idk what to put here

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"Well, I haven't seen him I think he's dead or something."

"I really hope so.."

☆ later

Scott arrives back home.

"Wallace? Walllacceeeee!!"




"Sc-Scott— I think I-I'm.."

"What?! Where are you?!"


Scott runs around all of the bloody tissues, and looks in the kitchen and bathroom.

"Where the fuck are you Wallace?!"

"I-I'm..i-in..the— with.."

"With?? With who?!" Scott panics.

"With me."

It's Young Neil.

Young Neil

Sanity: ???
Infected: Said to be; Stage 4
Notes: Holding Wallace at knifepoint; hasn't bit him yet..for some reason..and the same thing happened to Knives
Inventory: Knife
"You're gonna die a slow death, Scott."

"Fucking put him down, Young Neil!"


"Why should I?"

"Because..because he deserves to live..and you're already"

"Oh, right. Cause this body wanted to die. It was only an let me make this one!"

"But you're holding him at knife point..that seems like it's on pur-"

"Shut the fuck up, Scott!!"

"Just leave him alone!"

Young Neil stabs Wallace in the arm and runs away.

Wallace screams in pain, and falls, getting caught by Scott.

"F-Fuck.. guy!"

Wallace Wells

Infected: No
Health: 19%
Sanity: 89%
Notes: Accepting his death
Inventory: ???
"Why does everyone hate me?!"

Scott takes Wallace to the hospital..again.

☆ later

"Wallace seems to be fine..and Knives does too. Why did Young Neil not bite either of them?!"

"Maybe he's just cold-hearted."

"No..It's Young Neil. He wouldn't do this."

"But he wouldn't bite anyone either. And he isn't."

"He's still infected. He just doesn't want to spread it."

"Whatever floats your boat, Scott."

Scott thinks about what Young Neil had said.

FLASHBACK: "Oh, right. Cause this body wanted to die."

"He said his soul was gone! That's Stage 4."

"He said that. That doesn't mean it's true."


"Hey, Ramona!" Knives says.

"Hey! Feeling alright?"

"Yeah. I'm still like super scared though. I hope this will all end soon."

"Me too, but I won't give my hopes up."

"Where is Stephen?"

"I don't know."

"..Please tell me he's okay."

"I'm sorry..Knives..but I can't promise anything."

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now