Chapter 15

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Rody is first to wake up, in his bed, in his new house, not on the couch in his old, dirty, small apartment. He turned 28, Valentine's Day passed, a new day came up. Rubbing sleep off his green eyes, Rody looks at his surroundings: bite marks on him, clothes on floor, a long ribbon along with them, next to him is a head with black hair, staying still; Rody once again had sex with his boss, how many times have they done it until now?
"This is the 4th time now. I have known him for two months and we've done it again. But we met 20 years ago too as kids, but after 6 months he left." he has a lot to think about "Wait... what did I say last night?" the memories flow in "Oh god... 'make me yours tonight and forever'? Rody Lamoree what the hell is wrong with you??" he slaps himself
His emotions are really mixed up. He loved Manon, yet Vince comes into his life, says he'll treat him better, but he only seemed to touch him a lot. Is he only attracted to him sexually or does he actually love him? Rody believes it is temporary until Vincent gets bored and finds someone else to like, tho he had Manon follow him around.
"I need a shower" he carefully goes in the bathroom, not waking up Vince
The bathroom has a shower cabinet, it was invented a few years ago, people liked the idea of having more privacy as they showered, or felt like rain was pouring on them inside. Rody lets the water fall on him, giving him peace to think and sort out his emotions.
1. Manon breaks up with him because she said he needs to work on himself, but after seeing love letters from her for Vince along with a picture of them in his office, is that really the reason?
2. Vince started being nice, maybe too nice towards him, kissing him, saying he'll be a great boyfriend
3. They had sex because Rody lets him tho he doesn't know why he does
4. At work, he acts cold, but as soon as they're alone, Vince is possessive and like throwing a spell on him, making him fall for the chef
5. At Vince's gathering, he said he will kick Richard out if he said something offensive towards Rody
6. Vince would make him a meal after work every day, only for him. Now he would take Rody to his apartment too
"I really don't know how to feel... he is the first man that truly... made me feel this way. Maybe this is just temporary. I might get fired at this job too. If so, I will take Rayna's offer and start a new life in London, away from Manon and away from Vince." he holds his heart, throbbing with pain "Why can't I sort out my feelings?"
7. There came Rayna, surprising him with a visit. She never liked Manon or likes Vince but she'd go for Vince over Manon for Rody to be happy.
8. There was his chatting with Vic last week about Vince

"Do you like the cake? I ordered it just for you."
"Yeah, thanks miss Charbonneau."
"Oh come on now don't be formal. It's Vicky. You're really like Rayna."
"What can I say? We're twins."
"Twin cousins, yes I know. Anyways... the reason I called you was because I wanted to talk to you about Vincent."
Rody is enjoying the cake "What is it?"
Vicky sighs "He isn't a bad guy. Yes he has a bad temper in the kitchen, could hurt people like how he slapped you." she runs a hand on her face, trying to put him on a good light "It's pressure. Our fathers expected a lot from us. As I told you before, Vincent had a fight with uncle for being gay. What I didn't tell you was that last year, before you were hired, uncle went to the bistro."
"Was it bad?"
"Oh it was clearly bad. He came with a girl. He tried to arrange a marriage for Vince. That became another fight."
Rody takes out a picture "Was it her?" a picture of Manon
"No it wasn't her. It was the daughter of a business partner. I'm sorry your ex left you for Vince. If it were me, I'd take you as my husband without one second thought." Rody blushes
"I-I'm not t-that special."
"Nobody is special. You tho... you're a fluffy puppy."
"Why do people keep comparing me to a dog??" he pouts
"Because look at you! You're a big guy yet you act like a grumpy child. How can you not be cute?" she pets his hair "Back to Vincent. If you think he only likes you sexually, it's not true. He just sucks at expressing himself. Yes, he is your boss, but give him a chance."

Present time
"Give him a chance... that's what Vicky said. I gave him a chance, but I still am unsure if this is right... happiness does matter but being judged... it hurts..."
Rody is too lost in thought to hear the shower door opening and closing, two hands touching his body.
"Mon coeur~" that low voice in his ear gets him to flinch and almost jump
"Vince god dammit stop scaring me!"
"Then stop daydreaming. I thought of joining you for a nice shower."
Rody's eyes almost go down to Vince's "little friend" at the bottom.
"Eyes up here"
"Y-Yes chef"
"I'm not 'chef' at home Rody. I'm your boyfriend. Be more comfortable."
Vince's hair is wet, becoming curtains for his dark eyes.
"Vince... this relationship, do you truly love me or is it just lust...? I was never with a man before. You make me stay with you even tho I shouldn't, it's like you put a spell on me. What have you done to me?"
Vince stares at him to read him. Rody is like an open book. Anyone can see it he is genuine or faking.
"I was just being honest. What reason do I have to lie to you?"
"Then will you promise... that you will never leave me like she did?"
"I've been searching for you for years. Why should I abandon you? It'd make my hard work in vain." Vince inches closer to his lips "I keep my promises." he breaks the distance with a kiss
Melting again in those lips, wrapping his tanned arms against the pale neck. Rody Lamoree, a guy who has moved from job to job, fell in love with Vince Charbonneau, a renowned chef, who lacks of love in his food but does not lack in love with his waiter.
"Je t'aime, mon cher serveur~" (I love you, my dear waiter.)
"Je t'aime aussi, mon chef." (I love you too, my chef.)
They seal their love once again inside the shower, only the two hearing each other's sounds.

Breakfast is served. Something simple to start the day.
"Where could they have gone?"
"The girls? I'm not sure. Vicky always says whatever is on her mind even as being tipsy."
"Should we look for them?"
"Nah. I'm sure they're fine."
"Ok... I'm still worried tho."
"I'll call Vicky a bit later then."
"Thank you"
Vince calls Vicky after lunch.
"They're at her apartment."
"Oh thank God"
"I told you they'd be fine."
"I'm relieved" Rody snuggles more in his blanket "Do you think... Vicky likes Rayna that way? You know... as in, her loving her like you love me."
She does indeed. What would become of their relationship now?

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