You are mine

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This is gonna be a different story of vampire AU, without the drama and stuff, but a game of chase of cat and mouse. It's gonna be 18+

"How about this Lamoree? You have 7 nights to hide from me. If you manage to hide through them all, I'll let you go off. If I find you even in the 7th night, you're mine. You have the daytime to roam freely. I wish you good luck."

That was what Vince told him after he tried to quit. He got hired just to get a few bucks to get a gift for Manon and now he has to hide 7 nights in a row?
Rody is used to vampires. He has seen and met a few. He learned about them through books but each vampire is its own kind. Vincent is a born one, with the power to turn into a shadow and go through small openings. Rody saw him almost biting a cook when he was yelling at them. He wasn't terrified, it was just shocking. He comforted that cook after Vince left the room.
One time when he was washing some dishes before leaving, he felt red eyes watching him, hands creeping on him all over, a tongue licking his neck. Of course that was only his imagination. Little did he know, that was what his boss wanted to do to him.
Now Rody needs to think where is he gonna hide for 7 nights. He can't hide in the same place, that'd be too easy. It might work if he goes to a party full of people, that way Vince won't get him.
On the first night he sleeps at a hotel, a 3 stars one as 5 stars are expensive. Vince didn't find him. On the second, he slept over at a guy's house after he helped him with a task that lasted for a few hours. On the third he attended a party and slept over. On the 4th and 5th he went camping. On the 6th night he went to a relative. On the 7th night, he had nowhere to go. He had to sleep at home. Vincent hasn't caught him on so he might not catch him now right? He doesn't know where Rody lives.
"After tonight, I have to look for a new job. Hopefully... he won't catch me." he lays down on his couch
He hears footsteps. Is he dreaming? It must be a dream. He feels weight on top of him, hot breathing on his ear. It can't be a dream can it? Rody slowly opens his eyes. In the dark he sees... 2 glowing red eyes...
"Found you~" he lost the game

