Chapter 21

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Flashback to Rody's second week at the bistro.
Rody arrives home more tired than he usually gets. He was planning to quit after a week so he could take Manon to dinner because he got enough, but after having those nightmares, it gave him a new reason to quit. However, it just didn't feel right for Rody to quit. It is very hard to get a job and he needs money now to fix his apartment and for new clothes.
*Knock knock*
Rody opens the door quickly.
"Good evening mr. Lamoree. You got a letter from UK."
"Thank you sir"
"Apologies for this late hour but I felt the need to give this to you personally even tho it's nighttime."
"I appreciate the thought. Have a good night sir."
"Good night mr. Lamoree"
Rody closes the door and rushes to get a small knife to open the envelope. If it is from UK, only one person would write to him. He does a clean cut on it and takes the letter out. The familiar perfume indulges his nose. He kisses the letter like it's very dear to him.

How you doing cousin?
I heard from a bird that the recent place you worked at went into an ugly bankruptcy. I'm sorry you lost your job, considering you told me so many good stories about it. Also, did you really get hired at a bistro owned by one of the coldest men of France? I swear if you get fired or quit that job, I'm taking you to UK and work alongside me.
Moving on, I hope you are doing ok because I've been getting worried. I truly love you cousin and wish you the best in everything you do and everywhere you go. I promise to visit you soon enough.
Rayna Lamoree

Rody hugs the letter close to his chest. Rayna, his dear cousin, not to mention twin. Born on the same day, looking the same outside and enjoying many things together. Rody loves her more than he loves Manon. He kept all the letters she sent in a safe box. Speaking of it, he takes it out and puts the new letter in it. His mood got better from it and now he can get a deserved sleep.

Rody cleans the tables, still smiling as of yesterday.
"You look to be in a good mood." Rody turns his head
"Do I? I'm just really happy chef. I got a letter yesterday."
"From who? That girl?"
"No. My cousin."
"You have a cousin?"
"Yep, she works in UK. She is the only woman I'll love for my entire life."
Vince is glad he won't have to hear of Manon anymore.
"You do care about your cousin."
"Absolutely" he continues to clean the tables humming happily
"Rody, I'm sorry for slapping you last week." Rody slowly looks at him
"It's alright chef. You must have been stressed from work. I got way much worse than a slap."
"What do you mean?"
"I had a boss who liked to slam us in walls. I was left with a bruise for two days but I'm fine now."
A dark look appears on Vincent's face. Who would dare hurt Rody like that?
Rody is just doing his job but freezes as he feels hands on his waist.
"Chef...?" Vince put his pale hands on Rody, not thinking straight yet he isn't straight at all
"My apologies. I tried to hug you, you looked like you needed one."
Rody smiles brightly at that.
"Aww really? That's really nice of you chef!" Rody hugs him warmly
Vince rubs his back. He doesn't accept hugs but makes an exception for him.
"Anywho, this is for you." another box of food
"You don't need to cook for me chef."
"I'm assuming you don't eat dinner as you work late." he got a point
"Thank you" their hands touch when he takes the box, making Vince blush "Have a good night chef"
"You too Rody"
Rody gets on his bike and rides away.
"Rody, you still have that smile after all these years. Fate let us re-meet." Vince looked for him for years, then out of the blue, he appears to get hired at his bistro. He doesn't plan to let him go.

