Jean x Reader

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"Oiy, brat!" You turned to face your higher up. "Y-yes!?" "Did you clean the bunks?" "Yes Sir." "What about the horse stalls?" "All done sir." "Good... Your punishment is done for today. You can leave." "Thank you Sir!" You ran towards the mess hall happily and with somewhat evil intent for a certain muffin top horse face.

You opened the door. The smell of the soup and bread smacking you in the face. Revenge could wait for a little while. For now you were hungry. Cleaning for eight hours straight was not your idea of fun... "(Name)! You're back!" You turned to face the third to your trio. Your mouth full. Freckles and a sweet smile confronted you face to face. Swallowing you stand up and stretch. "Marco..." You slumped forward. "Where is Jean? I need to beat him to near death." You stood back up straight and cracked your knuckles smiling evilly. "Next time he won't pin something on me he did... THAT BASTERD!" "(N-Name) c-calm down..." "I am calm." You took a deep breathe and sat back down. "Can you get him for me Marco? I promise I'll be somewhat nice." "Yea, I can try." "Thank you! You're like a god I swear." You smiled happily at the freckled boy who was a bright red. "If he refuses you, pull him here by his ear." "A-alright! I'll be back!" "Bye~"

You finished eating just as the door opened and the man in question was reveled. "Mikasa! I'm here!" Marco was right behind him slightly out of breath. "J-Jean.... M-Mikasa isn't h-here." Marco stood up straight and took a deep breath, regaining his composure. "What do you mean she isn't here! You pulled me out of bed for this!" "Jean calm down, It's not Marco's fault. I told him to get you here anyway possible." "You What!" He started stomping towards you. You stood from your spot on the bench and walked towards the hot headed male. "Listen up Kirstein! I don't appreciate what you did! That was a shit move. I knew you were a jerk but come on!" "It's not my fault that they thought it was you!" "Well you should have said something!" "I didn't want to!" "Oh, well then." You clenched your fists and looked away. "That's low even for you Jean..." You turned away, grabbed your dishes and walked to the kitchen to wash them. "Wait, (Name)..." "What?" Your words stung. You didn't look up from the dishes you were washing. "I-I'm, I'm, God Damnit! I'm Sorry (Name)!" You looked up at the boy and smiled softly. "You probably would have done the same thing to me though (Name)." You threw your spoon at him. "You Jerk! No I wouldn't! I would offer to help! God Jean! How can you be so dense!" Tears started to fill your eyes and you wiped them away as quick as you could. "What do you mean!? I'm not dense!" "I like you Jean! How could you not tell!?" The boys mouth dropped slightly and you wiped more tears. "You let all the blame for that fall on me... I've been working for day making sure to clean up your mess by cleaning up others. I worked and worked, but I didn't complain cause I was sure you had a reason. But now that we're standing here. I don't think you do!"
Jean stood quietly, his hands squeezed tightly together. "Say something Jean..."

You wiped your eyes again and walked towards the boy. You balled your fist and forcefully hit them again Jeans chest, laying your forehead in between where your fist laid. "Please, tell me... I deserve to know." "I was scared..." He wrapped his arms around you and held on tight. Tears started to fill his eyes as well. "I was so scared... It was self defense I swear. He had a gun." He dropped to his knees pulling you down with him. "I didn't want to kill him! I'm sorry..." "They called me so many things Jean... My hands bleed. The MP's didn't treat me like a human at all!" He clawed at the back of your shirt like you were about to slip away from him. "We'll keep this up. I'll work, you tell everyone I'm fine." You pulled yourself away from the male and stood up. He looked small sitting on that floor tears running down his face. "I can't come back anymore. I have to leave the corps as soon as my punishment is over. The man was a noble. His family said I would be put to death if I didn't go." You smiled. "This is bye, I guess. Don't get eaten all right." You stumbled towards the door where Marco was standing. His face was covered in dry tears and new ones where forming. You hugged him tight. "Thanks Marco. For everything. Be safe." The mustered the best smile you could, and walked out of the mess hall.

To a new life I guess...

It had been a couple years. You finished the back breaking work. They sent you and a few other people out into Wall Maria to try and clean up some of the titans. You knew that just wanted to get rid of the pest of the walls. Everyone else died. But you fought. You wanted to live. You wanted to see them again. No you needed to see them, Jean, Marco, and everyone else. You got back in the gate and collapsed. The looks of your peers and higher ups was on you. "M-My blades, they're all gone." You laid on your back with your arms out straight breathing heavily. "I'm going home." You stood up and dropped the equipment you had on. Since you weren't in the corps anymore. You couldn't keep the 3DMG or the blades with you. When you felt like it, or you were told you would go into Wall Maria and fight till your blades were gone, or your life was. That's how you lived.

A bell rung out around the city, and you stopped. The gears and heavy chains could be heard lifting the front gate. Horses could be heard walking along the cobblestone roads. As they got closer you could tell in more detail what was going on. "The Survey Corps are back..." Your eyes lite up. You pushed through the expanding crowd going as fast as you could to the front. And there they were. Old friends and new faces. You scanned the horses and wagons looking for your best friends. "Please be alright you two..." The farther to the back you got the more injured people there were. Your heart was sinking lower and lower. "Please, please, please, just be alive...." Then you saw him walking along next to a horse pulling a wagon. "Jean... JEAN!" You ran up to him calling his name. He turned his head in your direction and his eyes got wide. "(N-Name)..." He stopped moving but the caravan kept moving forward.

You tackled the boy, your eyes full of tears, arms wrapped around him. He returned the gesture and buried his face in your shoulder. "(Name). You're okay..." "Of course I am I had to see you and Marco again." His body was shaking and you could only hold onto him and run your fingers through his hair to try and calm him. The crowd had disappeared along with the soldiers and horses. You tried to pull away from him, but he didn't let go. "Marco's dead." "Huh..." "He's gone... and I thought you were too." You squeezed him tighter if that was possible. "It's alright, I'm here." "(Name)... I love you. I couldn't tell you before. But I can now. You and Marco gave me the will to fight. I want to survive. I want to stay by your side and live." His arms dropped to his side and he clenched his fists. He looked up determined, he had stopped shaking and no more tears were falling. "(Name). do you still like me?" "No, I'm sorry..." "Oh." "I don't like you." "You don't have to say it again I get it!" He turned around and started to walk away. You grabbed his wrist to stop him. "Shut up and listen! You're still the same as back then geez. I don't like you. I love you! I always have! I don't care that you're a loud, moody, hoarse face! I kept fighting too! For you." You let go of his wrist and smiled. "Who you calling horse face?" You giggled and started to run away from him. "Oiy come back here!" He chased after you, catching up fast due to his longer legs. He grabbed your waist, turned you around and lifted you up in the air. You laid your hands on his shoulders while you were in the air. When he let you down you held onto him tight.

"Thank you for being okay (Name)..."

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