Let the lessons begin

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When Jake gets to the lab, it seems Louise and Grace were waiting for him.

Grace activates her device that has the relevant photos of the Omatikaya, having gone over them last night with Jake but it's good to refresh his memory.

"Hey, Jake." Louise greets him when he wheels his way over to them.

"Hey." Jake replies with a slight nod of his head.

Louise and Grace walk either side of Jake's wheelchair as they enter the lab.

"Okay, let's run through them again." Grace says and holds the device in front of Jake.

The device currently shows a photo of Mo'at who looks less then amused.

"Mo'at. Dragon lady." Jake replies.

"Where did you get dragon from?" Louise asks.

"I don't know. She just reminds me of a dragon." Jake replies, glancing at her before looking back at Grace.

Grace swipes on the screen and the photo changes to Eytkuan.

"Eytucan." Jake miss pronounces the name horribly.

Louise tries and fails to hide her laughter.

"Well you're certainly way off on that one." Louise says and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Eytukan. He's the clan leader." Grace corrects and informs.

"But Mo'at's the spiritual leader. Like a shaman." Gracs adds as Norm comes over.

"Got it." Jake replies as he continues going to a link bed.

Grace changes the photo once again and now a photo of Tsu'tey appears.

Jake looks at Tsu'tey's photo for a few moments.

"T'su'tey." Jake horribly mispronounces the name.

Louise tries her best to hold her laughter in as Jake misses the entire pronunciation of the name.

Norm chuckles behind Louise.

"Tsu'tey." Grace corrects again.

"Tsu'tey." Jake repeats, getting it right this time.

"He'll be next clan leader." Grace adds.

Grace changes the photo to Neytiri, handing the device to Jake as he sits on the link bed.

Jake stares  at the photo of Neytiri  for a long time as he studies every part of her appearance, down to every last detail.

"Neytiri." Jake replies, pronouncing her name perfectly.

"She'll be the next Tsahìk. Tsu'tey and Neytiri will become a mated pair." Grace adds, hands on her hips as she tells him what she didn't tell him last night.

Jake looks back at Grace.

"Mated pair?" Jake repeats, his eyes scanning over Neytiri's  photo again.

"What is that?" Jake asks, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"It's a Na'vi custom, Jake. They mate for life, much like certain animals." Louise explains, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Tsu'tey and Neytiri will be a powerful pair, leading the Omatikaya together." Grace adds.

Jake knows he's in no position to be jealous, but it is hard to not feel the twinge of jealousy at the thought of Neytiri being with someone else.

Jake takes a deep breath and he swallows hard, trying to ignore the feeling.

"Are they together now?" Jake asks.

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