Amon x Reader

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"How was your day love?" You hopped up from the couch and wobbled over to your tired husband. "It was busy, as usual." He cupped your cheeks in his hands and laid a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Did you guys lose anyone today, or get new leads?" He shook his head and removed his hands from your cheeks. "That's okay, you'll find em next time!" You smiled brightly hoping to lift his spirit.  He smiled back and placed his forehead against yours, and his hands against your swollen stomach.  "My day may have been okay, but how was yours?" "The same as usual... Sitting on the couch eating a bunch of junk, waiting, for you." "How are you gonna be a mother if you don't even get up to cook during the day." "I'll be able to get up more once the baby is here! Just for now my stomach is the size of a basketball, so it's hard to move around..." "H-hey! Don't look so down (Name). The baby will be here any day now!" "I hope so." You puffed up your cheeks and giggled as you let the air out.

The next day, of course you were laying on the couch waiting. Maybe you could try and make dinner before Amon got home. It'd probably be cold by the time he got back home though. You pondered the thought, slowly sitting up and supporting your aching body. "Ehh, he could always heat it up later." You smiled at yourself for such a genius plan, even though pretty much anyone would think of that right away. You got up and waddled your way to the kitchen, looking through shelves, and cabinets for what you needed.  "I need to go shopping..." You peaked at the clock on the wall, it was only a little past five.  "The veggy stand should still be opened!" You smiled at your self, something that you do way more then you should.  It was probably cause it was lonely.  Then man you loved was always at work.  Six to ten, everyday, the same routine.  The smile on your face faded away as you pulled on some shoes and a jacket.  Picking up your keys and wallet you left the small house, walking down the street to the shopping district. 
"Ahh, (Name) what are you doing out so late?" The shop keeper, Mina, was a kind younger women.  She had blonde hair and pretty green eyes.  There was a smile always plastered on her face despite the fact the she lost her husband to a ghoul, shortly after getting married, and only weeks later she found out she was pregnant.  "I was gonna make dinner for Amon, he's been working so hard, I thought I would make him something good." "That sounds so nice." Mina smiled at you and glanced down at your stomach.  It was just as swollen as yours.  You noticed her gaze, and spoke up.  "The baby is due in a couple days, I'm so excited, but so nervous at the same time! How are you doing Mina?" "O-Oh fine, my due date is in a couple weeks though." You nodded your head and put your hand on your chin like you were thinking hard about something.  "After your shop closes up for the night, why don't you come eat with me.  Amon is never home early enough to eat, so it would be nice not to be alone for dinner."  "Really!? You wouldn't mind?" "Not at all!" You smiled at the blonde and picked up a couple vegetables.  "I'll cook so all you have to do is come over!"  She nodded excited as you payed for your groceries.  "Thank you (Name).   I'll be over as soon as I can!"  "Okay, see you then."  You waved and walked back towards your house. 

You and Mina sat on the couch talking, it felt like it had been hours, yet you two were still having so much fun.  "Hey  Mina? Is your baby a girl or a boy?" "It's a girl!" "Ohh! I'm having a boy! Maybe one day they can get married and we can have an excuse to hang out all the time!" You both laughed at the thought.  The fact that your husband hadn't been home in awhile totally slipped your mind.  It was nice not to be lonely again.  You and Mina continued to talk, bringing up the idea of your kids getting married more then once.  You looked up at your clock which was displaying eight as the time.  "Mina, it's already eight.  You should probably get home.  Amon says we shouldn't be out past nine." "Aww, you're probably right."  "I'll walk you home too.  There's always safety in numbers!" You smiled and pulled yourself off the couch, Mina doing the same.  You both slipped on your shoes and headed for the door.  As you went to turn the handle to open the door, it started to do so on it's own.  You and Mina took a step back, and the door swung open to revel your husband.  "Amon! What are you doing home so early?" He pulled you into his arms, ignoring the fact that Mina was right behind you both.  "I was worried about you, had had a weird feeling and rushed home as soon as I could." You wrapped your arms around the man and chuckled lightly.  "I'm fine.  See.  Mina is here with me, we made dinner and I was just about to walk her home."  He pulled himself away from you hesitantly, and blushed lightly when he noticed that, in fact, there was someone else in the room.

All three of you had started down the road, back to Mina's place.  It was a pretty night.  Not to hot, not to cold.  The moon was full and the stars bright.  You and Mina continued to talk, Amon quietly walking next to you, squeezing your hand.  You stopped in front of Mina's house and waved as she walked into the building.  Amon let out a sigh, maybe of relief, maybe something else.  You smiled at the male.  "Are you still worried, Amon?" "No, I'm just glad to be alone with you again." You puffed up your cheeks.  "We'd get to be alone a lot more if you were home sometimes..." You started to walk back towards your house.  You let go of Amon's hand.  You were frustrated and walking as fast as your legs would let you, which wasn't very fast.  Amon stayed a couple feet behind you.  "(Name)? Why are you mad?"  You ignored him.  "(Name)! Answer me please! What did I do!?"  You continued to try and ignore your husband, but you wanted to speak up.  "What's wrong (Name)!?" You stopped and he almost collided with you.  "You're whats wrong!" He looked taken aback, you almost regretted your words, almost...  "Everyday your gone for hours and hours, I sit at home alone doing nothing! I'm lonely and I miss you constantly!" Tears started to run down your face.  Amon went to pull you into a hug but you stopped him.  "I try my hardest to understand.  You're gone for a reason I get that! But I'm selfish I want you with me!  I don't care if a couple people die if that means I can sit with you and eat dinner, and watch a movie, and actually be a married couple!" You rubbed your stomach which was starting to cramp up.  "Amon, I miss you so much... You're so close to me, but no matter how much I reach for you, I always lose my footing and get pushed back another mile..."  You couldn't stop your tears.  This time you let him pull you into a hug.  You sobbed against his chest, your stomach still causing you more discomfort.  "I'm sorry (Name), I didn't realize how much I was hurting you..."  Your sobs turned to quiet gasps for air. 

Maybe the fight was a good thing.  It was the first one you two had, since getting married.  It felt like your feelings had actually gotten through to him.  Of course this had to come to mind as your inside felt the need to rip themselves apart.  They weren't actually, but it felt like it.  I'm sure he was freaking out more then you were.  You had gone into labor hours ago, and sweat was running down my face.  I was hot and cold all at the same time.  Geez, now you understood why your mom always fussed about bring you into the world, and taking you out of it when you misbehaved.   More, and more time ticked by.  You were squeezing Amon's hand as hard as you could.  Everything hurt, sooo much.  But in the end, it was totally worth it...

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