Little miracle

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A few months later, in the old RDA base, Louise walks around.

"Kid! Where did you go, you little rascal?" Louise calls out for the toddler.

Miles, son of Quaritch and Paz was just a baby when the war which  happened last year, and he was left as an orphan as both Quaritch and Paz were killed.

As Miles  is named directly after Quaritch, according to the information they've been able to find on him at least, most of them don't like calling him by his name and come up with nicknames for him.

So when the RDA loyalists were sent back to Earth last year, Miles couldn't come along as you can't put babies in cryo.

So.. Louise, Max, Norm and other scientists loyal to the Na'vi have been looking after Miles.

None of them had thought they'd be caring for Quaritch's son, but here they are.

Louise hears Miles  giggling and  she chuckles softly under her breath, following the sound.

Louise pauses in the doorway, as this is the room Grace's Avatar in her Amnio Tank is in.

After Grace's death, her Avatar became dormant and they've kept the Avatar body in her room in an  Amnio Tank.

And the door is wide open.

Louise walks in and sees Miles staring at Grace's Avatar.

Miles quickly turns around, smiling shyly up at Louise as she walks over to him.

"How'd you get in here, little guy?" Louise asks softly, as the door is normally locked.

" wah-was o..pen!" Miles answers quietly, as he stands next to the Amnio tank, still keeping his eyes locked on Grace's Avatar.

Miles seems curious about what he's seeing, but also slightly frightened at the same time.

"It was open.." Louise echoes quietly before shrugging, figuring one of the others accidentally left the door open.

Louise picks Miles up and smiles sadly at Grace's Avatar.

Louise's gaze stays on Grace's face did a moment before trailing down, seeing the belly is really large, now..

Almost like a pregnant lady about to give birth any day now...

Which doesn't make any sense because Grace didn't have any lovers.. that anyone knows of.

But the fact Grace's Avatar body is pregnant is something that cannot be denied.

"Oh my god." Louise whispers.

Miles clings onto Louise, feeling more comfortable in her arms.

Miles looks back at the Avatar's swollen belly, not quite understanding what's going on but intrigued by it.

"Whazit?" Miles asks simply, pointing at the swollen belly.

Louise doesn't answer Miles, instead she rushes out of the room while carrying him, needing to tell Norm and Max about Grace's Avatar's pregnancy, if they don't already know.

And if they did know but didn't tell Louise, she's going to kick their asses.. probably.
A few days later, Jake has been told about Grace's Avatar being pregnant and due to give birth today.

Which doesn't make any sense because Grace is dead and she didn't seem to have any love interest in her life.. but her Avatar has been dormant so it's not entirely impossible.

Nonetheless, Jake shares this news with Neytiri while Neteyam is with Mo'at.

"Perhaps we should go see her?" Jake suggests once he's done.

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