protects"
"Then... would you rather see me with Vince or Manon?"
Rayna looks at him deep and hard. A life with Manon, a girl who broke his heart or Vince, a cold boss who has a dark secret, yet the guy Manon left for but he isn't interested in her.
"I'd choose Vincent over Manon. He is dull yes, but I only hope he treats you like a human being."
"Earlier, he told me he is into men."
"For real? So he is gay."
"Pretty much"
"Thanks for being honest." she ruffles his hair
"Eat up. We got a full weekend ahead of us."
He feels his chest lighter knowing that Ray supports him. He'll tell her later.
His heart changed. He chose Vince. He let him make him a mess in his office, adding another hickey on him. If they continue to go further, Rody will lose his innocence faster than he expects.

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