Iwaizumi x Reader

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  The world around you was always black and white. Of course there was some beauty to it, but you heard of those people who could see in color, vivid reds and blues, dancing yellows and oranges, mellow greens, and royal purples. The trees and roads, people houses, books, and flowers. All of it in colors unimaginable to you. Maybe when you were younger, and your parents were your only love, you could see. But now you couldn't. It didn't seem like you were ever going to see those colors that all the people in love say they see everyday. "Mom, Dad, I'm off!" "(Name), can you bring Chiyo her lunch? She left in a hurry this morning, said something about her colors starting to come in." "Ehhhh!!! That's not fair! I didn't even know she found someone!" Your mother chuckled softly and your dad slapped you on the back. "Ow!" You reached up and tried to cool the burning on your back mumbling curses under your breathe.

You had opened the door to the first year class 3 and beckoned for your sister at the door, when she didn't come you just raised your voice. "Chiyo you left your lunch at home!" She blushed brightly, you could tell by the darker gray appearing on her face, trying to avoid confrontation. You walked over to her desk most of the first years looking at you, murmuring things like, "Who's that?" "Is she a third year?" "Wow, shes gorgeous" Setting the lunch down on her desk you stood over her and scowled. "Mom and Dad told me you're getting your color." If it was possible for her to turn more red, or gray in this case, she did. "Geez they can never keep their mouths shut..." "If you would have told me, they wouldn't have let your 'secret' slip." " I don't have to tell you everything (Name)! Now get out of my class! Everyone is staring and Yuta will be here soon!" You sighed and left the class, taking mental note of the name Yuta before walking into the hallway, and running smack into another person.

You looked up to apologize, but your senses were instantly overwhelmed with all the new stuff around you. The boy you were looking up at had the same expression you did. This was color... It was beautiful... The color of his eyes were your favorite out of all the harassing lights and dark's surrounding you. It was what you feel when you're a child and you wake up to another day of playing outside. It was the warmth in the eyes of a mother. It was the smell of an early morning walk. It is a Saturday afternoon in September when dad turns sits in the living room with a book in his lap and the windows open, you could hear his snores from the living room. It was the distance between you and the one you miss. It was the hope that you will see them again soon. It was the pain in your gut when you fight with someone you love. It was color.

You stood still, your chest was tightening You were speechless. You tried to shake away all the color, maybe it was just a dream. But when it didn't go away and you finally were able to stutter out a couple words, "D-Do you see it too?" He nodded and reached his hand out to you. You took it hesitantly, and were pulled through the halls quickly. "H-Hey wait! You're going to fast!" Everything that was happening was starting to kick in. The gray that would once dust your cheeks was now a fiery bright color, the color of passion as your mother would say. The color of kissing your lover at night, and the morning sky in Autumn.

You didn't stop till you were well out the school gates, and a couple blocks from the shopping center. The housing for your school, Aoba Johsai, was pretty close by but you both stopped running before that. He looked up at you with a not mean, but also not nice face, and you took a step back. "If you're seeing the color too then..." "Yea... But I'm sure I've seen you around before why didn't our color come then?" "I'm not sure, don't ask me! I'm just as surprised as you." You sighed and looked up at the sky normally a light gray would be clouding your vision but now this was the real deal. Your dad said the sky was blue, and you were always so confused about why he talked about it constantly. Now you could feel the summer breeze, and the crying yourself to sleep. Your mothers hugs, and the feeling deep inside your heart when your parents had your sister. You understood that all now.

The smile across your face wouldn't go away you wanted it to but it just wouldn't. You looked over at the boy who gave you the color in your world. He wasn't focused on all the color around him like you thought he would be. Instead he was looking at you a gentle smile graced his lips. His emerald green eyes sparkled in the mid-day light. His tough exterior seemed to have melted away in those few minutes. You searched his face for any signs that said 'why her.' But there was none. You walked forward and reached your hand out. "I'm (Last Name) (Name), it's nice to meet you color bringer!~" "It's good to meet you (Last Name), I'm Iwaizumi Hajime." "I think we'll get along just fine Iwaizumi." You didn't let go of the boys hand and walked forward pulling him along with you. "I think it's okay to skip today, lets go do something."

After walking around the city discovering all the new colors and getting to know Iwaizumi, without realizing you two had stated to move back towards the school. "Hey (Last Name)?" "Yea?" "I have to go to practice now..." Huh? Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you!" "No no, It's fine." He scratched the back of his neck and a light blush dusted his features. "I actually had a lot of fun." "Me too!" You smiled brightly at the brunette and continued the last bit of the walking to the school campus. "Iwaizumi, we should go out like that again some time." He patted the top of your head and smiled. "Alright, i'd like that." "It's a deal then." You waved as the green eyed boy walked back into the school.

You ran into your house and could barely contain your excitement "Mom, Dad! I got my color!!" They peaked their heads into the living room, shocked looks plastered to their features. "Really (Name)! That's great!" You nodded your head excitedly. "I'm sure you guys would like Iwaizumi!" 'Oh brother' your parents mumbled in unison. 'We have to do this twice...'

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