Hinata Shouyou

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I know this might not be the way you spell Shouyou, and I'm sorry! But~ This is the way I found to spell it without all dashes and what not above the letters! If you have a different way to spell it then I might be able to fix it!

You knocked on the front door of the Hinata household. You were shivering, your nose and hands like ice. "Coming..." A groggy young girls voice came from inside, and small footstep made there way to the door. When the door opened, you smiled and waved at Natsu, who eyes lite up the minute she saw you. "(Name)! I didn't know you were coming over!" You giggled at the girls enthusiasm as she pulled you inside from the cold, snowy air.

"Hey Natsu, where's Shouyou?" "He's still asleep. He never gets up early on weekends!" An evil smirked came to your face, and you peaked over at Natsu who had the same look. You both crept over to Hinata's door and pushed it open slowly. You peaked in Natsu looking from under you. You ushered the girl forward and followed her into the small room. "Shouyou~" You whispered his name softly into his ear and he wiggled a little bit in his sleep. You held up one finger, then a second, then the third. Both you and Natsu jumped onto the orange headed male and yelled his name. "Shouyou!!! Wake Up!!!!" The boy shot up and a bright blushed formed on his face. "(N-Name)!" "Hey, I'm here too!" Natsu crossed her arms and looked at Hinata with a scowl. "I-I'm sorry Natsu..." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. You tried to suppress a giggle, but it slowly surfaced as you watch the sibling argue. "Come on you two, it's alright." You smiled at the two who looked at you with admiration. You crawled out of Shouyou's bed and reached a hand out to both of the siblings who took them happily.

"I'm guessing you guys haven't eaten yet?" You looked at the two quizzically and they nodded their heads. "Alright! You guys go get dressed. Make sure it's warm clothes! I'll cook breakfast~" "Yes ma'am!" Shouyou and Natsu happily cheered, running off to their bedrooms. Smiling triumphantly, you started looking through the cabinets and pulling out what you needed to make your breakfast of choice, pancakes. It wasn't a traditional breakfast, but it was warm and would fill everyone's stomach. You put on Shouyou's apron, and mixed your batter, pouring it into a hot pan with butter sizzling at the bottom. Shouyou came out first. "(Name)! (Name)! Why did you come over today!? I'm glad you're here, but it's a long walk for you. And it's cold." The boy wrapped his arms around your neck, and laid his head on your shoulder. "That's exactly why I came over! All this snow is pilling up, and we're sitting in the house when we could be building a fort, or making snow angels!" You flip the pancake and then turned to the boy giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Plus, I wanted to see you.~" Hinata blushed a bright crimson and looked down at his feet. You giggled softly and turned back around to continue cooking.

"Ah~ (Name) that was good." Shouyou sat back with a satisfied look on his face, patting his stomach. "Yea it was, thank you (Name)!" Natsu hopped up out of her chair and ran over to your side giving you a hug. You gently ruffled her crazy orange hair, and stood up. "Now that we all ate, on to the park!" "Yea!" Natsu and Shouyou cheered and ran to the door. "Slow down you two!" You giggled and helped Natsu wiggle into her winter coat. You headed out the door Shouyou leading the way and you holding Natsu's hand followed behind. Reaching forward you grabbed Shouyou's hand, and held it tight. He slowed down to match your walking pace, a blush could be seen peaking slightly from behind his scarf. "Shouyou, you're so adorable!" You let go of Natsu's hand, and jumped on the boy who fell onto the snow covered ground. "(N-Name)-chan..." "Hehe, I'm sorry I can't help it!" You rubbed your cold cheek against his and kissed his forehead before standing up and pulling him off the ground. "Shouyou, (Name), come on we're almost there!" Natsu grabbed both your and Hinata's hand and started dragging you towards the park.

You stopped and looked around at the snow covered playground. Hopping up and down excitedly, you bent down and tossed a handful of the white fluffy mass into the air smiling brightly. "Hey, hey, (Name)! Let's make a snowman!" Natsu made a small ball of snow on the ground. "Yea! Shouyou help us!" You grabbed the boys hand and pulled him over to Natsu and her snowball. A little while had passed and you were looking at the creation you all worked so hard to create. "ooohhh! (Name)! I didn't know you were so good at making snowmen!" Shouyou's eyes were sparkling and he had a huge smile across his face. "Hehehe, I am the best around!" You put your hands on your hips and looked up to the sky. Natsu and Shouyou both laughed at your enthusiasm. You grabbed the siblings hands and fell backwards into the soft white piles. "Snow angel time~" You sang and starting moving your arms and legs. Shouyou and Natsu followed your lead. You spent the rest of the day building and laughing, and at one point started a war between the boys and girls of the park. Naturally the girls beat the boys, pelting them with snowballs. It was an amazing day. But your body was starting to get numb.

"(Name)... Thank you for coming today..." A drowsy Natsu tried to keep up with your walking pace, rubbing her eyes and yawning. You scooped her up in your arms and she curled up against your chest. You know how dangerous it was to fall asleep in the cold so you unzipped your jacket, and managed to re-zip it with you and her inside. You looked over at Shouyou who looked just as tired as Natsu. You reached up and ruffled his orange hair, using your jacket and left arm to support Natsu. He looked over at you and smiled moving closer and linking his arm with yours. The walk home was quiet, but in a good way. The streets were covered in white and the stars were bright. It was a perfect way to end a perfect day.

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