Asahi x Reader

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"Asahi I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you to get stuck out here!" "(Name) It's fine calm down." "I can't! It's snowing and now you can't get home!" "I told you (Name) I don't mind It just means I get to spend more time with you." He smile reassured that everything was alright. You sighed and slumped forward peaking through the window for any signs that the storm would stop any time soon. Asahi laid his hand on top of your head and ruffled you already messy (Hair Color)locks. You turned to the dark haired male and leaned your head against his chest. "I really am sorry Azumane..." "I already told you it doesn't bother me. I'm the one that should be stressing in this relationship not you." "That is not true you bum!" He chuckled and leaned down laying his forehead against your own.

"Hey Azumane?" "Huh, what's wrong (Name)?" "It's getting kinda cold." "I'll go get you a blanket then! I don't want you to get sick." "I don't want a blanket! I want you to cuddle me!" You puffed up your cheeks and crawled into Asahi's lap before he could freak out about being too close. A bright blush spread across his lightly tanned features as you snuggled against is chest. "(N-Name) are you sure that's gonna keep you warm enough?" "Yes I'm sure." You turned to face him straddling his lap and lacing your fingers with his. "You're plenty warm Azumane." You laid your head in the crook of his neck getting as close as you could to him.

The bright blush across his face didn't go away. You were making it hard for him to stay calm. Your smell danced in and out of his nose with every breath, and your body was pushed so close to his. He shifted under you trying to hide his discomfort. "Are you okay Asahi?" "Y-Yea! Everything is fine!" You pushed your knees into the couch and used them to support your body. Placing your hands on your hips you looked down at the brunette with a scolding yet worried looked. He shifted under your gaze and tried to hide himself.

Oh course you weren't stupid. You figured out what was wrong, and you knew it was your fault. You smirked at the male just as the lights in the house decided to flicker and go out. You leaned down and captured his lips in your own. The storm outside didn't bother you at the moment cause your mind was occupied elsewhere. You yelped softly as his cold hands slid up your shirt and rested on your hips. "(N-Name) are you okay!" "Yea your hands are just a little cold." You pressed your lips against his again his stubble tickling your chin.

Your shirt was the first to go. You mewled softly as as he trailed kisses down your neck and to your collar bone, leaving butterfly kisses down to the top of your breast. He released the clasp on the back of your bra with little fumbling. He hurriedly kissed one the sensitive buds taking it into his mouth and groping the others with his free hand. "A-Azumane please..." He released your breast from his mouth and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist to keep yourself from falling, the cold room chilling you slightly. Asahi made his way through the dark house and to your bedroom.

You laid on your back exposed to the man in front of you. He didn't have anything on either. Your cheeks were flushed from enables meant as he took in your figure. It was like he wanted to make sure he knew every mark, bump, bruise,and scar. You wanted to hide yourself but you also liked this side of him. The one that treated you like a piece of art, like you were perfect despite your flaws. His eyes continued to drink you up as he lowered is body onto yours. "Are you okay with this (Name)?" You giggled softly. "You ask every time Asahi," You smiled at the brunette and pushed your forehead against his "yes I'm sure." He kissed your nose, positioning himself over your womenhood. You squeezed his shoulders as he inserted his large member into you.

You moaned as Asahi moved in and out of you at a fast, steady pace. You arched your back and wrapped your legs around him, allowing for easier access to your body. "A-Azumane! I-it feels so good. You pushed your fingers into his back your body tightening all over. "(N-Name) Y-you feel so good." You could feel his thrusts getting more and more sloppy inside you. "Asahi I'm getting c-close" You bucked your hips as close to the same pattern as Asahi, as your vision became blurry and stars filled your sight. "Me too (Name)." He grunted speeding up his last couple thrusts, releasing his hot seed inside of you riding out your climax and his own.

He pulled out, his large body laid haphazardly over you. Both of you panting he rolled over onto the bed and pulled you too his side. The mixed juices from the two of you gathering around your middle on the sheets; the snow still not showing any signs of stopping. You ran your fingers through his hair staying as close as you could to him. You smiled at his form that fit perfectly with yours. You kissed his stubbled chin as his eyes started to flutter close. "That's one way to keep warm, that's for sure..." You closed your eyes and fell asleep right there next to him.

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