Trip and Virus x Reader

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                                                         LEMON WARNING!  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

"(Name)-Chan." You looked up from your work with your usual stoic expression, and pushed a (Hair Color) strand of hair behind your ear. "Trip, Virus. Is everything alright?" You got up from your seat and walked over to the two taller males. "Does something have to be wrong for us to come see you (Name).~" You smiled at the men locking eyes with each of them before stating, "Well I am here to fix things, and when have you ever come to see me without a motive." "I suppose you're right (Name)-Chan." Virus sighed and Trip who was quiet nodded his head in agreement. "Now what's the real reason you two are here?" Virus undid his coil from his wrist and handed the object to you. "Something's wrong with it, and I can't seem to figure it out." You stared down at the watch like technology, and rolled it over in your hand. Your stoic expression scrunching up for a moment and relaxing again. "Alright i'll look at it and call Trip when it's done."

You walked back to your desk and pulled out a small box. Inside the box was an assortment of cords and small tools. You grabbed one of the cords and hooked it up to your computer, then to the coil, scanning over the data as fast as it came up looking for any abnormalities. With no avail. So you turned the device on. Maybe the problem wasn't within the coding. You again scanned for a program that may carry a virus to another part of the system. An app, a picture, maybe a site that he had saved. "There's nothing wrong..." You unplugged the device, furrowing your brows, and turning on your own coil.

"Trip. I cheeked the coil over. I didn't find anything wrong." "Ah is that (Name)-Chan Trip?" "Yea..." "(Name), we'll be right over to pick it up." The call ended, and you laid your head down on the desk. After about ten minutes you sat up and rubbed your eyes. You were getting sleepy doing nothing. As you stood up to look around the shop, maybe clean it up a bit. You hummed softly to yourself sorting manuals and disks that were on the shelf's. Making quick work of the cleaning and sorting, you rolled your shoulders and cracked your knuckles just as the door opened to reveal the two blonds. "Welcome back." Your (Eye Color) orbs travel up and down the males who were wet from the rain you hadn't noticed till they walked in. "Geez you two will catch a cold if you stand in here sopping wet." You rolled your eyes and smiled a soft smile. You turned around and walked to the staircase that was behind the desk area. You left the boys downstairs to do what they pleased in the two minutes it would take to grab a few towel.

You came back down the stairs holding two white towels. Taking the last step you yelped as arms snaked around your waist, and pulled you to the figures chest. You looked up to see Trip looking down. "When have we ever needed help with technology (Name).~" Your cheeks turned a bright crimson red. Another pair of hands found their way to your body. One of the hands traveled up your side, caressing your cheek, causing you to shiver, before covering your eyes. "W-what are you doing..." Hot breath tickled your ear, and you dropped the fresh towels that were in your arms. A hand pushed its self firmly against your stomach just as your legs gave out under you. "W-whats going on..." The world was darkening. "Shhh... (Name)-chan... Relax." The familiar voice of Virus entered your ears, and bounced around your head. You gave into the strange sensation. It was like floating on water. You closed your eyes letting Trip and Virus support your limp body.

You gasped and sat up. It was cold and dark. Your legs and arms where chained down. How long had you been down there, where ever there was. You didn't try to fight it anymore. Trip and Virus were your life. Without them you would be dead. Where you were was where you were staying. "(Name)-Chan~ I think it's finally time to let you go out with us." You lifted up you arms slightly reaching towards Virus who stood at the foot of the black sheet covered bed. "Yes, I'm ready." A lite smile formed on your lips and Virus pulled you towards him, catching your lips in a sweet kiss. "Don't hog (Name) all to yourself..." A hand laid itself on your stomach and pulled you back. There was a small tug on your hair, which told you to lean it back. Trip was on his knees leaning over your sitting form. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, and trailed kisses down to your shoulder. It tickled your skin causing you to shiver at the sweet kisses and gentle caresses.

Your naked body laid on your back, hands held above your head.  You whimper as hungry hands and mouths explored your body, leaving red and purple marks all over your (Skin Color) skin.  Trip grabbed your left breast roughly, taking your right in his mouth and playing with the sensitive bud. You tried to hold down your moans of pleasure.  "(Name)~ don't hold it back let us hear you~" Virus's cold fingers caressed your inner thighs, and you let out a small squeak of pleasure. Trip continued to play with your breast earning quiet moans from you, before Virus inserted a finger into you moving in and out quickly, then stopping to tease your womenhood.  You wiggled under the two males arching your back as they continued to work your body as they pleased. "P-Please m-more, ahh~" Virus entered more fingers in you one by one working to stretch you.  "I-I'm gonna cum..." The familiar feeling of your stomach coiling took over your body as waves of pleasure moved through you.  

"Already (Name)~"  A bright blush crept onto your face as you were lifted up and turned onto your hands and knees.  You felt Virus's member push into you hard and fast, causing you to yelp from the sudden intrusion.  There was no time for you to adjust before he was already moving in and out of you at a fast pace.  Your moans could be heard throughout the room along with the grunts from Virus. You reached for Trip who took your hand in his and his other in your hair.  He pulled it causing you to come face-to-face with his large member.  You understood what he was telling you to do without his words.  You took member into your mouth and sucked on it causing grunts and groans to escape his lips.  Both men continued there work on your body switching rolls occasionally, causing you to cum multiple times, with and without them.  You laid on the bed exahasted and panting.  The lingering feeling of Trip and Virus stayed on your skin even after they had left the room to re-dress themselves.  

You stood in the street, the two blonds on either side of you, arms wrapped around you possessively. It was dark and you could hear rhymers and ribbers doing what they did. The men gently pushed you towards an ally where a young boy with blue hair could be seen in a rhyme match against another male who seemed to be losing his mind. The match ended and Usui disappeared from the area leaving cheering fans and a man who looked dead on the opposite side of the ally. The blue haired boy walked over to where we were standing and grabbed my wrist pulling me away from Trip and Virus holding my chin up to face him with the hand that wasn't gripping my wrist. "Ahh, Aoba-San congratulations." Virus praised the young boy holding onto me. "Tch, I always win... It's to easy." The boy, Aoba, brought his face closer to yours. "But, since I did win I should get a prize~" "Sorry Aoba-San but (Name) is ours. Trip grabbed the boys wrist and pried you away from his grip, pulling you to his chest. "Well, we will see you around Aoba-San." "Tch..." The boy walked away kicking a can as he let the ally. "Lets go (Name)." Virus leaned down to your ear while you were still pushed against Trip's chest. "We've had you out to long~"

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