Clear x Reader

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Looking up at the sky, soft sounds found there ways to your ears in a quiet song only for you. The soft patch of grass you laid on, enveloping you in a surreal feeling. The trees shook and the leafs slowly fell down around you. The fall air was crisp, and you could lay in that spot all day. But, you had to go back. Back to the real world. The world with real people, and scary thoughts. After all your safe haven couldn't coddle you forever.

Standing up, I dusted myself off and looked up
towards the sky one last time. The thought of leaving the sanctuary scared me, but I was used to it. After a month of living here, everything still scared me, the people, the language, that giant stadium thing in the middle of the island. I walked back towards the city. The deeper I got the less sky I could see. The trees were bare here already, and the cold nipped at my skin. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep till I could go back to America. I trudged up the steps to my building and went inside my small apartment room, fumbling with the key to get in. Once I was inside, I could breathe a little easier. Taking a deep breathe I slid down the door my back was against and pulled my knees to my chest. Many minutes had passed and the tightness in my chest had loosened. My legs that were shaking minutes before had stopped as well, and I got to my feet. The picturesque scene from the forest flashed before my eyes and a light smiled graced my lips.

I walked to the bathroom to re compose myself before showering in the hottest possible water I could. I threw on some pajamas and sighed, walking over to the veranda. Tonight there was a soft smell of smoke, not normal smoke but tobacco smoke. I glanced around at my surrounding noticing a man clad in red smoking on a veranda much like mine, only a couple houses down. A blue haired girl, no boy was standing next to him. But it wasn't those two that caught my attention, but rather the glint of light reflecting off a clear umbrella on the roof. A figure with soft white hair and a mask, a gas mask, could be seen in the dim area, illuminated only by the street lights below. But, that was all I could make out in the soft light.

This area was new to me, and the people as well. Maybe this was normal for the people around here. The two men below didn't seem to mind. The murmuring of their conversation could be slightly heard from my spot on the balcony, and it was kinda relaxing. I laid my head on the railing and listened to the mumbling till it stopped. I was disappointed at first, but then something else filled the space around me. A song... A soft song, maybe a lullaby? I stood up straight and looked around for the culprit of the almost inhumanly beautiful sound. My gaze fell back on the gas mask man. I couldn't tell if it was him because his face was covered and it was dark, but I had my hunch. I smiled and listened to the melody. With my head resting on the railing, I slowly started to drift off to sleep. I sneezed and sat up fast. It was still late and colder then it was hours ago. I rubbed my arm and turned around to go back into my apartment and was surprised when there was an upside down mask in front of my face.

I yelped and jumped back as much as I could and a person fell down in front of me. "W-w-what are you doing here!? W-who are you!?" "I'm Clear nice to meet you. I saw you fell asleep and thought you would be cold so I gave you my jacket!" "You looked down at yourself and finally noticed the long coat that went down to your knees. "O-oh thank you..." "No problem!" The voice behind the mask was happy and very polite. "How did you get up here anyways Clear?" "I went through Masters house!" "M-Master?" "Yes! He lives right there." He pointed to the veranda where the two men were talking earlier. "Oh... wait... were you the person on the roof!?" "Yes!" "Ehh, really?" "Yes, I can see the stars better from there." "I bet they're really pretty... I haven't took time to look at the stars since I moved here from America." "You lived in America!?" "Yea, this island is so much different from back home, and the language is confusing too." "You seem like you're very good at speaking it." "It took a lot of practice, but I'm finally getting the hang of it." I smiled triumphantly and stretched. "Umm, your lips are turning a funny color you know." "Ehh" I placed my finger tips to my lips, and they were freezing. "How are you not cold Clear!?" I maneuver around him and opened the door which lead into my room and ushered him inside. "I'm sorry its so messy, I haven't really felt like cleaning since I got here..." "I looks fine! But, there is one thing..." I looked at him and furrowed my brows slightly. "Yes, what is it?" "May you tell me your name?"

"Huh... Ahh I'm so sorry I forgot! I'm (Name),(Name)(Last)." "Wow, that's a pretty name!" I blushed lightly and chuckled to try to hide my embarrassment. "Thanks, do you want anything to drink?" I slid off the jacket that hung onto my body loosely, and draped it over the side of my bed. "No Thanks." "Alright, suit yourself." I hopped down the stairs and to the small kitchen to make myself something warm to sip on for awhile. The sweet aroma of the cocoa wafted through the small space making me salivate a little. I picked up my mug and started back up stairs. Clear was exactly where I had left him. It's like he didn't move at all.

We had been talking for hours. I forgot all about the fact that I was in a place I didn't want to be, the language that took me so long to learn, and even that creepy dome in the middle of the island. Clear would get all excited when I talked about something, someone, or someplace I knew and he didn't and he would occasionally chime in and add Aoba, his Master, to our talk, and about how he worked at the Junk Shop Heibon, and about how these kids, Nao, Mio, and Kio would mess with him all the time and call his boss Haga-san bald and that always made him extremely mad. I don't remember the last time I had laughed like this.

After he left I thought about him a lot. He would come back to my apartment often, and we would talk for hours. The time we spent together gave me butterflies, which was strange. "Hey Clear?" "Yes (Name)-Chan?" "Why won't you take off your mask for me?" "Ehh.... " He seemed nervous and uncomfortable... "Y-You don't have to answer that!" "It's because my face is weird and I don't want (Name)-Chan to hate me..." "What, I would never hate you. Why would you think that." "My grandfather said I had a weird face and to never show it to anyone. I'm sure I look like a monster..." "I smiled softly and sat up on my knees and laid one of my hands on the top of Clears hung head. "I'm sure you look fine. You're not a monster and I know that for sure." I pulled him close to me and hugged him tight. Even if you were a monster, my feelings for you wouldn't change at all. It doesn't matter if the whole world turns against you, i'll stand by you even if you don't want me to." I sat back a little bit and looked at his mask covered face. "Are you sure (Name)-Chan?" "I'm positive!" There was a long pause. "Alright..." He loosened the straps holding the material to his face and slowly lowered the mask.

I looked him in the eyes dumbfounded. "I-I knew I shouldn't have taken it off." "No, Clear! Your face..." You moved closer and cupped his pale face in your hands. "It's beautiful... I don't know what to say..." "Is it all there (Name)-Chan." "Hmm? What do you mean. Of course its all there." You slowly traced your fingers over his delicate features. "Your nose, your eyes, your lips. All of its there, perfect and in place." He looked at you with nothing but admiration and love. "Thank you (Name)-Chan." "There's no need to th-" His lip cut off your sentence. "I love you (Name)-Chan." You blushed a dark shade of red to match Clears lighter shade. "I-I love you to Clear." He pulled you to his chest and wrapped you in his arms. "Clear?" "Yes (Name)-Chan?" "I have one more question..." "Yes?" "On the night I fell asleep on my balcony, were you the one singing the lullaby?" "Yes, that was the jellyfish song." "Oh, do you think you could sing it for me." "Yes, of course!" You smiled and closed your eyes. The leafs around you ruffled lightly in the wind. You opened your eyes back up and looked at the star filled sky in the middle of your safe place. The gentle lullaby drifted to your ears as you grabbed Clears hand and squeezed gently.

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