The arrival of Jake Sully

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A few months later, Jake blinks a few times as he slowly wakes up from his dreamless sleep he's been stuck in these past years, sighing as he looks around his cryo pod, feeling the stiffness and ache in his mind and body. His thoughts drift to the incident with his brother... but he decides it's best  to push those thoughts away for now.

Jake watches in fascination as a dot of liquid lands on the cryo pod's glass and that fascination turns to disgust at the idea of it being someone's saliva.

Jake's cryo bed opens and he looks around as he's brought out, of course he's strapped to the so called  bed but due to the lack of gravity, he does float slightly.

A doctor floats on over and looks down at Jake.

"Are we there yet?" Jake asks groggily as he's came out of  a dreamless sleep for five years.

"Yeah, we're there sunshine." The doctor says and grabs his arm, trying to check his pupils to make sure he's okay.

However, Jake is looking around still and not making the task easy for the doctor.

"We're there." The doctor repeats and lets go of his arm before unstrapping him, letting him go.

"You have been in cryo for five years, nine months and twenty two days. You will feel hungry, you will feel weak. If you feel nauseous please use the sacks..." A doctor says.

Jake zones the doctor out and uses the lack of gravity to get to the lockers, seeing the one labeled 'Sully. T' as for Tom Sully.. but it's Jake's locker now.
The spaceship continues heading to Pandora, the place everyone grew up hearing about but Jake never thought he'd be going here.

Once entering Pandora's atmosphere the people in the spaceship are transferred to a large aircraft towards the RDA main base.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exp-packs on!" A man tells the group.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go!" An assistant repeats to ensure everyone has gotten the message.

"Remember people, you lose that mask you're unconscious in twenty seconds and you're dead in four minutes. Let nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report." The commanding man says as he walks down the hall and people put their oxygen masks, also known as exo-packs, on.
"Hell's Gate tower, this is TAV 1-6 on approach. Crossing outer marker, mine is in sight." The pilot speaks into the radio.
The aircraft flies over the forest which is interrupted by an ugly huge mine sight which then has the facility that's caged off from the forest and the mine sight.

The aircraft lands in the facility, AKA the RDA's base.

"Harnesses off! Get your packs! Put it together! Let's go!" The commanding man says and the assistant echoes him again as the people do as they're told.

"Remember when that ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! Go straight inside. Wait for my mark!" The commanding man says and walks to the front of the line that has formed.

When the commanding man puts his oxygen mask on, the ramp comes down and Jake looks over curiously, still seated as he doesn't have space to pull out his wheelchair.

"Go, go, go, go! Get out of here! Keep moving! Let's go!" The commanding man says as the line pretty much run out.

Jake pulls his wheelchair out now that he has space and he unfolds it.

'There's no such thing as an ex Marine. You may be out, but you never loose the attitude. I told myself I could pass any test a man could pass.' Jake thinks to himself as he gets on his wheelchair.

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