Levi x Reader

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"Shut up Levi! It was an accident. Cut the kid some slack." One of the new trainees stood behind you, tears welled up in his eyes and he had his head bowed to Levi. "Tch, why do you always stick up for the trainees (Name)." "Cause they're just learning the ropes, you may have been a natural when you joined. But most of us aren't perfect like you." You sighed and crossed your arms looking the male in the eyes. "I'll clean up the mess. This poor boy doesn't need to run and miss meals. I'm sure Keith put him and the rest of the trainees enough." You turned your back to Levi who you could tell was fuming. "Go to the bunks till meal time. Eat then go back. You don't get to have free time, but you also don't have to run. If it happens again then you will run, and I won't stop Levi's rage." "Y-Yes Ma'am!" The boy saluted and ran off towards the bunks. You turned back to Levi and tapped your ring finger. The ring Levi gave you glinted off the lights and you sighed. "I don't understand you sometimes Levi... We're married but you act like we're complete strangers." "Shut Up, I'm still your higher up. I should be giving punishments as I see fit, not you!" You were taken aback. Dropping your arms to your side you balled up your fists. "I didn't here you complaining when I took control last night." You looked back at the male and put your hands on your hips. He looked a bit flustered, but that expression changed quickly when he gabbed your wrists with one hand and pushed on your waist with the other, backing you up against the wall. His lips crashed on yours, more like full on collided. Your face heated up as the kiss started to soften. When he pulled back he looked into your eyes sternly. "Let me handle the trainees and you won't regret it at the end of the day." He smirked and you looked away blushing.

You sat on the back of your horse, it was dark due to the thick clouds that were forming over head. The few newly formed members of the Survey Corps where put under you by the higher ups. The number of recruits was lower this year then it was the last four of them. Only four... You kept a close eye on them each one looking more petrified then the next. "Oiy, Shion." "Yes ma'am!?" "Shot off the flare this time." You pointed in the direction of some trees and that's when the rain started to fall. The rain that came into contact with hot temperatures of the titan started to form steam in the air. One of the trainees started to panic and move out of formation. "Oiy! Keep it together Akiri!" The titan kept following getting closer and closer. "Damnit!" You know you had to protect the trainees, so you stood up on your horse and connected your 3DMG to the titans shoulder. "Hikari, you lead everyone!" You jumped and hit the triggers to your gas, launching yourself into the air and towards the titan.

You laid on the ground looking up at the crying sky. It was beautiful... Memories of minutes before flashed before your eyes as you remembered a second, then third, then fourth titan come out of the nearby forest. You were out of gas, blades, and your head was pounding. The blood ran down your paled figure as you thought of the trainees. Hopefully they were safe and still in position. You thumbed over the ring on your left hand gently spinning it with the little bit of energy you had left. You smiled gently thinking of the male you had married years ago. He would be okay. He was humanity's strongest after all. You closed your eyes allowing your conscious to fade.

Your limbs felt heavy as you tried to pull yourself upright. You looked around confused, this wasn't the ground. The soft white sheets of the bed laid around your small figure. You stood up, taking a bandage off of your head. You hardly noticed the sleeping figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. You made your way over and smiled softly when you saw Levi fast asleep with his head rested on his hand. You kissed his head and smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay." You stroked his hair and his eyes slowly fluttered open. His usual cold, unwavering eyes got wide and he jumped out of his chair and pulled you into a tight embrace. "O-Oiy Levi... you're squishing me..." He loosened his hold and pulled back. His steel blue eyes full of emotion. "(Name)..." Your name rolled off his tongue like he hadn't said them in forever. He put his forehead against yours and took your hand in his. "You're alright..." The calm caring look he had on his face disappeared and his usual steady gaze returned. "What the hell we're you thinking!" You giggled softly and took a step back. "What we're you worried L-e-v-i~" You drew out each letter. "You would be worried too if I had been unconscious for months on end!" You're playful attitude vanished. "What do you mean... Months? How long was I unconscious?"

Levi explained what had happened on that expedition. You sat listening closely not having remembered any of it beside laying on the ground . Your head was rested on his lap, and his fingers made their way through your (Hair Color) hair. He was clinging in a way. This kind of affection from him wasn't normal but you enjoyed it to the fullest. He talked about what had happened the whole time you were out.

"Finally, I'm back!" You sighed and stretched. Looking at all the new trainees, you adjusted your straps and looked at each one closely, a smile etched onto your lips. Many of them looked down at you, but they would be looking up soon enough. "Alright you, with the Freckles. " "Y-Yes ma'am!" "What corps are you trying to get into?" You looked at him quizzically a smile still plastered to your face. You listened to his explanation, and nodded. "Turn around Marco." He did as told and you kicked him in the back of the legs causing him to fall forward, before he hit the ground you grabbed the collar of his jacket and caught him. When he looked up at you the terror in his eyes was more then noticeable. "Don't ever turn your back to someone you can not trust fully and with everything in your body." "Y-yes m-ma'am..." You let go and he fell forward catching himself with his hands. "All of you remember that! Learn to trust your comrades! If you can't do that much then you are useless to every branch here. I made that mistake once and almost lost my life, and hurt someone very close to me" The smile that was on your face became something of nightmares after that day.

You sat sipping on your tea across from Levi, Hanji, Erwin, and Keith. "We have some interesting trainees this year. You can tell they've seen some shit." You stated plainly and looked at each of your higher ups. "It'll be fun to see how many we get this year." You chirped and walked out of the small meeting space. Levi walked into your shared room and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. You left your cup out." You smirked and giggled softly. "Oh did I now~ What are you going to do~ punish me?" "That could be arranged." You sorted through the piles of papers on Levi's desk. "This Is Not What I Had In Mind!"

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