Chapter 9

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The Lamoree cousins wear the knitted bracelets from Vicky. All four have a... serious talk about their sexualities.
"As you probably already know, Vince here is gay. Girls never impressed him nor was interested in finding a wife." Vince rolls his eyes "When we were in university, I saw Vince glancing at one guy who was short and had more girl friends than boy friends. That guy had an unique aura on him. We found out later he was trans make. I personally like trans males who are softies, short, not those big, buff type of guy. From that day I realised that Vince was gay."
"But the problem was your parents?" Rayna asks
"Our fathers to be exact. Our mothers didn't have the right to say anything." she huffs annoyed "Uncle was already furious that Vincent lost his taste, but after finding out he was gay too, it put him in rage. They had a huge fight."
"I left my home after. I send letters to my mother once a month."
"As for my dad, he doesn't know yet. I never planned on telling him because I know he'll marry me off to a jerk."
"He might find out if you're caught in a newspaper."
"Now back to you. What made you fall for my friend's cousin of all people?"
Vince looks at Rody

It's noon. Vince is waiting for his last person to interview. He hasn't found the perfect person to be his waiter. He gets tired from remembering all of his interviews. Some were self-centered, a few very shy to speak, one or 2 had a bad attitude. If this last person will be a nuisance, he'll just have to serve the customers himself.
The door of the bistro opened.
"Hello! I'm here for the waiter job."
Vince lifts his dark eyes to the person. His breath gets stuck in his chest. The last person he'll interview is the man he's been looking for, for years long.

20 years ago
No child wanted to play with 8 years old Vincent. They saw him as creepy, devil child. They even threw rocks at him and laughed.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" the kids run off "Are you ok? Here take my hand."
The little ginger haired gives his hand to help Vince. He takes it after staring at him for a few seconds.
"You can play with me and my cousin! I am sure she'll like a new friend." he drags Vince without a care "Cuz! I got us a new friend!"
Little Ray looks over "Bring him! We needed a third musketeer."
Vince's mom rushed over "My baby!"
"Oh ma'am don't worry. My son took him to play." Rody's mom assures her
"Look at our kids play!" Rayna's mom claps her hands happily.
The three women talk while the three play as musketeers.
"My name is Rody! This is Rayna!"
"I'm... Vince. Are you two twins?"
"Twin cousins!"
"We're cousins who were born on the same day. Looking the same was just a coincidence."
"Oh, ok."
From that day, Vince would play with the cousins everyday. Unfortunately... they moved away. Those months were not so dark with them around. He was happy to be their neighbor for the few months he lived in the suburban.

"Sir? Are you ok?"
Vince snapped from his thoughts. It's no mistake it's him. Same ginger hair, same green eyes, but taller and good looking. He doesn't seem to remember Vince tho.
"My apologies. You actually got here on time."
"I try to be as early as I can." he gives him a paper
Vince reads it. It says what schools he attended and what jobs he had, also personal information like his name.
"Rody Lamoree. It is him." "28 jobs in the last 7 years?"
"I'm not really proud of that but these days people don't like bubbly people like me."
"You're hired"
"I need someone who can be polite, a waiter or waitress who can keep calm if a rude customer comes in. You are perfect for the job. Monday at 9am, be here so I can train you a bit."
"For real?! Thank you so much! I will not disappoint you!"
"His brightness definitely remained."

Present time
"You are that kid from back then?? It was so long ago!" Rayna exclaims
"Twenty years to be exact." Vince says
"I visited once or twice." Vicky says
"I'm sorry that you went through... all of that, but you're not worthy to date my cousin."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Rody deserves someone kind, who'd give him lots of love and care, not like that bitch Manon."
"Who is Manon?" Vicky has no idea of everything that happened
"Do you want me to talk Rody?"
"Go ahead"
"Marieanne Vacher was Rody's ex. He worked his butt off to prove his love, yet she HAD the audacity not only to break his heart, but go for another."
"Who is the other guy?" Rayna points to Vince, Vicky looks at him "Does she have brain damage to go after you?"
He rolls his eyes again.
"Then later I find out from Rody that she went missing."
"Missing? She disappeared?"
"Yes and nobody knows where is she."
"Actually, the news came out that she moved to another town." Vince says
"How do you know?" Rayna asks
"I heard they searched her house and it was spotless, meaning she moved."
"Good, I don't have to see her."
Rody sighs relieved. She is safe, she is fine. A smile is on his face "Thank God she is okay."
Vince clenches his fists. He is jealous.
"Rody don't even think about going to see her."
"I won't I won't"
Out of nowhere Vicky pets his hair. If Rody had a tail, it would wag.
"You're such a kind boy you deserve a good partner." Rayna giggles
Vicky can feel the glare from Vincent. She punches him in the chest.
"May I speak to Vince alone?" the two leave the office "What did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"To that girl. You did something."
"I didn't do anything to her. Yet."
"Yet?! Vincent Charbonneau if you're becoming a murderer I'll kill you with my own two hands!"
"Calm down. I just gave her 2 choices: she leaves Rody alone and moves far away, or she becomes my next dish"
"You're sick. You're fucking sick."
"I was born out of unloved marriage, so did you."
"...Don't break that boy's heart"

Rody wipes his sweat. The restaurant is spotless.
"Time to go home." he goes out front, but the door is locked "Huh?" he goes to find Vince. He is in the office.
"Vince, the door is locked. Can you go unlock it so I can leave?"
"It's locked? Huh. I'll unlock it."
"Oh thank-"
"But I want you over tonight."
"Um... I can't. I gotta go home."
"What if I don't want you to go home tonight?"
Rody gulps. He guesses where this is gonna go.
"Come here Rody~"
"NOPE!" he runs, Vince goes after him
It's a cat and mouse chase.
"Chef I'm already full of your bites!"
"They must have healed already."
"The ones on my neck didn't!"
"Good. That should show who is your boyfriend."
The chase lasts for a few minutes.

"Mmm not there..." Vince has 2 fingers inside Rody, rubbing his soft walls
"Did I find your good spot?"
"Mmhm~" he curls his fingers, causing a moan from his beloved waiter
"These sweet sounds you make... drive me crazy mon coeur~"
"Vince... please~"
"Please what?"
"Mark me... mark me so deeply until I can't walk anymore~" he's rubbing his own hard cock
"My pleasure mon coeur~"
Vince's cock is long and thick. Slowly going inside Rody's entrance is hard, given that he is tight.
"Is this your first time?"
"I'm honored to be your first."
"What about you?"
"It's also my first time."
Love and pleasure is what they share in that night on a full moon. Their lips and hands locked together. Their eyes looking at each other lovingly. They're no longer boss and employee. They're reunited friends and lovers.

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