Rei x Reader

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"Rei calm down please! You're stressing me out!" "B-but (Name)!" "Just Shut Up And Hold My Hand!" You squeezed his hand focused on breathing, and pushing. You had woken up feeling like you had wet yourself that morning and when you realized what it was, your pregnant self got out of bed and waddled over to your dresser to change and get things you needed for the hospital. "Rei! Wake up!" "Your blue haired husband shot up, and fumbled around the nightstand for his glasses. "(Name) Whats wrong!?" "I think my water broke, can you help me get everything together?" You didn't think you had ever seen him move as fast as he did, which was saying a lot since he was on the track team when you met him. "(Name) You should sit I'll get everything together!" "Rei, I'm alright. Please just stay calm." "W-what are you talking about I'm always calm." He stopped running around the room long enough to look at you and push up his glasses, making you giggle.

You held the bundle in your arms and smiled softly. Your first born, Hiroto. The boy cooed and pulled on your fingers, holding tightly. Rei stood next to you looking down. Tears filled his purple orbs, as he mouthed something almost to quiet to here. "Beautiful..." You gently pulled your finger away from the baby and reached up for Rei's hand. He took it and squeezed gently. "You did it (Name)..." "No, we did it." You smiled brightly, you were starting a family and it gave you butterflies to think about. "Rei? Do you want to hold him?" He nodded, as he scooped up the baby. Hiroto gurgled happily reaching up as best he could towards his father. Rei tensed up, causing you to giggle. Only a few nurses remained in the room, the ones who stayed chatting quietly between themselves, making sure to point out how adorable your husband and child were together.

"Hiroto! Calm down please!" "Pool! Pool!Pool! Yay!" You laughed as Rei chased his look alike down the street. Their blue hair bouncing up and down as they ran and jumped. "Daddy, Daddy! Will Uncle Makoto, and Nagisa, and Haru be there!?" The boy spoke fast, hardly stopping to take a breath. You picked up the pace to try and get to the boys. Hiroto looked exactly like Rei, but he had your bubbly personality. There never was a dull moment with him around. Even when he fell down or made a mess there was something about him that would make you want to smile.

Walking into Iwatobi SC Returns brought back a whole array of memories. Watching Rei swim for the first time being your favorite. The smell of chlorine made its way to your nose, and you smiled. "Uncle Makoto!" Hiroto ran at Makoto as fast as he could and jumped onto his leg. "Oh, Hiroto-Chan." Makoto smiled his usual smile and picked Hiroto up to met his gaze. Hiroto giggled and squished Makoto's cheek playfully, before wrapping his arms around his Uncles neck. Rei slouched forward, hanging his head and arms towards the ground. You reached over and patted his back. "Rei, that look you have on your face isn't very beautiful~" He stood up up and raised his fists in front of his face, slightly bending his knees. "You Wouldn't Look Beautiful Either If You Were Chasing Hiroto Around!" "What Ever I'm' Always Beautiful!" You crossed your arms and leaned back enough to glare at your husband. Makoto walked over and sighed still holding Hiroto in his arms. "You guys haven't changed at all." "YES WE HAVE!" You and Rei said it in unison, while turning towards Makoto at the same time. He took a step back and Hiroto giggled. "Mommy, and Daddy are funny!" You took a deep breathe and put your hands on your hips. "Hiroto lets go change so we can swim, okay?" "Yea!" The small boy reached towards you with a big smile, and you took him out of your old friends arms, mouthing thank you before heading off to change.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look! Look! I'm doing it!" "Yay Hiroto! You'll be better then me and your daddy in no time!" You put your arms in the air and splashed a little water with your feet. He laughed holding onto the kick board for balance swimming towards Rei. On the other side of the pool Makoto was waving bye to a group of kids that had just finished a lesson with him. He walked over and sat next to you watching Rei and Hiroto. "Oiy Hiroto! Stop splashing me!" "But Daddy! It's not beautiful! And Mommy said you don't like things that aren't beautiful!" Rei tensed up, and you had to put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. "Just because it isn't beautiful doesn't mean you have to splash me!" "Then hold me Daddy and I won't splash!" You heard a soft chuckle, and looked over to see Makoto trying to hold back his laughter as well. "Fine!" Rei reached out for Hiroto and he let go of the board. "Hey Daddy?" "Yes Hiroto?" The smaller blue haired boy started to splash Rei. "I tricked you!" "Why you little! I'll get you!" Your husband began to tickle your son and you couldn't hold back your laughter anymore. The display before you adorable and funny all at the same time. You weren't the only one that thought so. Makoto was laughing right along with you.

You sat on the bench in the changing room drying the dark blue hair of your son. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning sleepily. You smiled softly and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Let me get our bag and then we can go home okay Hiroto?" "Okay Mommy..." He crawled onto the bench you were previously on and sat quietly as you got the small bag together. Not moments had passed before he fell asleep. You ran your fingers through his short locks and picked him up along with your bag. Rei was talking with Makoto when you came out of the dressing room. And when he noticed you he stopped and came over, taking Hiroto out of your arms, and kissing your cheek gently. You smiled, and walked over to Makoto to say good bye. "Thank you for letting us use the pool while you had practices to teach Mako. Hiroto had a lot of fun, and it was nice to have some help with him." "Haha, of course (Name)-Chan. I can tell you two have your hands full." "Yes defiantly." You giggled and waved bye to the olive haired male, before returning back to Rei and a sleeping Hiroto.

You walked back to your house holding Rei's hand. It was quiet but a good quiet. "It's been awhile since it was this quiet." He chuckled softly, and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Yea it has." You looked over at the small figure in Rei's arm and smiled. "He really is the most precious thing in this entire world." Rei nodded and rested his head on top of Hiroto's. "He is very beautiful, if I do say so my self." You laughed and gently elbowed Rei in the side. He looked over at you, his features were soft and caring. "I love you (Name)." "I love you too Rei. But if you keep looking at me like that i'll get pregnant again." "Ehh! You know that's not how it works!" "Shhh, you'll wake up Hiroto."

WOAH I UPDATED ON TIME FOR ONCE! NO WAIT EARLY! *pats myself on the back* Good Job Mina. My mom is pregnant again, and so are three of my Aunts and one of my moms close friends. And our new neighbor just had a baby. *sighs* That is why this idea came to mind. Sorry Not Sorry! I thought this one was really cute XD but I've been around small children since I was born and I have a soft spot for them. Also, I am running out of ideas to write about *gasp* So if you have any ideas you don't mind sharing, or want to request a certain event or events to take place, please tell me! I hope You enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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