Learning a lot of things

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Several weeks later, Neytiri and Vitxyillì take Jake somewhere private to teach him how to speak Na'vi, which happens to be an unoccupied branch of Hometree.

Neytiri holds her ears gently.

"Mikyun." Neytiri says the Na'vi name for ear.

Jake's eyebrows raise in surprise when he sees Neytiri holding her ears, he quickly copies her and holds his ears.

"Miltkyan." Jake echoes and looks at her, his accent and pronunciation is terrible, but he's trying so hard to get it correct.

Neytiri sighs at the failed attempt.

"You sound like a toddler trying to learn his first words." Neytiri says bluntly.

Jake laughs nervously, recognizing the truth in Neytiri's blunt comment. He drops his hands from his ears, rubbing the back of his neck slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, I kind of figured my pronunciation wasn't exactly on point." Jake confesses with a sheepish smile.

Neytiri rolls her eyes and puts her hands back down by her sides.

"It was close enough, what you're trying to say is Mikyun which means ear." Vitxyillì whispers softly before covering her mouth as she feels like she's about to vomit.

Neytiri's brows knit together in concern when she notices Vitxyillì looks like she's about to puke.

"Are you okay?" Neytiri asks her softly.

"Mmm. Mhm." Vitxyillì hums and swallows thickly.

Jake looks at Vitxyillì with a mix of curiosity and concern, noticing her discomfort.

Vitxyillì takes a few deep breaths, trying to compose herself.

"I'm fine. I just...feel a bit queasy." Vitxyillì adds, forcing a smile, but her eyes betray her lie.

Neytiri doesn't look convinced. She studies Vitxyillì's face, noticing the forced smile and the unease in her eyes. But Neytiri knows when and when not to push Vitxyillì on something, and this is definitely a 'not to' situation, so Neytiri doesn't, despite her concern.

Jake glances between Neytiri and Vitxyillì, his concern for Vitxyillì growing and Neytiri sighs softly, glancing at him briefly and he's about to say something when Vitxyillì looks at him expectantly, causing him to shut his mouth and stare at her, unaware what she wants from him.

"Try again with Mikyun." Vitxyillì says firmly.

Jake takes a deep breath, determined to correctly pronounce the word this time.

"Mikyun." Jake repeats, trying his best to copy Vitxyillì's pronunciation. He manages to form the word without sounding like a complete fool, although his accent still needs some work.

Jake looks at Neytiri, seeking her approval.

"Did I get it right this time?" Jake asks, a hint of hope in his voice.

Neytiri studies Jake for a moment, observing the determined expression on his face she nods slowly, acknowledging his effort.

"It was better." Neytiri concedes.

"At least I didn't hear a toddler this time." Neytiri adds teasingly.

Vitxyillì nods in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

Jake lets out a relieved sigh, a mix of pride and amusement in his eyes.

"I'll take 'not sounding like a toddler' as a win." Jake replies with a chuckle.

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