Modern Levi x Reader

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"Shut up Levi!!" You had him pinned to the floor playfully.  The small loft apartment you two shared while going to college was the only place you two seemed to be able to yell your curse words, and drone on about stupid things and not get judged.  He reached up and squished your cheeks trying to push you off but it wasn't gonna be that easy.  That was for sure.  "Oiy, brat get off of me!" "I dof wan tu" Your words were muffled because of the pressure on you face.  You let go of one of his shoulders to try and get his hands off your face.  But as soon as you let go, he was able to get free.  He rolled out from under you and jumped to his feet.  You fell on your side and yelled your choice of curse words.  "Gotcha now brat!" He rolled you onto your back and sat on your stomach.  "Damn you Levi!!"  His hands found their way to your sides and you knew exactly what was about to happen.  "L-Levi, please no....."  "Too late now (Name).  You got caught." "Noooo not again please!  It's to much!!" You looked up at the dark haired male and mouthed please in hopes that he would show mercy. That definitely didn't work.  The moment his cold fingers started tickling your sides, you couldn't stop laughing.  It hurt from his weight and the muscles in your stomach tightening.  "P-please L-Levi!!" You could barely get those two words out between your gasps, laughs, and struggles.  Finally Levi got off you and sat on the floor.  "Well I'm satisfied." You were still panting and trying to get the oxygen back into your body, so you stuck up your middle finger instead of talking and he smirked at you and stood up.

"(Name) did you do the laundry?" "Yup, did you clean the bathroom?" "Yea, you're doing it next week." "Fine"  You were laying on the couch with your head on Levi's lap, reading a book.  He was sipping on some tea that smelled amazing, it contrasted with his smell, that was a mix of some sort of wood or pine, and a little bit of cigarette.  It was a much more calming smell then you ever thought it would be.  The first couple times you sat next to each other in class, you didn't know what exactly to think about it.  But it grew on you.  Now every time you went near him you lightly inhaled as much as possible to where it didn't look like you were being creepy.  "Hey Levi?" "Hum?" "Did I ever tell you that you smell nice, like pine and cigarettes." "Did I ever tell you that you're a weird brat?" "Haha... very funny." You stuck your tongue out at him and he raised his mug, sticking it on one of the shelves next to you two.  He took your book and laid it on the floor next to the couch.  "Levi, I was reading that..." "Well now you're not." You puffed up your cheeks and sat up.  "If you want to talk to me you don't have to take the book.  I'd gladly put it down."  You smiled, and Levi gripped your hand.  "You'd be pretty cute if you didn't have such a foul mouth."  "Shut Up, you're the last one to talk."  He laid his forehead against yours and kissed the tip of your nose. 

"Ugh... Levi we have to get up..." You sat up and the thin blanket fell to your lap revealing your nude body.  You ran a finger through your knotted (Hair Color) hair, and looked at the small alarm clock next to you.  "Go back to sleep (Name)." His voice was quiet and raspy from the morning.  "But we have class today, we can't miss anymore psychology or were going to fail."  "You're so annoying in the morning."  You crawled out of bed and to the attached bathroom.  "If I wasn't you'd be in college forever."  You turned on the water and ran a brush through your hair.  "Come take a shower with me then I'll make breakfast."  "Fine..."  His morning voice was starting to fade, and the creaking of the bed told you he was up.  He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder, both of your nakedness exposed in the mirror.  You turned your head and kissed his cheek.  "Come on the water should be warm now."  He released you from his grip and stretched his muscular arms.  You followed him into the warm water and washed away the dirt from the day and night before.  You eventually climbed out of the small space and threw on a shirt and undergarments for the moment.  You walked to the kitchen and pulled out eggs and bread.  The smell must have pulled Levi out of the water and to your side.  A towel around his neck and only boxers on his body.  He was definitely a sight.  "Even I wear more clothes than you now Levi."  "How else am I supposed to make you blush?"  "HUH, I'm not blushing!" "No, but I can make you.~" He leaned close to your face with a smirk on his face.  You could feel his breathe on your lips, he was so close.  But of course the food had to start sizzling and smelling weird on the stove.  You turned back to the stove as fast as you could.  "Ahh Damnit!" You moved the food around, slightly browned, but still highly edible. 

After class you were walking down the cold street of the city you lived in.  Your right hand was in Levi's, which was inside his coat pocket.  The christmas lights sparkled on buildings, and snow littered the floor, cars and happy families ran up and down the streets.  "Hey Levi?" "Hum?" "How long have we been together now? Two years tonight right?" "Three." "Oh, okay." He squeezed your hand and continued walking down the street.  "Where are you taking me anyways?" "Just shut up and walk alright." "Okie Dokie.~" You walked beside him for another ten minutes, the cold air starting to chill you.  You sneezed and Levi covered your eyes. "Levi? What the hell are you doing?" "Are you ready?" "Ready for what? Levi you're killing me!" You pulled his hands off your eyes, and right in front of you was a giant christmas tree covered in ornaments, tinsel, and lights. Your bright (Eye Color) eyes sparkled, reflecting the lights.  "Levi it's beautiful..." You had a huge smile plastered to your face as you turned to him.  But he wasn't there.  "Levi?" You turned around and there he was on one knee and a small box in his hand.  Your eyes widen and you stepped back slightly. "L-Levi?"  "You may be a shitty brat, and I might be a hard headed asshole, but you're my shitty brat and I hope you'll let me be your hard headed asshole.  (Name), will you marry me?"

Of course she will who wouldn't XD Sorry it's been so long... like three months, brah.... Volleyball ended for the JV team but then Varsity asked me to bee their manager for their playoff games! I was sooooo excited.  None of us thought we were going very far but tomorrow 11-20-15 we are going to state finals!!! YAY!!! Hopefully this was an okay chapter.  I feel terrible for not updating! I still have a couple requests to do, so if this wasn't yours I promise i'll try to get the others written.  Hope y'all enjoyed!

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