Chapter 20

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"Look at you~! So handsome!"
The Lamoree cousins went shopping for new suits for a party thrown by a former high school classmate. Rody is wearing a suit that a demon wears in movies: black with red
"I don't know if these colors suit me."
"You look like a hot demon."
"Oh stop it Ray" Rody looks at himself in the mirror "Oh I do look good."
Some women passing by blush as he's flexing a bit. Even the employees have their eyes on him.
"Okay hot stuff, it's my turn."
Rayna tries a suit that makes her look boyish/tomboy. It's black and white.
"That definitely looks good on you."
"Should we buy these?"
"I'd say we should. We got enough to pay for them."

They arrive at the location. The house is big, the parkling lot is full of cars.
"Shall we?"
"We shall" they link arms
Someone is at a window seeing them approaching.
"Yo guys I think I know who it is!"
"Who? You seem excited."
The doorbell rings. The house's butler opens the door and welcomes them.
"It's the Lamorees!"
The entire group cheers.
"Hey Raina, I like your short hair."
"Thank you!"
"Yo Rody, did you get buff?"
"Not much but yeah."
The two were the outgoing ones of the class with funny jokes and stories.
"Thank you everyone for coming for our 10 years anniversary since we all graduated together. Today we'll party hard, eat good food and have fun. Me liking to do the best of the best, I had a talk with one of the best chefs in all of Paris to cook for us."
The two look at each other.
"Hopefully it's someone else." Ray says in her head
"There are many chefs." Rody replies
They can speak telepathic.
"Alright president, let's drink up!"

*Ding dong*
"It must be the chef." the host goes to open the door "Welcome welcome! Oh I didn't expect two of you."
"She is my cousin."
"Oh! I heard about you from England magazines. I'll pay you both."
He brings them to the main room.
"Everyone, the chefs have arrived."
"Oh no..." they had a feeling
"Vincent and Vicky Charbonneau"
"The Charbonneaus??"
"No way!"
"Not just Vincent but Vicky too?"
"She is famous in UK."
Vince isn't wearing his usual uniform. It's a black one, only for ocassions like weddings. They got their fake smiles for business.
"Surprise us with your best dishes."
"Of course" Vince smiles at the host
"Here is a list of allergies. Some of us can't eat certain ingredients."
Vicky looks at the list "We'll be careful sir. Lead us to the kitchen."
They are brought to the kitchen. Their black eyes spot the ginger heads going to a different room.
"Are there other ginger heads in Paris Vince? Because in UK there are."
"Not that I know of. This must be their high school reunion."
"Is that so? Then I don't regret coming anymore. This should be fun."
"You took the words out of my mouth. Let's cook and serve fast so we can go check on our little puppies."
Both have their devilish grins on.

