Sure, the stars are pretty but you're beautiful

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After dinner, Räi has stopped glaring Jake down and he moves over and gently nudges Vitxyillì.

"Want to come stargazing with me?" Räi whispers in her ear, speaking in their native language.

Vitxyillì's eyes light up and she smiles at him while nodding before glancing at Neytiri.

"Hey, Tiri, I'm going to go with Räi, is that okay?" Vitxyillì asks in English.

"Of course it is. You don't need my permission." Neytiri replies in English, smiling softly.

"I know." Vitxyillì says with a mischievous grin.

"I just asked so you wouldn't worry." Vitxyillì adds.

Neytiri laughs and shakes her head.

"I know you'll be safe. But thank you." Neytiri says softly.

"Behave yourselves." Jake chimes in with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, coloniser." Vitxyillì says teasingly.

Jake rolls his eyes as he laughs.

"As long as you don't do anything too stupid." Jake replies as he smiles at the two of them.

Before Räi and Vitxyillì can answer, Otayä, Tezä, Fyìse, Perä and Stängäot come over.

"I see you, Neytiri." Otayä says in Na'vi, doing the respectful hand gesture.

"Hello, Otayä." Neytiri greets back in Na'vi, doing the respectful hand gesture in return.

"Greetings, Jake Soolee." Otayä says in broken English, and he winces as he struggles with Jake's last name.

Jake nods and smiles, acknowledging Otayä's struggle with the name 'Sully'.

"You can just call me Jake." Jake says kindly in prefect English.

"Alright, Jake." Otayä says, the relief clear in his voice at being able to use a simpler name.

Otayä then turns to Vitxyillì and Räi.

"You're going somewhere, right?" Otayä asks the duo.

"Yeah. But it is nothing but a little stargazing. We'll be fine." Vitxyillì answers her brother reassuringly.

"Good, be careful." Otayä says, a hint of concern in his eyes, even if he knows that Vitxyillì and Räi can both handle themselves.

"And have fun." Tezä adds in English.

"We will." Vitxyillì assures, smiling at her siblings.

Fyìse and Perä share a knowing look before smirking at Räi.

Stängäot puffs her cheeks out before looking at Räi judgementally and smiling at Vitxyillì... and frowning at Räi again.

"Behave, brother." Stängäot says in English as if he needs to be reminded to behave.

"I'll be good, you don't have to worry." Räi says in English.

Perä and Fyìse snicker.

"Sure, buddy." Perä jokes in English.

"No shenanigans." Fyìse adds, also jokingly, in English.

Räi rolls his eyes.

"You better not try anything." Otayä states lowly, his tail lashing while he glares at Räi.

"I can handle myself and Räi's not like that." Vitxyillì assures her brother.

"We won't do anything stupid." Räi adds, giving a thumbs up.

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