Battle of the alphas

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The next morning, after the Omatikaya have discovered Neytiri is missing, they get together a search party.

"Räi, can you ask Vitxyillì if Neytiri mentioned anything about going somewhere?" Tsu'tey asks, knowing she's most likely to know where Neytiri is.

Räi hesitates as he doesn't want to wake his pregnant mate, but he nods and heads over to where Vitxyillì's asleep in their hammock.

Räi enters the  hammock, and he takes a deep breath and he wakes Vitxyillì  up very gently.

"Hey sweetheart, sorry to wake you up... but Tsu'tey wants to know if you know where Neytiri went?" Räi asks softly, his hand resting on her stomach, as he looks down at her waiting for a response.

Vitxyillì groggily looks up at Räi.

"Hey pretty boy." Vitxyillì whispers, smiling at him, having yet to process his question.

Räi chuckles softly, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against Vitxyillì's temple.

"Hey gorgeous... can you please tell me, if you know where Neytiri went?" Räi asks again, gently rubbing her belly.

"Yes Vitxyillì... she's gone. Tsu'tey is organizing a search party, and he wants to know if you have any clue where Neytiri might have gone."Räi explains calmly, sitting up straight, still gently rubs her stomach as he watches her.

"No. I don't know where she is." Vitxyillì mutters, growing more concerned.

"I'll come help look for her." Vitxyillì adds.

Räi smiles happily at Vitxyillì, but he still seems concerned as ever as she is pregnant, but he knows protesting against this would be pointless.

Räi nods softly to her response, his hand resting on her stomach for a second longer before he gives it a soft stroke as he stands up.

"Alright, let's go." Räi says as he offers her his hand which she takes and he  helps her up from the hammock.

Rai then leads Vitxyillì  where Tsu'tey is preparing everyone to go look for Neytiri, and after Vitxyillì explains she's just as clueless as the rest of them, she goes to help them look for her best friend.
Neytiri wakes up in Jake's empty Avatar's arms to the sound of machinery rumbling and branches cracking.

Neytiri sits up with a gasp, standing up, tail lashing in anger and worry as the sound of machinery gets closer and closer.

Neytiri looks on in horror as the Tree of Voices, sacred to her people, is mercilessly torn down by the machines of the RDA.

Neytiri then turns her attention to Jake's empty Avatar body and she straddles his body, shaking his shoulders.

"MA'JAKE!" Neytiri yells, desperate for him to wake up.

Jake's awake.. he's just in his human body back at the shack, not in his Avatar body so he's completely unaware of everything going on.
Back at the shack where Jake's in his human body, about to link with his Avatar, unaware of what's happening back with Neytiri.

"Don't forget your phase integration." Norm says, watching as he tries to start the linking process by himself.

"No, no, the middle button." Norm corrects Jake as he's about to hit the wrong button.

"Jake!" Grace says from down the hall, having discovered he skipped breakfast.

"You've got to eat something." Grace says, walking into the linking room, carrying his breakfast.

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