Chapter 5

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Rody is breathing heavily. He's having a wet dream. His body is getting hot.
"Mmm..." he can't seem to wake up
Rody is on Vince's bed, all naked, his boss' hands travelling on his body. It drives him crazy as Vince is stroking his cock and has two fingers in Rody's hole, curling his fingers to put him on edge. Vincent frees his throbbing cock and inserts himself inside the ginger, making him arch his back. He became a moaning mess, his spot being hit so many times. He fills Rody so deep the ginger haired feels so warm inside.
Rody wakes up in a sweat, red faced.
"Holy shit..." his head falls back on his pillow "Just a dream..."

Rayna brushes Rody's hair, making it less tangled, tying his tie, putting a bit of make-up on him, arranging him at his uniform, tying his hair.
"Now that is what I call a waiter from a 5 stars restaurant." she hands him a mirror
"Is this me?" he's sparkling more than before
"I just accentuated your looks. I must say, I'm proud of myself."
"You have magical hands."
"Just making my cousin shine brighter than any star is an achievement."
She arranges his collar "What is this?" she saw his hickey
"Rayna... it's not what it looks like..."
From far away you can hear her rage

The cooks stare as Rody is much more sparkling than when he got hired.
"Did he get more good looking?"
"He looks slightly younger too."
Even the customers adore him.
"Why are you slacking off? All of you get back to work!" Vince's voice scares the cooks
Vince takes his usual spot to watch his cooks. His black eyes glance at Rody. The waiter is serving customers right and left with his bright smile. Vince is surprised by how different he looks.
"Excuse me" a blonde girl approaches Rody "I think you're cute. Would you like to sit at my table?"
"I wouldn't dare. You're a customer."
"I insist!" she grabs his big hand with her tiny ones
Vince's eyes show anger and jealousy. He wants to grab a plate of food then throw it at her, but he is not someone to waste food.
"Maybe another time. I'll get you your drink." he rushes to the kitchen
"Rody, do not engage in conversations with the customers."
"Yes chef" he takes a bottle of wine
"Chef, are you perhaps-"
"Perharps what?" he glares
"That's what I thought."

"Hey Rody, come here for a bit."
"What's up?"
All cooks look at him.
"I saw that chef made you food a few times. Did you like it?"
They're curious of his answer.
"Want me to be honest?"
They nod
"His food was better than fast-food. It was like a piece of Heaven. I don't get why people say that chief doesn't cook with love. Not everyone can cook with love. I like the way chief uses his own spices. It gives him an unique style."
They are surprised by his answer. Too much love in cooking or baking could be too sweet in Rody's opinion. A few years ago he ate some cupcakes baked with lots of love. They were so sweet he drank a lot of water.
A grinning chief listened behind office door. He is proud and happy.

It was very crowded day today.
"I'm not feeling too well, I can't pick you up."
"Don't worry about it. Rest well. I will find somewhere else to crash."
"Don't sleep somewhere else just so you won't accidentally wake me up. I'm a heavy sleeper."
"Just go rest Ray. I have to clean up. I'll make you a nice breakfast."
"How sweet of you."
He hangs up. He gave Ray the bistro's phone number in case he won't leave anytime soon.
"I should wash the dishes." he goes to the kitchen and puts a pair of rubber gloves on
Rody is worried about Manon. Police found no trace of her even now. Could she be dead? He doesn't want to think about it. If he'd be honest, he wants to try again. He wants to be with her, to give their relationship one more try.
"Don't you dare try to go to her. I'd rather see you with a man than be with Manon." Rayna was clear about it, not wanting him to be heartbroken again. Manon still has the necklace he got her, a locket with their pictures in it, both smiling.
"Manon... would you take me back if you saw how well I am now?" he says in a quiet voice
He doesn't notice the man behind him looking at him with a glare. He wraps his arms around Rody's waist.
"Don't you think it's extremely rude to think about your ex while I'm here?"
That low, cold voice spooked Rody. He hit the water, making a splash.
"Chef don't scare me like that!"
"Why do you still keep thinking about her Rody?"
"I can't just forget about her. She was one of the greatest people I met. Just seeing her smile was enough to make me melt."
"If you could just forget about that girl for even a damn second!"
"Ray never liked her, saying stuff like Manon's kindness being a facade."
"Looks like I got something in common with miss Lamoree."
"Chef can you let go? I gotta wash the dishes and head home."
"Hmm. Can you tell me what you told the cooks?"
"About what?"
"That my food tastes like Heaven?"
He heard that. He actually heard that. Rody gets beet red.
"You must have a bad hearing."
"I lost my taste, not my hearing."
"You still heard wrong."
"Don't think so Lamoree. Now, did you by chance steal some money from the cash register?"
Rody freezes. He did that once on his first week.
"I didn't steal from your register."
"You didn't?"
"I didn't"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive"
"Then why are you so nervous?"
"I'm not, chef."
"You know Rody, I don't like liars."
"Nobody does"
Vince knows Rody stole money. There is a hole in one of the walls.
"How much did you steal Lamoree?"
"...1000 euros"
"1000? That's all?"
"I promise to put the money back."
Vince's smirk grows wider
"Keep them. But as punishment, you'll spend the night with me upstairs."
"B-But my cousin is unwell."
"She can take care of herself."
Rody finishes washing the dishes.

Rody flinches as he is trying to sleep. Vince bit him all over his body, having more hickeys.
"Is he a vampire or what??" he slowly gets up to get dressed and leave
His hand is stuck. Vince is deep asleep but is holding onto Rody tight.
"Come on! Let go!" pulling and pulling but no success, ending up more stuck as Vince moves in his sleep, catching Rody in a hug
"I shouldn't have stolen the money." he has no choice but to get some rest for another day at the bistro

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