War is here

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The next morning, Jake's in his Avatar body and so is Louise and Norm.

Neytiri, with Vitxyillì's help, is making sure all the bows are good and the arrows are as sharp as possible.

Some Na'vi are talking with each other, and some Na'vi are helping each other put war paint on.

Räi is with Tsu'tey, talking with him. Tezä is sitting with Stängäot, the duo painting each other with war paint and talking to each other.

As the Na'vi are making the final preparations, the tension is thick as everyone silently wonders if the plan will work.

Jake's watching all of them from the side, observing them as he does this to distract himself due to the growing feeling of dread in his gut since he's unsure of how well this plan is going to work.

Jake can't deny the fact that they do have an advantage and that there is a chance of this plan working but he still needs to keep the negative thoughts and pessimistic side of himself in check.

Jake's attention is taken to Toruk and Jake's stunned when he sees Solvaä, chirping to Toruk before nuzzling him.. with their body language and how they interact with each other, they seem to be mates.

Solvaä chitters softly and bobs her head up and down as Toruk watches, listening to her.

Solvaä then rubs her head under Toruk's chin affectionally, purring softly.

Toruk lets out a low purr, a sound of contentment and relaxation in the midst of everything that's going on.

Vitxyillì however, is unaware of what's going on with her Ikran and Toruk.

Once they're done making sure all the weapons are  perfect conditions, Vitxyillì goes over to Räi and Neytiri goes to Jake.

"You ready for war paint?" Neytiri asks, a hint of a mischievous grin pulling at the corner of her lips.

"I suppose I should be properly prepared for battle." Jake responds, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Go ahead and paint me, if you want." Jake jokes.

Neytiri grabs Jake's hand, tugging him along to a less crowded area, where paint is already set up. Once they get there, they let go of each other's hands and she grabs two bowls of different coloured paint, gesturing for him to sit down.

Jake obliges, settling down on a rock and waiting for Neytiri to begin. She kneels down in front of him, setting the bowls of paint at his feet. She dips her fingers into the paint, the texture cool and slick against her skin.

Neytiri looks up at Jake, a sense of focus in her eyes. Her fingers move with a sense of purpose as she begins to spread the paint across his body in intricate patterns.

Neytiri's  touch is gentle and deliberate as she moves across Jake's skin, spreading the paint in careful, deliberate movements. As she works, she glances up at him occasionally, a look of concentration and affection in her eyes.

Jake watches Neytiri  intently, taking in the focused expression on her face as her fingers move with purpose. The way she looks at him, the way she touches him, it makes his heart flutter.

Jake's fingers twitch as he fights the urge to reach out and touch her. He wants to pull her closer, to feel her body against his.

Jake struggles to remain still as Neytiri continues to paint him, the sensation of her fingers against his skin driving him crazy.

Jake's  thoughts keep drifting to how much he wants to pull Neytiri closer and run his fingers through her hair. But he knows that they are preparing for war, so he has to fight back the urges and save it for later.

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