Welcome to the Omatikaya clan... try not to die

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Räi paces back and forth in front of Hometree, his heart heavy with worry. He's been forbidden by Tsu'tey to help in the search for Vitxyillì and Neytiri, but that doesn't stop Räi from fretting.

Räi's  been friends with Vitxyillì and Neytiri  for years now, and he's grown to care for them deeply. The thought of something happening to them makes his stomach twist in knots.

Räi knows Tsu'tey is just trying to protect Räi, but he feels useless standing by and doing nothing. He wants to help, to be part of the solution, but he's been relegated to the sidelines.

Räi takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself, reminding himself that Vitxyillì and Neytiri are skilled hunters. They've been through worse and have always returned.

But still, the worry grows. Räi glances up at the sky, wishing for a sign, for some indication that they're safe. He knows it's a futile gesture, but in his worry, he'll take any hope he can get.

Otayä and Tezä approach Räi cautiously, their eyes filled with concern. They had been told to stay back in case Vitxyillì and Neytiri return, and it is grating on Otayä's nerves to have been sidelined like this.

Otayä's is trying to keep his composure, and he's doing well, all things considered. Tezä, on the other hand, looks anything but fine.

Tezä's  eyes are red and puffy from crying, and she's clutching Otayä's hand tightly, his thumb running over the back of her hand soothingly.

Räi jumps at the sound of footsteps, his heart racing for a moment before he recognizes Otayä and Tezä approaching him. Räi forces a smile, trying to reassure them that he's okay, his heart aching for Tezä.

"Hey, Otayä, Tezä. How are you both holding up?" Räi asks, genuinely concerned for their wellbeing.

Otayä shrugs, his tail lashing briefly.

"We're fine." Otayä says, but his voice betrays a hint of impatience.

"Just waiting around, like everyone else." Tezä adds softly.

Räi nods, understanding their frustration.

"I know it's hard to just wait, but that's all we can do for now. And we need to be ready, just in case." Räi says gently.

"How long are we supposed to just sit here and do nothing?" Otayä mutters, his tail swishing irritably.

Räi understands Otayä's frustration all too well, but Räi knows that they have to trust in the others to find Vitxyillì and Neytiri.

"I know it's hard, Otayä." Räi says, his voice low and understanding.

"But we have to have faith. The others are out there, searching for them. They won't stop until they find them." Räi adds.

Otayä's jaw clenches, but he doesn't say anything. He knows Räi is right, but it doesn't make the waiting any easier.

Tezä sniffles, wiping her eyes with the back of her free hand.

"I just...I just hope they're okay." Tezä  whispers, her voice breaking.

Otayä squeezes Tezä's hand gently, trying to offer her some comfort. He wants to say that everything will be okay, that Vitxyillì and Neytiri will be fine, but he can't make that promise. All he can do is offer what little reassurance he can.

Räi's heart aches for Tezä and he steps closer to her and Otayä, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"They're strong. They've survived worse. They'll make it back, Tezä. I know they will." Otayä says quietly, his voice soothing.

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