Tanaka x Reader

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"Ryu! I told you to calm down! It's just the beach!" "Yea but I get to go with you, my precious (Name)-chan!" You laughed at the boys enthusiasm as visible sparkles flew around his head a blush dusting his cheeks as he thought about who knows what. "R-Ryu... You're creeping people out." He came back to his sense and laughed loudly wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side.  "Their just jealous that they aren't walking with a beautiful girl like I am!"  "Geez you're too nice to me."  "Their is no such thing a being to nice to my girlfriend!" You sighed and shifted the bag that rested on your shoulder and smile for the hundredth time that day. 

You set the bag on the ground next to the small quilt that Tanaka had spread out on the sandy beach surface.  The light black and orange cover up shielding you for the moment.  Ryu didn't waste anytime throwing off the shirt that covered his toned body.  You blushed as your eyes ravished his body more then they should have in public. Tanaka looked at you and you turned away trying to cover thee red on your face.  "(Name) are you sunburned already?" "We've been here for two minutes! How could I have already burned?" "Hahahaha I guess your right (Name)-chan!" "Geez turn around and hand me the sunscreen..."

You slathered the cold lotion onto your boyfriends back and up too his shoulders.  "Turn around Ryu." "Yes ma'am." He turned to face you a bright smile on his face.  You smiled back and rubbed the sunscreen into your hands, bringing them up and massaging the cream onto his cheeks and nose.  "Your turn (Name)." "Hey w-wait!" Before you could finish your protest he had already pulled the cover that protected you from the eyes of others over your head and tossed it onto the blanket.  Now it was his turn to blush.  The way the suit fit your body showing just enough skin but not too much.  It was a light gray one piece that made a diamond around your belly button, the black straps over your shoulders hung down in the back crossing over one another, the back of the bathing suit completely open.

"(NAME) WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!! I need time to prepare for these kinda things DAMNIT!!"  You tried to calm down the shaven male.  "R-Ryu people are looking. Calm down! I'm sorry!" "That's defiantly not your school issued suit!" "I couldn't wear that! I had to look good for you!" You swear you could see his soul leave his body.  You kneeled down in front of him and squished his cheeks in your hands.  He got really quiet after that.  "You have to calm down so we can go into the water." You smiled at the male as overly dramatic tears rolled down his face.  "(Name)..." He tackled you into the blanket and pushed his cheek against yours.  "RYU PEOPLE ARE LOOKING. AGAIN!!"

Once you pried Tanaka off and slathered yourself in sunscreen, you made your way down to the water following close behind the tall male.  "Wait! Ryu, I brought a volleyball! I'll be right back." He watched as your form made its way back up the beach earning a few looks from other people around you.  You grabbed the yellow and white ball and ran back down to the water smiling excitedly. "Oooooh waita go (Name)-chan!" Hehe I almost didn't bring it." You tossed the ball up and he easily received it sending it back to you.  You continued this for a couple minutes, a few kids watching from the shore.  You turned to look at them and the ball bounced off your head. "Ow, Ryu... I think they wanna play." You turned to the boy as he swam easily over to your side and grabbed the ball.  "Huh, I'm sure they're fine." You grabbed the ball from his arms and waddled up to the shore lightly being pushed by the waves.  "Come on Ryu!" "Damnit (Name) you're too nice."

You passed the ball back and forth with the girls that came over to play, Ryu being super loud with the boys.  "You guys are really good!" The smile that spread across the faces of the little kids was priceless.  "(Name)! Let's split into teams and play!" "Huh, we don't have a net though!" "We can draw lines in the sand!" "Ooooh that just might work." "Right, right!?" "I'll draw the lines, you pick team captains."  You started on the lines in the sand, as Ryu split up the teams.  "Ryu remember no spiking! I don't want you to hurt the kids!" "Mr. Baldy can do something that cool!" One of the kids chirped excitedly.  "Baldy!? I'll kick your butt damnit!" "RYU!" You hit Tanaka in the back of the head gently and gave him a stern look.  "You have to gain their respect Ryu, if they call you baldy show them your skills."  You took a few steps back and scooped up the ball, smirking at your clever idea.  "Ryu you ready?" He smirked back and moved to a spot closer to the left side of the lines in the sand.

You tossed the ball up to Tanaka a little lower then normal due to the strain the sand would put on his legs.  The toss was perfectly executed and the spike that followed was even more magnificent.  All the kids eyes lite up, "So cool" "I wanna do that!" "I'm gonna be just like him when I grow up." The cute squeals and chatter of the little kids was almost as loud as Ryu laughing and bragging about how cool he was and convincing the kids to call him senpai. You sighed and smiled a the sweet display before getting all the kids attention again. "Okay, let's beat Ryu's team alright guys!" "Yeeeeaaaa!!!!" "You wish my beautiful (Name)-chan!"

The kids all started to leave parents thanking you for watching their children and tiring them out.  You walked back to you blanket and plopped down a snoring Ryu already laying in the soft light of the setting sun.  You smiled and gently nudged his shoulder.  "Ryu wake up, look." His eyes made an effort to open as he sat up and yawned, lacing his fingers with yours. "Oooh, it's so pretty,still not as pretty as you though my lovely (Name)-chan." "That was so cheesy Ryu!" You laughed and leaned against his shoulder looking out across the water at the oranges, pinks, and reds, the laced the darkening blue sky.  "Today was a really amazing, thank you Ryu." You looked up at him but he was already back asleep.

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