Kaneki X Reader

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They had taken what was most important to you.  You trusted them and the minute it was good for them they threw them to the wolfs.  Your family, friends, and even co workers.  You looked down at the ground tears in your eyes as you stood over yet another grave with a loved one in it.  This one was more important then all the others.  Why you.  Why did it seem they come after you and your loved ones.  Something deep inside of you made your heart ache as if you were the only person in the world who had felt this pain.  You were giving up and the thought of just leaving the world made you feel happy.  It didn't hurt as much as this.  You should be in that grave... Not your little brother.  Your conclusion was simple, live for your brother, seal your emotions with a smile, don't let people in, trust was just a word after all...

You worked as an intern at the CCG.  You didn't go out on the field unless they had no one else to send out.  You were strong, and smart. you never had any real trouble taking down a ghoul.  But there was something about the one in front of you.  He was different, stronger then the others.  You're arms where weak from fighting back, and your knees had buckled under you.  The rain was pouring and it sent chills down your spin.  All you could do now was hold onto your Quinque and look up at the white haired male.  You didn't feel scared, and even if you could move to run, you didn't want to.  Something was drawing you to this ghoul.  You could only see one of his eyes.  At first it was red and black, then I lightened to a gray.  A normal color.  That had never happened before.  You dropped your quinque, and your mouth hung open slightly.  "Who are you..." Your question seemed to echo around the empty street, along with the sound of the rain. 

Why had you agreed. This wasn't something you should be doing.  Yet you followed the wet white hair of the male in front of you.  "Follow me." The word that he had spoken minutes before bounced round your head, echoing over and over.  Your legs and arms were still on fire.  But you pushed through, weaving through streets, ally ways, and bridges keeping a close eye on the ghoul in front of you.  You walked for awhile in the cold rain.  Nothing was telling you to run away, the dreary scenery looked right out of a book or movie and the streets were oddly empty.  Finally stopping in front of a old run down building, the ghoul turned to you and took off his mask. 

The boy stood in front of you, he looked familiar but you couldn't place him.  Something in his eyes was different then any other ghouls you had encountered.  Maybe it was just your imagination, but you swore you saw some sort of longing in his eyes.  "Who are you fighting for?" You took a step back and looked up at the male.  "You fight different then the other Doves.  You're fighting for something more then to kill the ghouls I can tell."  The smile that usually stayed on your lips that hid your feeling well had been missing since you ran into this boy.  You clenched your fists and gave an icy glare to Kaneki.  "It's non of your business." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the building.  You tried to break free of his hold, but considering how weak you still were after fighting, it didn't work.  He dragged you up the stairs, and  threw you onto the cold cement of the roof.  You hissed in pain, as the rain continued to caress your face after a brief break under the cracked ceiling of the building. 

Awhile had passes.   You were released from your job as a dove when your quinque was found, and your precise actions began to be compromised.   Days, then weeks, then months, how long had he been taking you up to that roof and trying to get you to talk.  He would stare down at you and you would stare back, cold and uncaring eyes masked your rage.  Until you finally broke...  "What the hell do you want with me anyways!? Kill me already! Isn't that what you all do!? Isn't that what you did to my brother!? Did you torture him like this too!? Make him slowly wonder what was going to become of him!?" You hadn't expressed any emotions to anyone since your brother died, so why to him.  Maybe cause his kind was the cause of your anguish.  You didn't want to trust him.  You didn't want to trust anyone.  But more  words poured out of your mouth.  You spewed venom with every syllable.  You fell to your knees and tears threatened to wash away the wall you had worked so hard to build. 

"Are you that terrified of trust? Even if you trust someone and he trusts you in return, there's no telling when they might cut you loose on a whim... Isn't that what you're scared of?"  You looked up surprised by the words that Kaneki had spoken.  Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes.  "Isn't that what were all scared of..." The words slide out of your mouth before you had time to think.  A light smile graced Kens lips and he reached a hand out to you.  You took it and stared at the ground.  He started to walk and you followed behind. 

