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"Stacey? I feel..weird." Julie says, rubbing her red eyes.

"Uh, like, weird how?" Stacey asks, oblivious to what Julie might have.

"My shoulder hurts."

She reveals her bite mark.

"Dude, is that..a hickey..or a bite mark? Like..an infection bite mark?" Stacey backs away.

"It-it's not a fucking hickey, Stacey. I woke up with it."

"Holy fuck! Did you sleep with Gideon?" Stacey backs up to the wall.

"Uh, yeah, bitch. He's my fucking boyfriend."

Stacey gasps, before announcing a message.

"Everyone, please exit the coffee shop. I think my co-worker is infected, and- and if I get infected too, I want to keep you safe. Run, please!" Stacey screams in horror, running away with everyone else.

"W-what the fuck?" Julie says, watching everyone leave. "Holy shit. I think I am infected."

Julie runs, and goes to the hospital.

"Please, please get me a doctor! Fast! I..I think I have the virus!" Julie says, surprisingly maintaining to not swear.

They admit her to a doctors office and they proceed with the water, cleaning her bite, bandaging it, and cleaning her eyes out.

"So.. How were you exposed..Julie?"

"Um.. My boyfriend is..infected..I think? I slept with him. I guess he bit me."

"Please stay away from him, hon." The nurse says, letting her leave.

"Julie!! How wonderful it is to see you!" Gideon says, stopping her outside of the hospital.

"W-What? How did you find me? Please don-"


Julie Powers

Infected: ??????????
Sanity: ???
Notes: ???
Inventory: ???
Quote: ???
Status: ???

Stacey is on the phone with Wallace.

"Wallace? I think Julie is infected."

Wallace laughs. "Oh shit, wait. That's real?"

"Yeah. I uh.. haven't seen her since she had a bite mark."

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now