Prison escape

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An hour goes by and Jake sits in his wheelchair with his head tucked down while Grace and Louise sit together while Norm lays down.

Each and every single one of them are emotionally drained, but Louise is quite happy with herself after somehow persuading the guard outside the holding cell to give her pain medication; shoving the tablet through the air hole into her hands and she swallowed the tablet before the guard could change his mind.

The guard, seeing  Trudy standing outside with a metal trolley, presses a button and the doors open. Trudy enters the room right outside of the holding cell, gaining the four captives' attention.

Jake lifts his head at the sound of the door opening, his expression one of weary resignation. Beside him, Grace and Norm straighten up, their eyes watching as Trudy steps into the room.

Upon noticing Trudy, Louise's tired eyes immediately light up with a flicker of hope, and she hastily tries to push herself up to her feet.

However, Louise's  injuries and drained state make the motion slow and unsteady, causing her to stumble a bit before managing to balance herself.

Jake and Grace exchange a look of concern. Despite their own exhaustion and battered state, they can't help but worry about Louise's condition.

"Lou, take it easy. You need to rest." Grace  cautions, watching the younger woman teeter unsteadily.

"Yeah, don't push yourself too hard." Jake echoes the concern, his eyes flickering with worry.

Louise waves a hand at them as if batting away their concerns, her gaze fixated on Trudy.

"I'm fine." Louise mutters.

Jake and Grace immediately exchange another look, their skepticism evident. They share a mutual understanding of Louise's stubborn nature.

Jake rolls his eyes slightly, knowing their concerns will continue to be brushed off.

"What's going on, brother? Long time no see." Trudy greets the guard casually like they're old time buddies.

The guard returns Trudy's greeting with a gruff smile, a hint of familiarity in his eyes.

"Hey." The guard greets back, walking over to her.

The four captives share curious and cautious glances as they observe the exchange between Trudy and the guard. The familiarity between them both is evident, and it sparks a mixture of intrigue and skepticism within each one of them.

Jake's gaze remains fixated on the interaction, his fingers gripping his wheelchair's armrests tightly, silently watching.

Grace's eyes narrow slightly as she studies the guard and Trudy, Grace's mind already working to assess the situation and possible implications.

Norm's expression is one of quiet calculation as he assesses the situation, his body tensing slightly.

Louise's eyes dart back and forth between Trudy and the guard, Louise's  mind trying to piece together the subtext of the conversation.

"Personally I don't feel like these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak." Trudy says the line which she'd been rehearsing in her head on the way here.

Louise's eyes widen with a mix of anger and disbelief, her face contorting into a mixture of annoyance and offense at Trudy's words.

Louise opens her mouth to protest, but a quick glance from Grace holds her back.

Grace gives a subtle shake of her head, silently cautioning Louise  to hold her tongue.

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