While you walked few words were said, and none came from your lips.  "They're all ghouls... Watch them closely, do they seem like it? Ask them, be honest."  You were left standing in an ally next to a cafe.  Kaneki had disappeared fast then he had appeared in your life.  You got what he wanted you to do.  You walked into the shop and were welcomed with smiles and the strong smell of coffee.  You sat near a window looking out towards the street.  "Do you want anything?" You turned to face a purple headed girl, who looked the same age as you.  You shook your head no, and gazed at her longer then you meant to.  She furrowed her brow and turned away from you.  You looked back at the street recognizing the area, being you had lived over here for awhile.  You had been so close to ghouls the whole time.  There was hardly ever ghoul kills in this area, and they always found the ghoul that had caused the problem.  But just from glancing around the shop, you could see that there had to be to many ghouls to not have had many killings happen  here. 

The shop cleared of everyone except you and the staff.  You stood up and turned towards the counter where an older man was washing dishes.  "I know what you guys are... I was a dove and I was told to come here by someone..."  They all instantly went stiff.  "I don't wanna believe you guys are ghouls, but I want you to be ghouls at the same time..." What do you eat, how many people have you killed? Why are you hiding..." The purple haired girl grabbed your arm tightly and you flinched in her grip. She pulled you into the back of the store and the others followed soon after.  "What makes you think we're ghouls!?" She spat the words in your face and you took a step back.  "Someone told me..." "Who? One of those CCG dogs!?" "No." "Then who!?" She took a step closer to you.  "I can't tell you that..." You looked at the floor and a light smiled graced you lips. "Why Not?" "Because I promised not to." The girl got impatient and went out of the room.  As she walked out the older man from before came in.  The man spook to you gently, although you were there learning all their secrets.  Everything you asked he answered.  Weather what he said was true or not, you trusted him.  You wanted what he said to be true, so you believed it with all your being. 

You walked out of Anteiku, and were scooped up almost instantly.  You stood up shakily on a roof, and looked up at a now very familiar face.  "Kaneki... they were so different then all the ghouls I heard about..." He nodded.  "When you look at things from a fresh perspective you can make all sorts of discoveries.  Normally people assume they know everything there is to know about everything.  But all they can really perceive is one single slice of the truth.  That's why even though you were hurt, you need to trust others... So you can learn the whole truth."  You smiled softly at Kaneki and grabbed his hands.  He tried to pull back surprised by your actions, but you held on tight, looking him in the eyes.  "Thank you."  That's all you could get out.  You let go of his hands, and continued to look at him.  "But why me? Out of everyone you could have picked why me? You're showing me a world that others would want to know about."  "Because I'm the cause of your pain..." You took a step back and looked at him confused.  "What do you mean?" "I killed all those people.  Including your brother."  You stepped back another couple steps as the graphic scene from that night played through your mind.  The flashes of white and black weren't missing memories... they were him. 

You fell to your knees, and tears pooled in your eyes.  "What about trust... Was everything you said to me a lie... Why didn't you tell me you bastard!"  You stood up and ran at the boy using everything in your body to hurt him in any way possible.  "I hate you! Why the hell did I believe you!" You started to cry, the tears wouldn't stay back any more. Your fist stayed against Kaneki's chest.  "Why do I hate you so much, but still want you to be here... Why do I feel like I should kill you, but would cry if you were gone."  Your voice was low and barely could be heard.  "Why doesn't it matter, when it should..."  Kaneki knelt in front of you and pulled you to his chest in a tight hug.  "Because you're letting go and finally moving forward." 

Oh my lord... I had no idea what to write for this, so its kinda just thrown together. I'm so sorry XD  I haven't finished Tokyo ghoul yet so i wasn't 100% sure about everything but hey I wrote something down that doesn't make me want to rip my hair out!  I just found out that Otakon 2015 is near my new house and I am dying! Two of my favorite voice actors are gonna be there along with a couple others I know! I'm gonna try to convince my parents to let me go! So who knows~

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