Vampire AU

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Vampires, the mythical creatures who feed on blood, either from animals or from humans. People think vampires hate garlic, avoid sunlight and cannot see their reflection in mirrors or any object that shows reflection. That's in fact not true at all. They are just like humans. They can eat food, eat garlic, walk in the sun, see their reflections. Some are pale while other have usual normal skin tone. Their eyes turn red, have fangs and abilities. They have a normal shape of ears, not sharp like a bat has.
There are 2 types: those who are born as vampires and those bitten and later turned; those who are born can age as much as they want while those turned they stop aging as soon as they turned
There is no known cure to turn back into a human. A vampire bite is like a deadly poison. However, if someone's bitten then drinks the vampire blood, they'll become vampires. The 2 bitten spots will become their scar.
Vampires are immortal. There are two ways to kill them: decapitation or stab the heart
Humans avoid them. They don't want to die. If one gets in their territory, it'd be game over. A vampire's territory is either a house or a restaurant. Never trust others too easily people say, you never know what anyone is hiding.
That was a lesson for Rody Lamoree... he was a normal guy with a quiet life, a beautiful girlfriend he loved deeply. However, the hard truth hit him. One night, he prepared dinner for them to celebrate their anniversary. As moon was on the sky, Rody has approached her place. She wasn't home. He went to the nearby park. That was one of his biggest mistakes. Manon, his love, was biting a human. She was feeding on their blood. Her brown eyes were now red, her fangs stained of blood.
"Ma...non..." her eyes widen from his voice, tears falling from his face
His world crashed. It was a lie. He was planning a future with her, proposing to her. But seeing her a blood sucking vampire made him run off.
"RODY WAIT! WAIT!" he ran and ran, not daring to look back, tears flying in the air and down the grass

That was the last time he saw her. He packed his stuff, sold his old looking apartment and left to Paris to start a new life. He got a new place to live, a new job as waiter at a bistro named... 'La Gueule de Saturne', owned by one of the coldest chefs with a fake charm: Vincent Charbonneau
If only Rody knew what he has gotten himself into. The bistro and the place upstairs is the chef's territory. If only Rody knew he got into bigger trouble sooner. It was better if he just avoided Manon and not run off to Paris.

The first couple of weeks were fine. It was tiring but it paid off. However, he got slapped for dropping the trash bag which was not ok. He was insulted in past jobs but never physically hit. He shrugged it off after a few days. Then he witnessed Vincent insulting a cook and putting their face close to the fire. That infuriated him. He barged in the kitchen and pushed the chef, making him fall on the floor.
"How could you do this to one of your employees? Have you lost your mind? If this is how you horribly treat these hard working employees, then you're no better than a sick minded criminal, Vincent Charbonneau!"
Vince is glaring deadly at Rody. Rody glares back at him as he is standing in front of the cook. Rody is muscular so he got an advantage than Vince as he is skinny. The other cooks are terrified of what they just witnessed.
"Push me again Lamoree and you are gonna be in bigger trouble. I'm going on a break. Get back to work!!" Vince goes outside
The cooks surround Rody worried.
"I'm fine. Come on let's treat that face with some ice."

After closing time, Rody stole cash out of the register out of spite. He started to really dislike Vince for what he did. Rody immediately left before he could get caught, using the extra money for some decorations. He left before he'd get caught. With those money he got a painting, some plants and a wall clock for the house. Rody had no slight idea he was stalked. As he was sleeping... a vampire was outside his window, only staring at him as Rody was resting.
"You'll be mine..." the vampire said in a whisper

Rody got a letter. It was from Manon.
Dear Rody,
I'm sorry Rody. I'm sorry for lying to you. I never wanted you to know I'm something you fear the most. I never liked being a vampire. I'm an heir from one of the families. I was unlucky to be born this way. I won't ask for forgiveness but I don't want you to hate me. This past year has been bad since you moved away. If you want, can we please meet up? I miss you Rody. I want to be friends if you don't love me anymore.
Sincerely, Manon
He took a deep breath before writing a letter in reply, saying he'd like to see her and meet up. She never even tried to hurt him. He should be fine.

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