Chapter 10

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Rody saw Manon with another man, he saw her smiling at him, being clingy to him, laughing. He didn't want to think that she was cheating on him. Rody is... broken, not able to see who is the other man as he is fully clothed. Why wasn't she honest? Why didn't she tell him to break up, to end things on a good note instead of cheating? Was Rayna right? About Manon being a fake kind girl? If he knew that the man she left him for would be his future boss, he would of had went to look for another job. Love letters in his trash, a picture of the two on a date, it was clear Manon wanted a successful man, not someone like Rody who'd neglect himself to please her. If Manon was honest from the very start, Rody wouldn't be so shattered.

"Rody" Rody wakes up feeling his hair being carassed, black eyes looking at him with love
Right. The man Manon liked actually likes him and was the child he played with 20 years ago for half a year.
"...Vince? What happened last night?" he looks at himself then at the clothes on the floor, realizing what they did last night
He hides under the cover after letting out a squeal.
Vince laughs at the reaction. He rarely laughs. God he loves Rody.
"Mon coeur, don't hide your face from me." he tries to move the blanket, but to no avail. Rody became a cocoon.
"Can he be more adorable than that?" "Mon coeur?" he shakes him, Rody is still "Rody come on" still no reaction "Okay then, I'll let you be for a bit." he goes out of the bedroom
Rody unwraps from the blanket "How could I do that with my boss? Also... he was my childhood neighbor? This is so confusing!"
"EEK!" Vince pretended to leave to get under the blankets, Rody trying to get out, but Vince is faster and drags him back in

Breakfast in bed can be the best meal to start the day.
"I hate you"
"No you don't"
"Yes I do"
"Do you tho?"
"See? You're really cute."
"Hmph" he pouts
Vincent's black heart became red the moment he laid eyes on Rody.
"Did you dream about something?"
"Manon being clingy to you before I'd officially meet you. I only saw you all clothed." he moves his eyes to his left, only to see a dark faced glaring Vince
"Why do you keep thinking about that obnoxious girl?"
"I'm upset she wasn't honest with me. She should have said something if our relationship wasn't working. I tried. I tried my very best. Why didn't I listen to Rayna?"
Vincent remembers being forced to be on a date with her, because they only crossed paths coincidentally. He was disgusted by how touchy he was. Now knowing that Rody saw him too gets him even more annoyed.
"You're mine" he pins him to the bed "Mine, you hear?"
"Calm down, I'm not one to cheat."
"I know, but I want to mark you again and again every single time she ends up in our conversations."
Rody gulps. Vince is a psycho for him. Crazy enough to kill for him.
"When I found out you were the man Manon liked, I wanted to punch you. Now knowing you were my childhood friend, I have mixed feelings." he has his back facing Vince "Why haven't I seen you again after so long? Why did we cross paths now? What if we have never crossed paths again?" so many questions in his tired brain
"Mon coeur, don't think like that. We are together now. That's what matters doesn't it?"
Rody is not convinced. He has known Vince for like two months yet met him 20 years ago. Does the time back then counts? He doesn't know how love is supposed to be anymore thanks to the girl that broke his heart.
"I don't know Vince. Us dating doesn't seem like a good idea. It's not you. It's only me. I'm mentally unstable."
Vince clutches onto the blanket trying to calm down. His blood is boiling.
"You god damn witch! You hurt Rody! You broke him! You're lucky you left or else you'd have become my next dish!"
"I'm sorry if I upset you."
Vince lets out a sigh. He can't be mad at Rody. None of that is his fault.
"Don't blame yourself. You were only trying your best at keeping your love for her alive. You being caring is one reason why I love you." Vincent kisses Rody's neck to ease his pain
"Do you really see us together in your long far future?"
"Mhm. Me still having my bistro, with you close to me as not only my waiter, but husband tol, with marriage rings on our fingers."
"What? We'll hit our 30s soon enough. Why not sooner than later?"
"Too soon!" he covers his red face
Vincent turns him around so they can be face to face. Rody takes a glance at the bottom.
"Oh Jesus Christ what is that big thing? Is that really his?"
"Where are you looking?"
"Uh huh"
"I wasn't looking at it."
"Wasn't looking at what?" Rody stays quiet "Alright then. Round two."
"Wait Vince!" but the blanket flies and falls on them, covering the scene

Rody is lucky it's the weekend or else he wouldn't be able to work.
"Oww" his butt hurts and his legs are shaky "I need a shower" unfortunately Vince only has a bathtube "This works I guess" he fills the tube with water
Rody steps in and relaxes. The warm water is just what he needed. All his pain and stress is melted away. A sigh of relief leaves his lips
Footsteps then steps in the water are what Rody hears with his eyes closed. His lips get wet from something soft.
"Hi" he gets comfortable on Vince
"Enjoying the bath?"
"I was needing one. I envy you."
"Because you're rich"
"And? I got you to share my money."
"I promised to return your money."
"Forget those 1k euros. You seemed to be desperate back then."
"Well I regret it. Ray was right. Manon wasn't worth it."
"You finally admit it?"
"Shush you!" he splashed his face
"Did you just splash me?"
"We're already wet"
They stare at each other in the eyes. It feels like time stopped. It's just them. Only them in the bathroom, probably in the whole universe.
"Je t'aime mon cher chef." (I love you my dear chef)
"Mon doux serveur" (My dear waiter)
They chuckle at each other's cheesy confessions.
"Are you really going to be upset with me all your life?"
"My own boss and best friend is a god damn Charbonneau!"
"I said I'm not proud of that I'm sorry! Come on Rayna!"
"My poor dear cousin! Working for a Charbonneau!"
"Vincent isn't that bad!"
The two need to work out a lot of stuff between them.

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