Akashi x Reader

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Before you start, I'm trying to make this chapter more formal due to the characters that I am writing about. So I apologize ahead of time. Secondly, Sama is referring to Mr. Akashi and your father. This is because Sama refers to a person of higher status then you. San is referring to Seijuro and yourself. This is just another more formal and gender equal way of saying chan, and kun. I hope that helps a little since last names are gonna be used a lot for the first half of the chapter.
Heterochromia is when your eyes are two different colors, just like Seijuro's. Enjoy!

You sat across from the heterochromia eyed boy. An extravagant set of foods was laid out before you, him, and both of your fathers. You sat quietly and listened to the two grown men talk, as they occasionally took sips of wine. You knew this meeting was essential to your fathers business. You wanted to go home already, but you sat and smiled, answered questions when asked, and ate slowly. You would often look up and steal glances of the Akashi family air, Seijuro. There was something mysterious about him. It intrigued you. "Father. May I step out for a moment?" "Yes dear. Is everything alright?" "Yes Sir. I just need some air." You smiled at your father and stood up folding the napkin that was in your lap and laying it on the table.

You walked out of the door of the hotel's restaurant. The chilly fall air nipped at your skin, and you hugged yourself, rubbing your arms to get warm. Sighing, you rolled your neck. You had been working more then normal recently to help your father. On top of that, you had to keep straight A's and a perfect winning streak on the volleyball team. That was what was expected of you. You pulled on the hem of your short (Fav Color) dress, and adjusted the straps. That was when a jacket was placed over your shoulders, your body stiffened as you turned to face your unknown gentlemen. (Eye Color)eyes met red and orange ones. "Akashi-san? Is everything alright?" "Your father asked for me to come find you. Lets go." He placed his hand on the small of your back and gently pushed you towards the restaurant again. He was very commanding, and his presence made you feel small. It drew you to him in a way.

You stepped into the giant room, making your way towards the table where your father and Akashi-sama were sitting. "Welcome back (Name), Akashi-san. I hope (Name) didn't give you a hard time." "Not at all (Last Name)-Sama." Your father smiled at the boy as he pulled your chair out for you. "Thank you Akashi-san." You sat in the chair and were pushed up to the table. The men continued to talk for and hour or so. That must have been a good sign. As the dinner came to a close, you stood up and bowed to the Akashi family, smiling softly and waving bye as they left the building, which you and your father did after the dinner was payed for.

-Akashi Household-

"I enjoyed the company of (Last Name), what about you Seijuro?" "I enjoyed him also." "What about his daughter?" "She was kind, and appealing to the eye." "Good. Her father and I are arranging a marriage for you two." "Yes, father." "It's in the best interest for the company, make it work." "Yes father." "You may leave." Seijuro bowed to his father and left the study.

-Back To You-

"Hey (Name)?" "Yes daddy?" "You remember the Akashi boy." "Yes Sir. What about him?" "You're getting married to him!" "WHAT! But daddy!" "No buts. This is for the good of the company and your future." You clenched your fists, which were resting by your side. "Yes Sir." You swallowed down any words that wanted to escape your mouth, but you knew there was no use trying to negotiate this. At least you would get to learn more about the heterochromia eyed boy. You turned away from your father and walked down the long hall to your room, passing a few housekeepers along the way, each bowing as you passed. You walked into your room and closed the door behind you. You plopped down on you bed and grabbed the frame on the nightstand and ran your fingers over the faces of your mother, father, twin brother and yourself. You smiled at the family you once were. You all were close. You didn't speak formally when it was just you four. But then your mom and Hedeki, your twin, got into a crash one day. The driver died as well as them. Ever since your dad tried to immerse himself in work. If it was good for the company it was good for him. You hugged the picture and closed your eyes. "Mom wouldn't make me marry a guy I barely know..." You had a lot to take in, so sleep was the best option at the moment.

"Akashi-kun." You lightly pulled on your fiances sleeve. "Yes, (Name)." "I wanna see you play." "Play what?" "Basketball. What else." You smiled at the redhead, who turned away from you. Once you got engaged, you were determined to learn as much as you could about him. You asked questions all the time. Akashi even told you he thought it was annoying, but you kept asking till he ignored you. At that point you would laugh, and make tea to calm him down. "Akashi, lets play shogi." "What if I say no?" "Then I'll sit here and watch you work on studying." "You should be studying too." You laid your head on his desk across from his books and looked up at him. "I've been studying all week. That's why I came over here." "Be quiet (Name)." "Fine..." You puffed up your cheeks and closed your eyes.

"Seijuro..." You were mumbling in your sleep again, it was probably from all the stress of your normal life. Akashi who was still studying from his spot across from you looked up at your sleeping figure. He stood up, and reached across the desk and pushed a (Hair Color) stand of hair behind your ear. "You'll catch a cold sleeping in here like this." He took off the school jacket he had on and draped it over your shoulders. As cold as he seemed, he cared about you deeply. You knew that but sometimes you doubted it. You smiled in your sleep, and wiggled a little bit in your chair. "I love you Seijuro..." The boy blushed lightly and looked away from your sweet smile, but turned back to face you, planting a gentle kiss on the top of your head. He sat back down and started working on his studies again.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, letting out a quiet yawn. "Akashi-kun, I had a dream about you." You smiled at the boy who was still hard at work. "I know." "Huh! How did you know!?" You stood up and the jacket around your shoulders started to slip but you caught it and put it on. "Be quiet (Name)." "Not till you tell me!" You walked over to Akashi and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind. "Pllleeeaaassseee...... I'll be quiet if you do~" "You were talking in your sleep again." "Eh, that was a fast answer." You giggled and laid your head on his shoulder, listening to the lead on paper sound. "(Name)." "Yes?" "I love you too." "Thank goodness." "You squeezed him gently and continued to stand quietly. "(Name). I have a game tomorrow. I expect you'll be there." "Yes of course I will."

"Wow! He's amazing!" You cheered as you watched the red blur move up and down the court with complete ease and skill. "Go Rakuzan! The game wasn't even close. Rakuzan was far ahead, and the other team looked like they lost the will to fight. You smiled down at the court and continued to cheer till the end. As the teams lined up to shake hands, you made your way down to the locker rooms where you were told to met Akashi. As you stopped in front of the door with the words 'Rakuzan locker room' on it, the team came around the corner. More then one of the boys looked excited that you were there and you giggled and waved. Introducing yourself, and getting introductions back. "It's nice to met you all." Akashi ordered the team to go change and to leave him and you alone for a moment. "Akashi, you were amazing!" "Thank you (Name)." "You don't have to be so formal when we're alone Akashi." You hugged the male quickly pulling him in for a kiss and pushed him towards the door to the locker room. "Your team probably needs you." You smiled and started walking away waving. "I'll see you later Akashi." "Likewise."

You heard the boys inside the locker room make comments about you and Seijuro. You giggled as you listened to him raise his voice and the tam become silent. You smiled as you walked back to your house, happy that you got to see more of Seijuro. "He really is something. This arranged marriage isn't so bad after all."

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