Socialising, because I just love that (not)

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Soon enough the meeting is over and people pile out.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Norm says as he makes his way through the crowd and sees Jake up ahead.

"Jake!" Norm calls out to him.

'Oh great, someone wants to talk to me.' Jake thinks to himself and speeds up slightly.

However Norm doesn't notice Jake's attempts to get away and catches up.

'Goddamn it.' Jake thinks to himself, knowing he has to socialise now.

"You're Jake right? Tom's brother." Norm asks as he walks alongside Jake.

Jake stares at Norm, wondering what he wants.

"Wow! You look just like him." Norm says, seemingly shocked over the prospect of identical twins.

"Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman." Norm introduces himself when he sees Jake's blank look.

Norm offers his hand to Jake and Norm has a slight hopeful look, so Jake forces himself to maintain politeness as he takes Norm's hand, giving it a firm shake.

"I went through Avatar training with him." Norm says, referring to Tom.

"Come with me, into the bio-lab." Norm says and leads him into the bio-lab.

Norm looks down at Jake briefly.

"We're going to spend a lot of time up here." Norm informs him.

"But it's worth it." Louise says as she walks over.

Jake looks up at Louise as she walks over, an internal sigh filling him as he realizes his hopes of avoiding socializing have gone out the window.

Jake quickly gathers his emotions and tries to hide his frustration, knowing he can't afford to make a bad first impression.

"Hey, it's good to see you again." Louise greets Norm, offering him her hand in which he shakes.

Norm looks down at Jake, noticing how he looks between them with a lost expression.

"Oh, Louise, this is Tom's brother, Jake Sully. Jake, this is Louise Truthbinder." Norm introduces the duo.

Jake offers Louise a polite smile.

"It's nice to meet you." Jake says quietly, not looking away from her as he's used to doing with people.

Louise looks at Jake and she smiles briefly in understanding as she sees he clearly doesn't want to socialise straight after being in cryo for so long.

"Likewise." Louise says softly.

"Grace will be out in a few hours, good luck with her." Louise adds and walks off to where she was heading as she is quite busy.

"Hey, how're you doing? Norm, Avatar driver." Norm introduces himself to other scientists as he leads Jake along.

"Hi." A female scientist greets politely.

"Hey." A male scientist greets the duo casually.

"Uh.. link... here's the link room, right here. This is where we connect to the Avatar." Norm tells Jake.

Jake wheels himself over curiously and sees the Amnio tanks where the Avatars are in, they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.

"Hey, welcome." Max says, giving Jake a kind smile.

"Hey." Jake says softly.

The duo shake hands.

"Welcome to Pandora, good to have you." Max says kindly.

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