Aoba Seragaki

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You watched the Rhyme fight in the small alley. A large crowd surrounded you, cheering loudly at the two in the center brawling.  You stayed quiet and focused on the match at hand. It ended quickly, as usual, and you smiled as the Blue hair male came out victorious. Walking out of the small circle that had been the arena Aoba walked over to you and planted a kiss on your forehead.  You rested your hands on his shoulders, a light blush dusted your face. You could feel the eyes of jealous on lookers, male and female staring at you and Aoba. Ever since he started hanging around you and soon after dating you. Eyes were on you. Aoba sent a glare at the people surrounding you two taking your hand in his own. "Let's go (Name)." You nodded your head and followed long blue hair through crowds.

"Hey did you see Sly play yesterday?" "Yea he was amazing as usual! The people he rhymes always seem out of it after matches though." "I've noticed that! But he's so hot I can't seem to take my eyes off of him after matches to see what's up." "Speaking of after matches, did you see that girl he was with!?" "Yea! What's up with her!? She shouldn't be around Sly like that! I bet she manipulated him so he would stay with her." "Shes probably pretending to be pregnant after a one night stand or something." The girls sitting across from you in the small hair salon nodded in agreement. "Just ignore them (Name)." You hummed softly in agreement and Kojaku turned you around to face a small mirror. "They're just jealous." You smiled back at Kojaku who was smiling at you through the mirror.  "He's never been really interested in women for anything but sexual purposes so I promise he cares about you." He rubbed the top of your head and you jumped out of your seat and turned towards him. "Oiy! You're gonna mess it up and you just fixed it!" "Sorry sorry." He laughed at your reaction and fixed the few strand that were out of place.  You crossed your arms and scowled before turning back around. "How much do you want?" "Ehh?" "How much should I pay you?" "Ah, for you it's free, a friend of Aoba's is a friend of mine." "Really!?" You smiled happily and hugged the man. He laughed at your childish reaction and went to pat your head again before stopping. "Well I'll be off!" You turned on your heel and walked towards the exit of the small hair salon. You glanced over at the girls who were talking about you, they had a shocked look on their faces. You smiled sweetly and waved, they looked over at one another then back at you. You giggled to yourself and walked out of the salon, the look on there faces being pay back enough for their jealous gossip.

You looked yourself over in the mirror. Black pants that fit you perfectly, and a long orange shirt that exposed your shoulders and light blue undershirt straps. And assortment of buttons and clips arranged on the left shoulder of your orange shirt. Your orange and blue calf high boots pulled all the colors together. Your makeup was done lightly making your  bright (Eye Color) orbs pop. You sighed in relief at your reflection. You pulled out your coil the time reading 6:54. You were meting Aoba soon at a bar his friend owned. So you grabbed your bag and walked out of your one bedroom apartment. It was peaceful as you walked, the sounds of the occasional car and all the talking from people around you soothed you. The busy city raced around you and you continued to walk towards your destination. You passed ally way after ally way. All the normal set up, junk pilled in corners, rib and rhyme signs decorating the walls, if you could even call that decorating, and drunk rhymers and ribbers hitting on girls and guys trying to get some.  You got a weird feeling deep in your gut as you continued to walk. Minutes had passed but it felt like it had been longer then that. Then you heard the sirens. They came fast down the street you were on. An ambulance passed by and you started to run. Something wasn't right and you know it.

You sat next to Aoba in the small hospital room. Tae-San sat across from you on Aoba's other side. You continued to look at him worry apparent in your face.  They wouldn't let you into the ambulance or the hospital room till Tae-San got there. You stood in the waiting room with your head hung looking at the ground. Tae-San eventually came out of the small room with Aoba in it, and motioned for you to go in with her. You rushed to her side tears still escaping your beautiful eyes.  The minute you saw Aoba you fell to your knees and sighed a deep breath of relief. "He's alright..." "Of course he's alright you idiot it'll take a lot more to take out that moron. Tae-San laid a hand on your head reassuringly. 
You sat quietly next to Aoba's pale figure. Tae-San had left a little while ago leaving you in the room alone with the unconscious blue haired boy.  You stroked his hair and hummed softly, just waiting for him to wake up.  Days were passing, you stayed in the hospital as much as possible.  Only a few people stopped by to check on Aoba.  Kojaku, Mizuki, Tae-San, and these two guys you had never met Trip and Virus.  But no matter how many people came by, or how much time had passed you still continued to sit and wait. 

Your head was laid on the side of the bed, and your fingers were intertwined with Aoba's.  Your sleeping figure moved very little, and the sun peeked through the thin white curtain.  You felt a small squeeze and you shoot up.  Your soft (Eye color) orbs were smiling before your lips could.  You hopped up cupped Aoba's face in your hands, looking it over like you hadn't seen it in forever.  He looked at you confused, but before he could say or do anything you pulled him to you for a tight hug.  "Aoba you can't leave me again..." You buried your face in his neck, even though he wasn't one for much physical contact. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Your heart instantly dropped and you let go of him and took a step back. "What do you mean? I'm your girlfriend... If this is some kinda joke its not funny..." He seemed different, not like before where he was super confident and he knew he could beat anything that got passed him.  Now, he seemed timid.  "Huh, girlfriend? I haven't had a girlfriend in forever." A light blush formed on his cheeks, and tears ran down yours.  "This can't be happening..." He looked concerned for you, but you could tell nothing was clicking.  He really didn't know who you were.

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