Chapter 12

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The group took Vince's car to drive to the studio of Vicky's acquaintance.
"Why are you driving my car again?"
"Because I don't trust you driving with us here. Knowing your temper, you'd try to kill us."
Vince in the passanger seat, Lamoree cousins at the back.
"Hey Rod, do you remember that cute girl from 6th grade?"
"Where did that come from?"
"You know, the one with 2 ponytails. I remember she gave you chocolates on Valentine's Day."
"Oh yeah. I mean we were just kids."
Vince doesn't seem bothered. A child's love is innocent.
"What about that girl in high school? I saw her wearing her mom's old dress. She seemed into you."
"What's gotten into you?"
"I got bored. Talking about the past is fun when we tell happy memories."
"I mean she was cute. We went on one date but that's it."
"What if you reunite and she asks you on another date?"
Vince is starting to get annoyed.
"Ray that's impossible. She moved out of the country."
"Okay fine. How about that girl from cooking school? She always made you cupcakes."
"She was nice but I liked Manon back then. Maybe I should have considered going out with her instead."
Vicky sees from the corner of her eye Vince's veins showing on his neck.
"Manon this, Manon that. Yet she left you for this Charbonneau!"
"Are you trying to piss me off??"
"Yes, is it working?"
Vince takes out his pocket knife.
"VINCE DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!" Vicky yells, almost driving off road.

They arrive safely at the studio. Vicky swears her head off at Vince for what he almost did.
"WHY AM I RELATED TO YOU?? YOU PSYCHOPATH! Holding a knife at her throat? Wanna die at my hands?"
Rody is hugging Rayna acting like her shield after that stunt.
"She kept pissing me off talking about all the girls who liked Rody!"
"I thought you only hated Manon."
"Oh I do, but nobody will take him. He is mine and I claimed him!"
"He is not an object for you to claim!"
"Vince..." Rody walks close to Vince "I am happy you care about me, but try not to get too stressed. It's unhealthy." he put his hands on the chef's cheeks
"Mon coeur, the more sweet words you tell me, the more I want you by my side even after death."
"Is that you Vicky?!" Rody pulls away
"Hello Pierce"
Fair skin, red hair, brown eyes. Pierce Martin is a young director, only ever made small short movies
"It's been so long! You are as beautiful as ever!"
"Yeah yeah kiss my hand you peasant then we'll talk." he laughs then grabs her hand to kiss it
"Vincent Charbonneau! I am honored to have you in my movie! Your food is one of the best I've eaten!"
"Why thank you. I'm glad that you're enjoying my food." Vince has his fake smile that greeds customers, creeping the other 3
"And this are my friend and her twin cousin, Rayna and Rody Lamoree."
"Rody... Lamoree?" Pierce looks at him "The med school failure?"
That title shocks the group.
"Pardon? What was that?" Vicky asks with a brow lifted
"I got a friend from a med school and he kept talking about a Lamoree. The nickname is very rude because med is not for everyone. If you dropped your school because you didn't like it, what is the big deal? Go to a major you like. Even I dropped out of law school."
Rody feels so ashamed he wants to dig a hole and go in it. Is that how others call him now? It's not like he's the first to drop out of something or the last.
Without noticing, he starts crying. He bottled up for so long he bursts out at the wrong place and time.
"Wait I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry I swear!"
Rayna is already on fire. Vincent hugs Rody and rubs his back.
"Watch what you say next time!" Ray's furious again
"No it is my fault. I shouldn't cry over something like this."
"Just because you're a guy doesn't give you any less right to cry!"
"Pierce this movie better be worth it. I do not like wasting my time."
"Of course of course! Follow me!"

"This is where the magic happens."
Left and right, actors dressed or doing script reading.
"Interesting looking studio"
"My movie will be about a party that will take place at a rich house. All the people of town are invited. First, this woman gets invited to overwatch, as there is a criminal on the loose."
"And the killer could crash the party?"
"Exactly! She is having dinner with a colleague. You are gonna be random customers. You can't say random stuff as you won't be heard."
"Do you have a table for 4?"
"Just one. That's for you. Firstly, let me call the team to get you ready."

"Alright everyone, into positions! We start with the detective being invited at the party! Lights, camera, action!"
The two actors say their lines.
"This is so exciting! It feels like this is an investigation going on."
"Look at you Rody, having that grin on you." Rayna nudges him "But for real, are you alright? That was awful about what he said."
"It's fine. I was insulted many times. I served lots of rude customers."
Vince takes Rody's hand in his.
"Vince don't get caught doing that. As you know, people don't accept us."
"I don't care" he ignores Vicky, only is focused on Rody
"Can we eat after filming?"
"Are you always hungry Ray?"
"You know me well Rod."
The filming takes 2-3 hours.
"Cut! Amazing, truly amazing. Let's go over to the next scene. Actors, you can leave." some actors run to Vincent for an autograph
"Alright alright, one at a time please." that smile again
"I hate that smile. It creeps me when he does that."
"You have that smile too Vicky."
"Mine is genuine"
"Not all the time."
Vince escapes after he finishes giving enough autographs.
"Can we go eat? I'm craving a burger."
"You always craved burgers when we were in high school." Rody chuckles
"Because it's delicious!" Rayna pouts
"It's also unhealthy"
"You also ate fast-food a lot."
"Not anymore"
"Wait!" Pierce runs towards them "I..." he takes his time to breath "I want to apologize once again. I didn't know it was you everyone talked about, but I am deeply sorry. I hope you'll forgive me." Pierce takes out his wallet, giving Rody 1100 euros
"No no I can't take it!"
"Just take the money. It's 250 each for you plus extra for you."
Rody doesn't know what to say.
"Thank you for being in my movie. I'll see you next time." he bows then goes back to the studio
"Well that was... something. Now you can treat yourself with the extra cash you got."
"But I feel bad."
"Don't be. That's how Pierce always is. Enjoy getting tips when you do. Let us go now. We're done here."
They go eat lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon around the streets of Paris. The sun falls down.
"Ray come to my apartment. We need to talk."
"What? But-"
"No buts. Come on now." Vicky drags her away
Rody is confused, fatigue takes over.
"Are you tired?"
"No, I'm good."
"Your eyes are falling. Let's go back. I will make you a cup of tea."
The men walk towards the restaurant, up the apartment.

Rody watches as Manon is leaving, far away from him. But then she is in front of him. Does she have anything else to say? Pain makes him look down, seeing as he got stabbed. Manon stabbed him. She pushes him, he falls down. He just keeps falling and falling in the void. He was never loved. She never loved him. She left him for someone who she has considered better in life. He closes his eyes, expecting the fall and die.
The sound of flapping wings flutter his eyes open, black wings belonging to the man flying to save him. His lost friend, his boss, the chef everyone considers a cold guy, yet he is flying down to save his waiter. He catches him, holds him close, flying up and up. Rody feels safe, calm in his arms. His wings may not be white, but his heart is pure for him. He loves him. Vince loves Rody, truly and deeply. For the first time in his life, he loves someone for real.

Rody is hugging Vince in his sleep due to the dream.
"Rody?" Vincent turns around, taking the ginger in his arms "What are you dreaming about? A nightmare? Weird dream? I'll keep you safe. I will always keep you safe." he kisses his forehead

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