Haruka x Reader

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"Haru! Come on you have to get out of the pool! You're gonna get sick!" You leaned over the side of the iwatobi pool. The dark was making it hard for you to find your water obsessed boyfriend. "Haru?" You waited a couple more second for a replay, but none came. You shifted in the spot you were sitting before a figure stood up in front of you and pulled your face to theirs. Gasping and jumping back slightly. "H-Haru! Don't scare me like that you jerk!" You puffed up your cheeks and stood up, placing your hands on your hips. "Sorry (Name)." You smiled at the boy and held out your hand to help him out of the cold water. "It's fine, but for now we need to worry about getting you warm, cause I'm pretty sure your lips shouldn't be that color." You took the towel that was thrown over your shoulder and pulled Haruka down to your height and dried his hair quickly, handing him the towel to do the rest. Even you were chilly so you couldn't imagine how he felt in only his swimsuit.

You both walked back towards your house. It was closer than Haruka's house, and the air was starting to smell like rain, on top of the fact that Haru was already cold from his late night swim. You leaned on his shoulder with your arm around his waist. He had his arm over your shoulder and was resting his head on top of yours. His skin felt warm on your, or rather warmer then it was a few minutes ago. You smiled and walked in silence. It was a comfortable silence, not one that made everything weird no matter what was said or done. 

You walked into your house just as the rain started.  You sighed relived that you and Haru were inside and boy out there. The blue eyed boy sat in the window box in the living room watching the rain outside. Your dad and mom were on the couch watching some investigation show, and your younger sibling could be heard playing games in their room. You walked over to Haru and placed the cup of warm tea in his hands and sat across from him in the window.  "Thank you (Name)." He spoke calmly as usual, adding a smile to show his gratefulness.  "Anytime, I really don't want you to get sick after swimming in that freezing pool." You giggled softly, and took a sip of your drink. It warmed you to your core, making you feel fuzzy and happy.  "Oiy (Name)! What are you giggling about! Am I gonna have to kick that boy out of my house!?" "W-what! N-no, dad!" "Your fathers just teasing you dear." Your mother chirped from her spot on the couch. A light blush crept onto your face and you tried to hide it with your cup.  You peeked over at Haru who had a small smile plastered on his lips. 

You're parents had gone to bed, and your siblings had quieted down, but the rain outside still  poured.  You sat in the window seat with your head on Haruka's shoulder.  You started to drift off to sleep when Haru sneezed.  You jumped a little and looked up at the deep blue orbs that belonged to your boyfriend.  "Haru? Are you alright?" You sat up straight and looked over at the male.  He sniffled a little bit and nodded.  "You dont sound alright... And your face is a bit red."  You pushed the sleeve of your uniform up just enough to lay your wrist on Haru's head.  "I'm okay (Name)." "No you aren't you feel warm.  Don't move i'll be right back." You sighed and stood up, quietly making your way to the bathroom, grabbing a thermometer, and a fever suppressant.  You went back into the living room just as quiet as before.  Haru was rubbing his nose and looking out the window.  You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pecking his cheek before handing him the thermometer.  "Put that under your tongue." He complied, taking the device and putting it in his mouth.  "I'll go get you some water to take these."  You shook the the small container and made your way over to the kitchen. 

You two had moved to the couch.  You had convinced Haruka to a least lay down.  Only minutes later he was fast asleep with his head on your lap.  You stroked his hair softly, and hummed quietly to yourself.  He smiled lightly in his sleep, as if reacting to your singing and gentle gesture.  His fever was going down, and the rain was slowing down.  But seeing that it was already almost three in the morning, you guess your parents wouldn't mind him staying for the night, and just leaving sometime during the day.  You leaned your head back and looked up at the ceiling.  Drowsiness was starting to take over.  Your humming stopped and your hand just laid gently on Haruka's head.  You drifted off to sleep right there in that spot. 

"(Name), wake up." "Ughh...But I'm still sleepy..." Your eyes fluttered open, (Eye Color) orbs, met blue.  "H-Haru!"  You sat up fast hitting your head against Haruka's.  "Ow, ow,ow, sorry Haru..." You rubbed your forehead and sat up slower this time.  I took you a moment to remember why Haru was here sitting with you first thing in the morning. "Are you okay, (Name)?" "Y-Yea, what about you? Is your fever down?" You reached up and pushed Haruka's bangs out of his face and laid your wrist on his forehead.  "You're still a little warm, but it's not bad."  You peaked out the window it was still dark, but you could see pink and orange colors starting to dimly form all around the neighborhood.  You stood up and stretched, smiling happily.  "Come on Haru, I'll walk you home." You reached your hand out to him and he took it, eyes shining as usual.  You grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick note for your parents, as well as brushing your hair quickly.  You and Haru, slipped on your shoes and left your house.

You made your way over to the steps that led up to Haruka's house.  Motioning for him to move a little faster.  He smiled at your enthusiasm, and pulled you to his chest when he caught up to you.    You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed gently, burrowing your head against his chest.  You pulled back and giggled.  "You're so random Haru." You grabbed his hand and pulled him up the steps.  "(Name), look."  The dark haired male stopped you halfway up the steps, and turned you around.  You looked out at the small town below you.  The sun was starting to peak out from behind a couple houses, and brilliant colors filled the sky.  Orange, blue, pink, purple, it was beautiful.  Haru gave your hand a gentle squeeze.  You looked up at him, your eyes dancing in the early morning light.  He leaned down and kissed your forehead.  You closed your eyes and sighed contently.  Maybe it was a good thing Haru got sick. 

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