Kuroo x Reader

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"It's nice to meet you Kuroo-kun." You smiled at the tall raven haired male in front of you.  You weren't going to lie he was very attractive, and now he was your neighbor.  You could tell he didn't want to come introduce himself by the way he stood at the door when he first walked in. But your dad called you down to the living room and as you walked in the nonchalant posture he had changed.  "This is my daughter (Name)" "It's nice to meet you (Name)" "It's (Last Name) to you for now." You crossed your arms and smiled. "It's nice to meet you Kuroo-kun."

"Oiy (Name) I have to go out for a little while will you be okay here by yourself?" "Yea, why wouldn't I be!?" You flashed a bright smile at your father and waved as he walked out the door.  You hummed and kept cleaning dancing and singing to your music.  The house slowly starting to look better and better, despite all the boxes scattered around the rooms.  The song you were listening to stopped and you pulled out your headphone and laid them on one of the end tables next to your couch along with your phone.  You stretched your arms towards the sky just as the doorbell rang.  You jumped a little bit and scurried to the door.  Unlatching, and unlocking the wooden barrier you looked up to see the one and only Kuroo. "Hey (Name)." "I told you not to call me that!" You puffed up your cheeks and turned away sighing before you turned back to the tall male.  "Is there something I can help you with Kuroo?" "Not really, but I'm sure I can help you with something." He smirked and you took a step back blushing. "L-like what?" "Unpacking boxes," he leaned a little closer to you, "What were you thinking (Name)-chan?" "N-NOTHING!! Come on in...." Geez, you had just met this boy yesterday and you were already making a fool of yourself.

"That should go there, I think... Whatever we'll put it there for now."  "Do you really know what you're doing (Last Name)?" "Yes I do! I've moved plenty of times to know by now!" You stood up and placed your hands on your hips. "Alright, alright.  Where's your dad and mom?" "My dad went to the store and my mom passed away when I was four, so I don't remember her." Your expression remained unchanging, you didn't mind telling people that your mom was gone, you never cried about it, or regretted not having more time. You just moved forward.  "Why? Do you have a thing for older people Kuroo? That's pretty weird you know." You giggled and put your hand over your mouth menacingly.  "HUH, as if!" "You're getting pretty worked up about it, are you sure?" "Why you little!" He stood up and started walking towards you. You turned around to get away but it was already too late and he grabbed the back of your shirt and turned you around, leaning over you. You swore you could see a vein pop on his forehead. You also swore you were sweating and cowering like a puppy who was in trouble.

"You're comin with me." He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.  "Kuroo!!! Put me down!!!" You used your hands to try to push yourself out of his grip, but if you did get free it would be a far drop. You whimpered and slumped over his shoulder defeated after many attempts of breaking free. After a few minutes you heard knocking, you tried to peer around and see what was happening but it was no use.  "Oh Kuroo-kun! It's been awhile! We haven't seen you much lately." 'Did this women not see me on his shoulder? Maybe this was normal!? What if he was bringing me to a cereal killer's house! Oh god!' "I'll go get Kozume for you. Come on in." "Thank you." "Woah you have manners 'Kuroo-Kun'" you said in a mocking tone. "Shut up!" "Then let me down you giant!"  "Kuroo, who's that?"  "Ahh this is (Name).  She just moved in next door with her father." "Why did you bring her here?" "Yea why did you bring me here you perv?" "Shut up (Name)!" You puffed up your cheeks and used your hands to support your chin.  "Kenma?" "Hum?" "Can you come with us for a little while?" "I can't." "Huh, why not?" "It's none of your business." You tried to suppress a laugh at how easily he was rejected.  "and put (Name) down, you'll scare the neighbors"

You were finally back on your feet thanks to Kenma.  After ten or twenty minutes of pestering Kuroo gave up and left the house.  You bowed and apologized for intruding following after the long legged male.  "You're going home right?" "Yeah." "Good, it's getting late.  Thanks for helping today.  I appreciate it."  You smiled at the male who stopped in front of your house.  "Anytime," He smiled back at you, "But now you have to pay me back sometime alright?" You scowled slightly and agreed, waving him off to his house.  You sighed and went inside.  You went to your room and leaned against the wall.  "God, I'm exhausted... How does he have so much energy..." You slid down the spot you were leaned against and nestled your head on your knees. 

"Five more minutes..." "(Name) if you don't wake up we're going to be late and Kuroo will be mad."  Your (Eye Color) orbs fluttered open, and you bolted up from your desk. "I-I'm sorry! I was having a good dream"  You gathered your belongings and followed Kenma to the practice gym.  He took your bag and brought it to the club room, and you changed your shoes.  You tapped your foot waiting for Kenma. As he rounded the corner you ran to him and pulled him by the wrist into the gym.  "Kenma, (Name), you two are late." "S-Sorry..." Kenma just ignored Kuroo and started his warm ups.  "Did you fall asleep again?" "Yea, I was having a good dream so I didn't budge when Kenma tried to wake me up..." "What kinda dream?" You blushed a deep shade of red.  "It was nothing!" "Nothing doesn't make a normal person blush." "Fine! It was a dream about when we met!" "Well isn't that sweet." He smirked and leaned down, planting a kiss on your forehead before gently tapping your head with the clipboard for the team's stats.  "You left this at my place yesterday, be more careful next time."  You smiled at the ravenet as he ran off to get his team together. 

I updated, a week since the last chapter!!! Wow I'm impressed, -Pats myself on the back- Go me.~ The likes and reads for this story just keep going up and up! Thank You all so much!  I might be able to update once or twice more before this break is over! That would be nice.  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I've had a thing for Kuroo all month and I just wanted to right a story about this child XD Oh and HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK!!!

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