"Of all chefs the president could have hired, it just had to be them!" Rody is pacing nervously
"I expected Vince but Vic too? Should we bail?"
"No or else we'd look suspicious. Let's pretend that we don't know them."
"Agreed. Let's remain hidden for a bit because I'm not in the mood."
They go to the bathroom. Ray checks on her make-up, Rody does his hair. After 20 minutes, they go back to the main room.
"Where were you guys?"
"We had to use the bathroom." Rody says nervously
"Both of you? You go together even in the bathroom?"
"So what? We share the same blood." Rayna says
"Yeah but you're opposite genders."
"Alright enough. Food is ready. Would you two sit and eat?"
"I'm good"
"I ate before we came here."
"You'll pass on the food made by chef Charbonneau? You know his bistro is expensive, you will never get another chance at free food."
Rody has his fake grin when he hides something. He eats his food every day and even works for him. Rayna works for Vicky so she knows how her style of cooking.
"Hey Ray, didn't you say you are into women? Miss Charbonneau could be your type."
"OI!" she kicks the chair they sit on
Rayna glances at Vicky, who winks at her with a smirk.
"UGH! Vicky!" she glares at her
Rody avoids Vince's cold gaze.
"Enjoy the food. We're gonna retreat for a bit." they leave the room again
"I'll go lay down in a guest room."
"You do that. I'll go wash my face."
Rody goes to the bathroom again. He splashes warm water on his face. The lights turn off suddenly.
"Hey who turned off the light?" he can hear movement "This isn't funny!" he flinches when two hands grab him by the waist
The hands unbutton his suit, next it's his pants being unzipped. One hand slips under the shirt, the other inside his pants.
"Fuck Vince I know it's you."
"Oh what gave it away?"
"Only you are this touchy to me. What are you doing here?"
"I was hired for this reunion. At first I had no interest but as I saw you and Rayna, it became more fun."
"Okay now get off."
"I don't think so my love. You refused to eat my food. You must be punished for it."
"What do you mean?? I eat your food every single day."
"You haven't today. Now stay still. We don't want your friends to hear you, would we?"
"You wouldn't dare"
"Oh mon coeur... yes I would~" Vince licks Rody's earlobe as he continues to run his hands on his body
"You maniac!" Rody tries hard to push him off
He manages to pin Vincent to the sink and flip the switch of the mirror light. Rody looks at him closer in the outfit. He can see his worked out abdomen a bit through the uniform.
"Damn, black really suits him."
"Paint me, it lasts longer."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why else? Even if you think I would be embarrassed of dating you, I gotta prove you that it's the opposite. You're my boyfriend and either you like it or not, you are not gonna get rid of me." his face gets dark "Not now, not ever."
Rody got a bit scared and backs away. Vince grabs him.
"Who told you to dress as a demon?"
"It was a coincidence."
"I'm not saying it doesn't look good on you tho. You're one hot meal Rody."
"Why thank you for your kind words chef. However, this meal is off menu." he zips his pants "I believe you have customers to serve. I shouldn't take a lot of a wealthy man's time."
"Doing that shit again?"
"What shit? I'm just an average guy on an average level of popularity. People are obsessed with levels so I might as well act on it too."
Nobody knows when Rody is acting or sarcastic, only those who know him.
Vincent's face got entirely black, only his eyes are shown.
"Are you gonna pull out a knife?" he's a maniac, of course he'd have a knife on him all the time
"Not on you mon coeur. Never on you. I wouldn't hurt you."
"How do you know I wouldn't betray you and run off?"
"You're too guilty to abandon even an animal, let alone a person."
Vince can read Rody like a book. Right now he can see the emptyness in his green eyes. Both of them were born as talented kids but only one managed to climb the ranks.
"Rody..." he puts his hands on his face "My Rody" anyone could tell he is one possessive psychopath "If you do run away I am gonna find you no matter where you go, no matter how far you get." what did Rody get himself into?
"You're one damn psychopath."
"Tell me something I don't know."
Vince wraps his pale arms around his waist, aiming for Rody's lips. Back on the wall, Rody has no escape, nor can duck and run. His mouth is held open, letting the tongue of the chef explore the wet cave for a deep kiss. Rody's so used to it yet he could never get bored or enough of it.
"Chef we're still at the party, you got-"
"It's Vince, Rody. I don't care about the party. Where is the bedroom?"
"I don't know"
"Then let's find it."
"Not here. Not now. My butt is still in pain from last time. Why don't you go make desserts for the customers?" he kicks Vince out of the bathroom "Holy god dammit he can't keep his hands to himself. Wait, is Rayna alone?"
"What the hell is Rody staying so long in the bathroom?" Rayna goes to check on him, only to hear him and another voice inside "Charbonneau I swear to God." she puts her hand on the knob, but a hand grabs her wrist then drags het back to the guest room "Who the-"
"Shhh" the female chef shushes her
"The hell do you want Vicky?"
"I suggest you don't be rude to me. I'm still your boss."
"Not anymore. I quit."
"Ha! You think you can quit? Just like that? I don't think so Lamoree!"
"You act just like Vincent!"
"Only when it's about you! I won't let a man or woman touch you!"
"Vicky knock it off!"
"What happened last time? You clear as day enjoyed our time."
"That was a mistake." that freezes her to the core
"You can't be with me. It'll bring only shame to your family."
"Fuck my family! The only family I'll have is with you." she unties her long black hair "Let me love you, I'll make you feel good, mon coeur."
Now she can see, the crazyness in her eyes, just like Vince. They never loved and now that they found the one, they become possessive.
Rayna bites her lip and pushes Vicky to the bed, topping her.
"If you claim you can treat me better than a man, then show me!" the blue eyes stare at the black ones
It starts with a kiss on the neck.
"Would you have liked if I had a cock my dear waitress?"
"Does it matter? Just fuck me good."
"Your wish is my command~"

Rody is eating steak as he got hungry.
"Is it good?" he slowly looks at Vince
"Say one dish that isn't good when you make it." the chef has a satisfied grin
Eventually Rayna appears and grabs a plate as she is hungry like a wolf.
"Someone is hungry"
"Let me be"
Vicky appears tying her hair back.
"What did she do?"
"You don't wanna know."
"I very much wanna know."

The party goes on until very late. The chefs left first, then the Lamorees an hour later. All they want right now is to sleep. Rody parks the car in front of the building and helps Rayna up, she is more tired than him. Unlocking the door, carrying her to her bed.
"Undress yourself, use the restroom."
Rody goes to his room to undress.
"I haven't been to a wild party in years. I'm glad I asked for days off or else I'd be a zombie." taking his tux off, using the bathroom and going to bed, it took 20 minutes "Just sleep. Don't dream."
But of course his mind wanders to the bathroom incident where Vince tried to mark him again. His mind creates a dream where Vince is on top of him in his bedroom right now, thrusting into him with all his length, Rody being a moaning mess. He immediately wakes up from it.
"Are you freaking kidding me?? I just want to sleep!" he kicks his legs in the blanket like a kid "Did Ray fall asleep yet?" he quickly goes to check on her
She is sleeping soundly in her pajama. Rody covers her with the blanket. He kisses her head.
"Good night dear cousin." he goes back to his own room, finally getting a well deserved sleep

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