Absolutely and undeniably in love

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That night, Vitxyillì and Räi are currently walking around the forest, staying close to the clan however.

Vitxyillì laughs as Räi runs ahead, tugging her hand.

"Räi where are you taking me?" Vitxyillì asks curiously.

"Come, it's not that far." Räi replies eagerly.

Vitxyillì laughs too and follows Räi's lead, trusting his judgement.

"Okay, okay let's go. But if this is your way of taking me somewhere private, just to-" Vitxyillì is cut off from her rambling when she sees where he was taking her.

Räi has lead Vitxyillì to a field of her favourite flowers, which happen to be moon flowers, which live up to their name and bloom in the night.

Vitxyillì's eyes widen when she sees the field of night blooming flowers, and she gasps in amazement.

"Oh my Eywa, Räi... this is beautiful..." Vitxyillì whispers softly.

Räi smiles, his eyes trained on Vitxyillì.

"I remembered you told me about how much you love these flowers, so I wanted to bring you here." Räi answers softly.

Vitxyillì smiles and places her hand on Räi's arm, brushing her fingers on his skin.

"Thank you. This is lovely." Vitxyillì says softly, reluctantly pulling her hand from him and turning to face the flowers again.

Räi smiles and nods, letting Vitxyillì bask in the beauty of the flowers.

Both of them remember from years ago when they were younger, when Vitxyillì told Räi her favourite flower.

It was a year or so after they began attending Grace Augustine's school.
Vitxyillì skips around Hometree and she comes to a stop as she notices Räi watching her with an amused expression.

Räi laughs at Vitxyillì's playful, carefree nature, enjoying seeing her having so much fun.

"What are you doing, Vitxyillì?" Räi asks as he walks over to her.

"Having fun, you skxawng." Vitxyillì says playfully.

"Good to see." Räi says softly, as it's clear she is hyped about something so he's glad she's getting her energy out, but he's more glad that's she's happy than anything.

"What's got you in such a cheerful mood today?" Räi asks curiously.

"Last night I saw moonflowers bloom! They were so pretty! And they smelled so beautifully! I love moonflowers so much!" Vitxyillì rambles excitedly.

"I've heard of those flowers. They bloom in the night, don't they?" Räi asks, thinking back to what he has heard about them.

"Mhm! But only once a year." Vitxyillì explains, even more glad she got to see the flowers blooming.

Räi sees Vitxyillì's eyes light up at the mention of the flowers and he can tell just how much she loves them.

Räi's heart melts just a little at seeing how happy Vitxyillì is over something so simple.

"Those must have been something else." Räi replies.

"I'm glad you were able to see them." Räi adds, smiling softly.
As the memory comes to an end, they stand there for a while, both of them enjoying the other's presence and observing the field of flowers.

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