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heyy i js wanna say im pulling an all nighter tn so expect lots more parts okay?? anddd im so happy some ppl r reading this lol ilysm ty😭

☆ start

"So..who started this virus anyway?" Scott asks.

"Gideon." Ramona rolls her eyes.

Ramona Flowers

Sanity: 89%
Infected: No
Notes: Scared
Inventory: Subspace Highway
Quote: "I hate Gideon."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey, guy!" Wallace says, running towards Scott.

Wallace Wells

Sanity: 90%
Infected: No
Notes: Still not feeling well. Bloody coughs still occur often for some reason.
Inventory: Pennies
Quote: "I feel a little better. I think."

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Scott asks.

"Better." Wallace coughs.

"You-You're still coughing blood?"

"Yeah..I guess so-"


"I don't- usually- c- cough cough t-this cough mu- cough"

"Wallace? Are you o-"

Wallace kneels down, coughing a lot of blood out.


"Wallace?!" Scott is very worried.

He stops coughing, and takes Scott's hand to stand up.


"Uh, are you okay?" Scott looks at the pile of blood.

"Ye-Yeah. I'm just a little lightheaded. That's all." Wallace smiles.

"Dude..that's a lot of blood." Ramona buds in.

"I'm okay." Wallace reassures her.

"You're not."

"I am."

"That's what Stacey and Julie said."

Wallace pauses.

"They were infected."

He looks concerned.

"Whatever. Stay safe, please."

"Of course." Wallace says, walking away, before coughing quickly again.

"Ramona!" A familiar voice sounds.

"W-Huh?" Ramona looks back.

"Hey, Ramona!"


Roxie Richter

Sanity: 94%
Infected: ???
Notes: Hasn't seen Ramona in forever
Inventory: ???

"Hello?" Ramona says awkwardly.

"Seen Kim anywhere?"

"..About that."


"She's infected."


"Kim. Sh-"


Roxie is pulled back by none other than..

Kim Pines

Sanity: ???
Infected: Stage 4
Notes: This is not Kim. This is her body.
Inventory: Crumbled Sex Bob-Omb poster & blood
Quote: "..."

"Roxie!" Ramona screams, trying to catch Roxie before she is taken by Kim, and before getting bit and torn apart.

"..." Ramona watches her 4th evil ex torn into bits on the floor by Scott's ex..or best friend..Kim.

"W-What.. is happening?.." Scott says.


DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now