Back to present
Warning: heavy smut incoming
*Whip hits sound*
Vince is walking around his "victim", holding a whip to hit the air to scare him yet he doesn't flinch. Vince wears a pair of black leather pants with his black turtleneck. He didn't bother to put boots on.
"My my, not a sound from you? What a brave soul."
The victim is Rody. He wears his work attire one, minus the shoes, socks and apron, his shirt is unbuttoned. He got a blindfold around his eyes, his hands are tied above him at a hook from the ceiling that Vince installed. Rody gets a smirk on his face and laughs.
"Should I be afraid of you, chef?"
"You should be. You don't know what I have on me."
"It sounds like a whip."
"Whips hurt, Lamoree" he whips the air "Are you gonna be a good boy or a naughty boy?"
"I don't know, depends on my mood." what a sly fox Rody became
*Louder whip*
"I suggest you watch what you say."
"Or what? I am already tied up. What are you gonna do?"
Vincent puts his hand on the back of Rody's head, inching him for a kiss.
"He smells very strongly of lemons. Did he buy cologne? Of course he would, he is rich."
Vince already has dominance over the wet cave of his waiter, touching every single corner. Rody's mouth is a mess, feeling Vincent's saliva all over. Their hot kiss leaves a visible saliva string. Vince looks through his box of toys to look for his vibrators.
"What you looking for? Something to torture me with?" he laughs
"Actually, yes." he finds them, walking to Rody with an evil grin
Vince attaches the vibrators to Rody's cock and entrance.
"Since you won't behave, there won't be any mercy for you." he turns them on at the maxx level
Rody's whole body, making him fall to his knees. The pleasure is too high for him yet he doesn't give up.
"Is that all you've got chef?" Rody licks his teeth "Put it up a notch."
"It's on the highest level."
"Aww so sad" despite acting tough, his built body cannot take so much for a long time
"Acting all tough? Cute. Get up." Vince changes the level to the lowest
The vibrations feel ticklish now. Rody gets up to his feet. Vince takes off the blindfold from him. The green eyes he loves to stare into slowly open.
"Damn, leather looks good on you."
"Are you mocking me?"
"Nope. It does look good on you. Black is your style alright."
Vincent grabs something to spank him in the butt. He spanks him hard, Rody yelps in surprise. He spanks him three more times.
"I told you, naughty boys are getting a punishment."
Rody growls at him but grins. Vincent bites him on the neck to make a new hickey as some of them healed. Rody no longer feels pain from everything that Vince does to him.
"You just love to bite me."
"So others can see who you belong to."
Vince just wants to rip the uniform off Rody so he can touch him all over.
"Master~" the sudden call snaps Vince out of his trance "Master, am I a good boy to you~?" Vince caress his cheek
"I don't know, sometimes you are and sometimes you are not. But I love you either way~" Vince unties Rody so he could undress him
One by one, the clothes are removed, ending up on the floor, them ending up in the bed. The 2 vibrators are left on floor full of Rody's leaks.
"Are those?" Vince pulled out a pair of fluffy cuffs
"You're still my prisoner mon coeur~" cuffed and put on all four, the waiter knows well what comes next
Not 2, but four fingers thrust into his walls, stretching him even more.
"You don't get to cum until I tell you."
"F-Fuck!" two were already too much but four fingers will give him more of a pain tomorrow
Vince prefers not to gag him so he can hear Rody scream his name, not hers.
"That's right. Scream my name. I want only my name to leave your pretty lips, not that girl's." he abuses Rody's sweet spot over and over, making him moan louder and louder
"Careful careful, we don't want others to hear you scream~"
"Y-Yes master" Rody gasps but lets out a sigh of relief as Vincent's fingers are out, the pain slowly disappearing
"I almost forgot about this." Vince has a leather collar in his hand, having a leash of the same color
Rody gets the collar on his neck, it has no tag on it. Vince holds the leash as he slowly inserts his cock into him.
"Master~!" right into the spot
"Good boy. Moan for me~" Vince has a smirk on his face as he pulls the leash while thrusting into his dear "puppy"
Rody is biting into the pillow. He got a lot more sensible after having those 2 vibrators on him, now having his hole abused yet he doesn't complain.
"Whose name yoy should say?"
"Who name you shouldn't say?"
"Come on, I'm not talking about your dear cousin."
Rody knows the answer but does not dare to say it.
"Good, you know the answer. No need to say it out loud." he kisses the back of his neck
"V-Vince please go deeper"
"What was that little puppy?"
"Please go deeper!"
"I can't hear you."
"Please I want all of you in me please please please!"
"If you insist~" Vince loves when he is begging and rewards him afterwards
Grabbing the wooden bed frame with cuffed wrists, his tongue out as all of his boss' cock is inside him, hitting the spot over and over. Rody is a moaning mess, his sounds are music to Vince's ears. Rody feels something leaking in his walls.
"Inside~! Do it inside~!"
Vince groans at the tightness and the release of his seeds. Rody collapses on the mattress to take a moment of rest.
"Need some water?"
"Yes, with honey, so I can recover my stamina."
"Got you" Vince leaves the room and returns with a glass of water
Rody drinks the sweet water, slowly recovering his stamina.
"Don't you need water too?"
"I already drank some."
"Yeah? Good." Rody grabs Vince for a kiss, wrapping his tanned legs around his waist "Round 2?"
"Mon coeur, we're gonna be busy all night. I'm gonna touch all your sweet spots until you're melted."
"Oh please do my chef~"
Wether outside or inside, Vince finds Rody's sweet spots, touching them to the point his dear waiter is a moaning mess, loving how good it feels, loving how good Vince is with his hands and fingers. Rody feels pleasure, ticklish, electricity, all mixed in to the point his mind is clouded.

Rayna is out in the balcony, wearing a bathrobe as she took a bath. It's very warm outside, not even a wind felt.
"I wonder what Rody is doing now."
At a closer look, you can spot hickeys and bite marks all over her. She has her bra and panties on to not be fully naked, but her nipples and entrance ache not only from recent activity but for craving attention too.
"Curse my hormones. This is what I'm getting for not having a sexual life."
Arms wrap around her waist.
"Ray, come back to bed. We still have a long night to go through."
"I just took a bath."
"You can take another after we wake up the next day." Vicky carries her in the bedroom, dropping her on the bed which is already messy
"I can see your nipples aching."
"You are seeing things." Vicky unclips her bra, pinching her nipples "Mmf~"
"I'm seeing things? Even your pussy is aching for more." Vicky's fingers go in the panties past the lips, moving other fingers to the clit to pinch it
Rayna becomes a moaning mess and reaches her climax faster.
"Goodness, you really didn't take care of yourself. Guess I'll take that job."
Vicky enjoys Rayna's moans, thrusting her fingers deeper, the walls closing in, coating them "You're so cute~"
"Hah~ hah~ hah~"
"Come on darling, don't hold them in." Vicky's smirking, she learned that her love prefers her fingers over toys "Just say the word and I'll keep going~"
"Please~ touch me all over~"
"Do you admit that it feels good?"
"Yes! I'm a sucker for pleasure!"
Vicky laughs "Damn, you and him are really into this." Vicky thrusts all her 4 fingers into her, earning cries of pain and pleasure "You're mine. Let that be in your head." she kisses her cheek
Both Vince and Vicky claimed the two Lamorees. They're the masters while they're the pets.
"I'll make him/her the happiest guy/girl in the world." is what they think

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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