"How unfortunate. Catching you right on the last night. You were so close to win. I congratulate you for the effort tho." he walks around
Chained up at the wrists and ankles... standing up in Vince's bedroom
"It's like you wanted to get caught."
Breathing shakily, the black eyes look at the green ones. His vest and tie are on the floor.
"The things I want to do to you..."
His hands touch Rody's inner tights to the sensible spot.
"Vince I promise not to tell anyone."
"About what?"
"You being a vampire."
"Even if you were to tell, who is going to believe you? They think we're long gone. I appreciate your honesty tho."
He slowly unbuttons Rody's uniform. More of his beautiful skin is revealed, with some muscles as bonus.
"Kill me if you're gonna do it."
"...Kill you? Sweet Rody, I wasn't going to kill you, not planning too." he runs a hand on Rody's abdomen "I want to give you pleasure before I mark you."
"M-Mark me?" the thought makes his face red "Is he gonna bite me?? How is it to be a vampire tho? I don't know if I am worthy of that."
"How about you just relax and only think of me." Rody's eyes widen, that was not his mind speaking
"You can transfer thoughts?"
"Telepathy. It's pretty easy."
Vince starts unbuttoning his shirt, his pale abdomen revealed. Rody gulps at the sight. The skinny looking chef has muscles underneath his uniform.
"Wait Vince, you're making a mistake. We're both men, we can't do this. You should do this with a woman." Vince shuts him up by tying a cloth around his head at the mouth
"Quiet. I don't want to hear nonsense." he goes towards a box and opens it
Toys, lots of them, for adults no less. A blindfold on sight. He grabs it and ties Rody's eyes, blocking his view.
"If I can't see I won't know what he will do. What am I gonna do?"
He just broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. He wanted to win her back by proving he is capable to be in a relationship.
"You know what annoys me? Always talking about that girl. You know she's also a vampire right?"
Rody slowly nods
"Why won't you consider me to be an ideal partner? Is it because I'm a man and that's a sin? What a load of crap."
Rody tries to talk. Vince moves the gag to let him.
"Because we're on different levels. I'm nobody. You're a successful chef. You are adored. I barely exist."
Silence. The more silent it is the more anxious Rody becomes. Vince starts to laugh really loud.
"That was it? Ranks? You expect me to give a care about that?" he leans close to his face "I give no shit about it. You at least have brains unlike those good for nothing snobby rich bastards."
Rody flinches when he feels a tongue on his lips. Vince kisses him, opening his mouth to let his tongue enter the ginger's wet cave. Rody moans as his roof mouth is tickled by his tongue. A line is saliva is left by their wet kiss.
"Stop resisting Rody, just give yourself in and relax. You're not gonna regret it one bit." he ties the gag back
His hand lands on Rody's pants where the cock would be. He feels a tent.
"Perfect. He is starting to get warm."
Slowly unbuttoning the pants, unzips them, lowering them. Rody struggles to move out of the chains.
"Ah ah ah. Stay still Rody." Vince grabs his whip and whips the air
Rody froze. It'll hurt if he gets hit with that. Rody jumps when Vincent whips in his direction, making him chuckle.
"The transformation of a human in a vampire can be painful. As you know, our bite is like a poison, you die after a few minutes. However, that only is true for the born ones. If you were to be bitten by a transformed one, you'd only lose your memory of the recent events." he rubs his neck "Both birth and transformed can transform other persons, the process being the same." he moves his hair "You gotta drink the vampire's blood in order to survive." he unties the gag again
"Why do you want to bite me? I'm not useful for that, nor am I as a human."
"And that is where you're wrong. You aren't a toy to be used. Your potential is locked by how low you see yourself. You have much to live for."
"But why turn me?"
"Isn't it obvious?" he shakes his head
Vince whispers in his ear "I want you and only you by my side." his ear has become red
"W-W-Wait what about Man-" he gags him again
"Don't you DARE say her name! She is nothing to me!" he grabs a vibrator "I will make you forget about her."
He sets the vibrator inside the boxers on his cock, turning it on to the lowest level. Rody gasps at the vibrations.
"Don't make a sound! Don't make even one sound!" he tries to tell himself but is failing
He gasps again when he feels fingers going inside his entrance. Deeper and deeper, close to his sweet spot.
"You're getting so wet. This must be your first time. Seems you weren't touched here before I'm guessing." his voice in his mind makes it worse, making his brain mushy
A vibrator attached to his cock, 2 pale fingers rubbing his spot, a hand on his stomack with a finger rubbing in his navel, he might go insane. He's trying very hard to keep his mind intact. His breathing getting slower.
"Don't resist me now. This is only the begining. The night is still young~"
"I'm not letting you win."
"I think I already won."
He starts kissing Rody on the neck, a few hickeys here and there, leaving a good spot to sink his fangs in.
"I am sure you'll have no issue during your transformation. You have a good body, you seem healthy. You'll make a pretty good vampire."
Remaining young forever, being with other vampires, still enjoying food yet having to drink blood, getting powers too? Does he really deserve this?
"And you don't seem to be fooled that easily. You handle bad customers well enough." he removes his fingers "You deserve a reward, my dear waiter."
Rody's eyes widen under the blindfold as something thick entered him.
"Oh god oh god he is inside me! How is he so huge when he is so skinny??"
"Gosh you're so tight... if this is really your first time, then I'm honored to be your first~"
He becomes a moaning mess as Vince thrusts into him with all of his length. He touches the bulge on his stomach, proof he is stretching him inside.
"Have you built enough stamina? I'm not gonna be happy if you faint on me after just 1 round." Vincent throws the gag away
"V-Vince hah~ p-pull it out!"
"Don't say that you don't like this."
"But it's-"
"Shut it. It's not wrong if we love each other."
"I saw you glancing at me. Why hide it from me? You clearly like me. You are like an open book."
"Are you on drugs? 'Cause this is clea-" he gags as two fingers go in his mouth
"Yes I am. You're my drug."
Rody tries to spit out the fingers.
"Don't bite" scared by his command, he lets his fingers touch his wet cave
Rody can't hold it anymore and cums, staining the floor. Vince fills him deep inside until he is full. He takes off his blindfold to wipe his sweat.
"Thank God this is over..."
"Oh this is far from over." unchained, now pushed to the bed "Round two"
"Gh!" Vince thrusts back inside, Rody being on all 4 "VINCE~!" he yelled as Vince hit his spot hard
"I love how you scream my name. Do it again~"
Rody clenches the sheets as his walls are brutally rubbed, biting in pillow, tears streaming down on his face, his eyes rolling back.
"This is wrong. This is so wrong! He is my ex-boss! Why can't I push him off?"
"This will hurt"
"AHHH!" he sunk his fangs in the soft flesh, blood pours out, pleasure mixed with pain
His blood is so sweet, so addictive. He wants more of it, wants to drink it all the time.
"This is enough. He needs my blood."
Vince cuts his wrist with a knife using telekinesis to grab it from nightstand.
"Drink up" Vincent brings his wrist to Rody's lips
Rody shakily opens his mouth to suck the red liquid, the metalic taste going down his throat. Vince's wrist heals.
The effects are not immediate. It will take hours until the transformation is complete. Rody feels hot all over.
"Good boy~" releasing one more time, he pulls out, the white fluids flowing out of him "Come here" Rody falls into Vince's arms, cuddling up on the bed
"Am I... gonna die?"
"Of course not. You're not gonna die."
Fatigue takes over. Rody falls asleep.
"Good night, mon coeur."

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