The little things mean so much

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The next day, Vitxyillì decides she wasn't much help with teaching Jake how to ride a Direhorse, so while Neytiri focuses on teaching Jake that, Vitxyillì goes about her clan life.

"Vitxy!" Tezä calls to her older sister as she runs over with a flower in her hand.

Vitxyillì smiles at Tezä as she runs over.

"A flower for your big sister?" Vitxyillì asks.

"Mhm!" Tezä confirms happily.

Vitxyillì smiles.

"You're sweet." Vitxyillì says softly.

"Can I put it in your hair?" Tezä asks.

"Of course." Vitxyillì replies and bends her head down slightly to allow Tezä to place the flower in her hair.

Tezä places it in Vitxyillì's hair and she smiles brightly when Tezä is done.

"You look pretty." Tezä replies happily, smiling wide.

Vitxyillì laughs and ruffles her sister's hair.

"Thank you, little sis." Vitxyillì says softly.

Vitxyillì glances away from her sister and notices a fully grown flower near by and she carefully plucks the flower and mutters a prayer and thanks to Eywa.

Vitxyillì then kneels down in front of Tezä.

"For you, my sweet sister." Vitxyillì says dramatically with a smile, returning the favour of flower giving.

Tezä smiles even wider and laughs as Vitxyillì puts the flower in Tezä's hair.

"Thanks, Vitx. I love you." Tezä says softly as she wraps her arms around Vitxyillì's waist, hugging her sister tightly.

"I love you too, sister." Vitxyillì says softly and she strokes Tezä's hair.

Tezä then lets go of Vitxyillì and skips off to find Stängäot.

Vitxyillì smiles fondly and gets up as Tezä goes off to do whatever.
At the same place Jake tried to ride his Direhorse yesterday, Neytiri sighs after watching his repeated failure at riding the same Direhorse as yesterday, falling off countless of times, but she knows they must get this done.

"You've got to try, again. We won't move onto anything else until I know you can do something as basic as riding." Neytiri instructs.

Jake nods as he walks over to the Direhorse, gently stroking her neck.

"Are you going to make it easy for me, this time?" Jake asks softly.

The Direhorse whinnies and stamps her foot and Jake smiles sarcastically.

"Didn't think so." Jake says softly, before grunting as he pulls himself onto the Direhorse's back and connecting their queues once he's ready.

The Direhorse shifts under Jake's weight and Neytiri watches, arms folded over her chest as the Direhorse trots around with her unexpired rider.

"Hey, check it out!" Jake exclaims happily after he's stayed on for the longest he's stayed on so far.

Neytiri smiles, impressed that Jake actually managed to stay on for more than twelve seconds.

"Ah, crap!" Jake exclaims as he is forcibly disconnected from the Direhorse's queue as he falls off for the uptenth time.

Neytiri covers her mouth with her hand, attempting and failing to stifle a laugh as she watches Jake hit the ground.

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